Monday, September 9, 2013

09 Sept 2013 -Punch me in the Ear.

0610 hrs

I woke up and was a little slow so moving. I definitely feel like i squatted heavy yesterday. it is a great feeling. So yeah any how the bridge is closed until 6 am and it is 30 min on the highway to get to the gym.

 I left the house in the nexus of time where it is not any faster to take the highway but i still have to wait for the bridge. Hence the 0610 hrs timing, i know exciting right?

Leg Press Eccentrics
1 x 8 x 90
1 x 7 x 180
1 x 7 x 270
The 270 was an excellent controlled but leg trembling heaviness. I will start adding more sets at the top end next week.

ABduction 2 x 25 x 100 lbs
ADduction 2 x 25 x 205 lbs
This continues to make my hip feel better.
Salmon are high in Omega-3 Goodness. The Chicago bears won their opening game of the season yesterday.

Horizontal Shrug 2 x 17 x 45 lbs
Db Rows 2 x 11 x 50 lbs
I wanted simply to push some blood through my upper back. I was not feeling things engage hard enough and I wanted to get on the Prowler so i shut it down after 2 sets.

Prowler (all runs with high handles)
1 x 20 m x 90 lbs
8 x 20 m x 50 lbs
Prowler work today was about speed and breathing so hard my lungs would burst. I could feel a little tto much burn with the 90 lbs since i had Squatted yesterday. The 50 lbs was a perfect weight, enough to make me see visions but not enough to create lactic acid burn after 3 sets. I am glad the humidity is down in the field house so that when they clean the floor it is not wet for 4 days every week.
I would call this conditioning, not necessarily weight loss. On a different Note i am able to run stairs two at a time again. Another post surgery milestone. 

Odds & Sods
-yet another gas mask training guy in the field house. I really don't get these guys. I will say this though at least they usually doing larger compound /multi joint movements.
-on the opposite end of the spectrum in the weight room a lot of young guys peacocking around the weight room doing side laterals, bicep curls and cable fly's then having severe cases of ILS.
-on the weekend a father and son Benching. Using straps, this befuddles me.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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