0905 hrs
I was excited and fired up this morning as i drove to the gym. Smashing the steering wheel and yelling. yes i am bit of a freakish maniac. But my mom and my girlfriend loves me still so it is all good. Failure was not an option this morning, i was going to find a way to get shit done. I knew with it being a Squat session this morning i was definitely going to turn things around for the week and the rest of the fracking year. I have come to far to have a shitty fall /winter training run. I am streamlining and making adjustments on the fly. To say i am motivated this morning is understatement. I am FIRED UP!
Warm Up:
Mobility Hip Series X
Mtn Climbers
Banded Side step
Standing leg Adduction
Lying Hip Ext
Bench Jumps 3 x 3
Depth Jumps 3 x 3
Ext Rotation (done between Squat sets) 5 x 5 x Red Mini Band
Head Harness 5 x 15 x 26 lbs
3 x 10 x Bar
2 x 5 x 120
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 3 x 180
1 x 5 x 195
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 10 x 255
1 x 5 x 325
1 x 3 x 355 (last rep was a little high but i buried the other two.)
First Set last
4 x 7 x 195 (almost no rest)
As I predicted Squats went very well. Doing the Short sets of ext rotation seem to help my setup especially on my left side was i seemed to be in better tune with how my shoulder blade was sitting. My hip handled every set very well. If anything good has come from the last weeks the drawback has allowed my hip to relax a little bit. i stopped at 10 reps with the 255. I am keeping the 10 reps as my cap for my max out sets. Overall my regular work sets were all tight, fast and explosive.
I am pretty sure the 355 is a post surgery Rep PR. 325 felt a lot easier. The heavier weights are starting to feel comfortable again as opposed to spine crushing and slow. my body is adjusting to the loads.
The back down (First set Last) I simply powered through with minimal rest. I worked hard but I don't think a single set went right to muscle failure. This is about getting strong(er) and not missing reps. I will use the Circus Trg to mentally challenge myself..
Following done in a Circuit (1 min rest after Hammer Curls) Aka Circus Training
GHR 3 x 10
KB Shrugs 3 x 15 x 70 lbs
Tricep Pull Downs 3 x 15 x Orange Medium band
Hammer Curls 3 x 15 x 25 lbs
All exercises were done with textbook technique. I may not use the same exercises every week but i will build to up to 5 sets. It saves time while allowing me to still get my Assistance work done. I guess a little METCON Action too.
I have plans to do some light sprints on the grass field tonight to see where my knees are at. Tomorrow will be a Prowler /Sled Drag recovery /rehab day. More heart popping and breathing hard.
The momentum has shifted now to hold onto it.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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