Thursday, April 11, 2013

11 April 2013- Inside an Outside World....

So i got up this morning knowing that my schedule had to be perfect for me to maximize my time in the gym. I got up on time and did everything that needed to be done to be ready for the day and my earlier than normal timings. Or so i thought. I got the gym and as i walked to the doors it hit me, i forgot my work boots. DAMN IT! So i quickly turned around because i knew at this early hour i could easily be home and back in under 20 min. So starting under the gun i was moving swift and fast.
Anyone can be throat punched on a Thursday!

0600 hrs

Skipping -5 x 30 sec
Prowler (20 m there and back)
1 x 40 m x 90
3 x 40 m x 140
Face Pull Sled Drags (there...)
4 x 20 x 90
Backwards Sled Drag (...and back)
4 x 20 x 90
Head Harness (250 reps total)
20 lbs x 65, 60, 65, 60

All of this was done in a semi circuit. I did not care about the order i just simply got it done. I was pressed for time since i was starting 25 min late. No rest other than to suck enough wind so as not to pass out and suppress the urge to vomit.

Banded Triceps (205 reps total)
70, 60, 40, 35

The Tricep work i started after the Dragging was finished and i simply rested long enough for the pain to subside so i could do another set. I used the orange and red Elite FTS bands (avg and light i think).

Managing Angry Moments (BARELY):
So while i was pushing the Prowler some jerk off decided he wanted to foam roll at the opposite 20 m line which would have been fine if had not set up DIRECTLY ACROSS from the Prowler. He saw me pushing yet thought it  was OK to set up there. Fracking Uni-kids in the facility i use are semi-brain dead. I did actually yell at him to move. he ignored me. So i yelled out "fair enough i will run you over" as i picked up speed with the Prowler. He still pretended to not hear me. I pushed slightly to the right of him and when i turned the Prowler at the 20 m line i swung the Prowler around so that the plates loaded were a mere 3" from his head. At this point he saw me but said nothing. It is Throat punch Thursday after all, his neck was 15 inches or less and on this morning i was more than willing to offer physical violence.
Yes a very dick move on my part but dealing with some of these young cocky assholes all the time i am going to snap once in a while. By the time i got to the other 20 m line he had moved off to do some other lame shit he read in a magazine. He did make a point of not making eye contact with me the rest of the time i was in there.
I was more completely choked and pissed off because in a massive field house he picked a spot directly in my way after he had already seen what i was doing there and then refused to move.

1300 hrs

Flutter Kicks with Board 2 Lengths (1 Lap)
Front Crawl 5 min x 30 sec per Length x 1 min rest
Front Crawl 10 min x 50-55 sec Lap x 1 min rest
Deep Water Running 10 min
Single Leg Jumps 30
Jump Squats 30

Front Crawl i pushed the pace again. Doing full laps today really sucked but again my recovery time of 1 min for roughly 50 sec of swimming was spot on. Although i cut the flutter board work short after 1 lap because my legs felt marble. The Prowler (Tues), followed by Deadlift (wed), Prowler (Thurs am) i guess caught up to me. But after Five minutes of front crawl i found my pace and picked up speed. I cut the running out instead opting to run in the deep end longer. I hopefully worked some lactic acid out of my legs. Jumps are coming along for sure, i am getting cocky. I was considering jumping the lane dividers. Almost. maybe another week or two.

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