Ok so where have I been? I left after work last Thursday to visit my parents for the Easter weekend. There was not a lot of time to get to the gym and we were focused on a bunch of other things. I did do a lot of stretching, Foam Rolling, and Glute activation. I also am still pushing the ROM in a kneeling position and trying to massage /release the knot in right calf. When that is gone i will be able to kneel fully. I did train this week starting on Tuesday.
02 April 2013
Warm Up:
Rev Hyper /Back Ext /Rainbows /Red Band Pull-a-part (thumbs up)
Skipping 2 min
3 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 5 x 170
1 x 3 x 195
1 x 5 x 215
3 x 10 x 145 (Close Grip)
Everything moved solid and fast. After driving home the day before hips and low back were extremely tight first thing in the morning.
Machine Rows
1 x 10 x 120
1 x 10 x 140
1 x 10 x 165
Barbell rows
3 x 15 x 135
Assistance: TKE /Face Pulls /Dips /Rev Hyper /GHR
The Barbell Rows i am using to help build the leg indirectly. Also i have to really focus on my hip /low back to keep them tight and in position. Something else i having to re-establish. There is a theme building here i will elaborate on.
03 April 2013
Warm Up:
GHR /Back Ext /Monster Walks /Banded Side Step /Rainbows /Thumbs up Band Pull-a-parts
Skipping 3 min 15 sec On /Off
2 x 5 x 135
2 x 5 x 185
1 x 5 x 205
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 245
1 x 5 x 275
Front Squat
1 x 10 x bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 10 x 95
1 x 10 x 135 (knees wrapped)
1 x 10 x 135 (no wraps
Very happy with this. Still not as strong through the VMO as i would like but it is coming. Used Double Over hand grip until the 245 lbs. My Grip is something else that is feeling better. I made sure to hold the 245 for 5 sec on the last rep and i held the 275 lbs on the last rep for 10 sec before putting it down. The bar is not slipping but the grip is not vice-like mostly because of the time off. The Deadlift is coming along fast i think in a big part due to the fact i did this right up until surgery. The front squat feels solid on the quads, the wraps was an experiment and practice. The plan is to really up the volume on the Front Squats on this day. Deadlifts will begin to fall on Thursdays i think. Still laying out the weekly template.
04 April 2103
Skipping 3 min 10 sec On /Off
Run - Walk 1 min x 2
Warm-Up: Hanging leg raise /Rev Hyper /Red Band Pull-a-parts
OH Press
2 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 60
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 5 x 110
1 x 3 x 120
1 x 6 x 135
3 x 8 x 95
Assistance Work: Trap Mach Shrug /Weighted Side Bends /Horizontal Shrug /Seated Calf /ADduction /ABduction /KB Row
05 April 2013
Warm Up: Rev Hyper /Banded Side Step /Monster Walk /TKE /GHR /Dips
3 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x Bar
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 4 x 205
1 x 5 x 205
1 x 5 x 225
Rebuilding the Squat is going to take a few weeks. Trying to figure out how to stay tight without over pressuring is a new problem for me. The first set with 205 my spotter had to catch me, i almost blacked out. I put my belt on after that and it was like an instant cue on how to pressurize. It is also strange for the Knee. No pain but i am also missing nerve ending so my brain is not used to this being the new "normal" for me. Also have to still focus heavily on staying even, my left groin seems to be over working. So it will be slow and steady with the weight so as not to create a new problem. But stretching and foam rolling will solve it i am sure. The stiffness doesn't settle in until later in the day.
06 April 2013
Warm Up: TRX Face Pull /Band Pull-a-parts
Pull ups 10, 16, 10, 10
Push Ups 4 x 20
Bosu Spinal flexion 4 x 25
Head Harness 20 lbs - 15, 20, 20, 20
Everything felt slow and sluggish. Especially the Pull Ups, in a word Grotesque. So i shut it down after 30 min and stretched for 30 min. Felt better after that. I will schedule a full Scale Pull Up assault later this week. I really want to get these back on track. The goal is to smash 20 reps by my Birthday in May this year.
Notes and thoughts:
So that is everything up until this morning. I did do pool sessions this past Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. The Explosiveness on my jump squats is becoming awesome, now to transfer that power onto to dry land. My Conditioning when i swim is coming along nicely. The pieces are still coming together.
Speaking of pieces when i sat down last week to re-write my template it was almost overwhelming I am allowed to do everything i used to do. Except i realized i am not healthy yet. So i was trying to schedule my old program with the stuff i still have to do now (jumps, glute activation, Quad strength, ROM, etc) so i had a page full of stuff i wanted to work in. Unfortunately i only have one energy source and trying to do super high volume twice or three times a day was way to much. So i came up with a different approach. DO LESS.
I will still Squat /Bench /Deadlift /OH Press /Pull Ups every week. The difference is until i am 100% i will do little to no Big assistance exercises (straight leg Deadlifts, good mornings, leg press, weighted glute bridges, etc) Instead i will do TKE's, Seated Calf, Standing Calf, single leg work(lunges or step ups) Skipping, and GHR. Lots of GHR. I think simply high volume on the Squats and Deadlifts will make a difference for now anyhow rebuilding my lifts. I will continue working on the running daily in some form or fashion.
Speaking of the running, i am still only hitting 2-4 Runs a session, but i am getting faster every time out. The leg still fatigues which leads to the patellar knee pain. This is also lessened since i raised the volume on the glute work. I do more glute work than a Brazilian Butt Lift Trainer. It is helping. Now that my street is clear of Snow and crud i will start running outside. There is a nice 1 mile Loop in my neighbourhood. I will work on completing that. Being able to run straight only i think will help.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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