Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 April 2013- Push a little bit harder

Up early again this morning. Work is early mornings all week so I hoping the lack of sleep doesn't catch up to me. I haven't mentioned it but the gym has been like an actual circus this week with some of the things i have seen people doing as "exercises". This session also seemed to have a real thermogenic effect. I could not stop sweating until about 9 am. Although after this i went to work, stood in a steaming hot room for 30 min, then moved a bar fridge by myself, and then moved 12 cases of printer paper. But i spent almost the whole day trying to get Hydrated.
0545 hrs
Warm Up (Before and During the first 3-4 sets of Deadlift):
GHR 3 x 10
Banded Sidestep 3 x 10
Monster Walk 3 x 10
Red Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 10
So Close!
1 x 5 x 95
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
2 x 5 x 205
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 250
1 x 5 x 275
1 x 5 x 300
1 x 5 x 225

Deadlifts felt very solid again today. Definitely felt stronger through the Knee than last week. The 5 x 300 was very smooth and strong. My Technique was not perfect but close. 315 (3 man hole covers) is the goal for next week. Very happy with this. The grip is coming along also. I am not slipping but around 250 lbs i have to switch to an alternating grip. The volume and time will help.

Head Harness 20 lbs -245 reps Total 
-done from beginning to end of the session (30, 30, 40, 30, 35, 45, 35)
Red Band Tricep PullDowns 210 reps Total
 -Started these during the Front Squats (80, 80, 50)

Front Squats
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 10 x 95
3 x 10 x 115

This was a solid weight today. After all the Deadlifting there was not a lot of energy left in my legs. All sets Ass to grass but very solid. I find it Ironic that my front squat is coming along better than my normal Squat. No Run training today. My Achilles /Calves needed a small break. Skipping, Running, Sled Drags, and Prowler tomorrow in a tornado session.

Watched Henry Rollins Dvd last night. his show from 2005 in Australia. he talked a lot on how he hated complacency in this world and how he woke every morning, screamed, and Intently gave the Middle Finger to the mere thought of not living his life to his fullest each and every day. So many people have disability or handicaps in some way. if you are healthy and able bodied. Celebrate it every fucking day. So much in life is gone before we decide to appreciate it. When i am old and crippled i will not lay around with regret i will take solace and happiness knowing i earned every ache and pain i have.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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