Circuit #1 Blast Straps(non stop) Y's 3 x 11 Face Pulls 3 x 11 Rollouts 3 x11 T's 3 x 11 OH Tricep Ext 3 x 11
Something to create blood flow and work the morning kinks out.
Circuit #2 Kirkawoski Rows
1 x 7/7/7 x Bar
1 x 7/7/7 x 135
2 x 7/7/7 x 185 TKE's
2 x 21 x EFS Medium Gray Band Head Harness
3 x 25 x 35 lbs
Yes i went back to the same exercise i popped the rib out with 2 days ago. Trying things out. Everything went well. The TKE's felt great for my knee as well. More blood flow work not much else.
14 x 20 m x 90 lbs
Where did the 14 come from? That is number of times Matt Forte Carried the ball for the Bears. I will start using his number of carries to determine Monday Morning's Prowler Runs. Took me about 25 min. I was sharing the Prowler this morning so I did not pick the weight but it worked out well.
Another Monday Lunch Time Swim is planned. I have started Swimming on my Monday and Wednesday Lunch hrs again. Trying to keep it consistent.
1730 hrs
Sleep was junk last night and with it being the weekend i slept in and then watched the Bears Game. Knowing that it would be a straight forward training day. Hip is a little more "pinchy" today but the rib cage is feeling better after i had to put a rib back in yesterday. I may still see if i can get in to see the Physio this week to have her check on it. any how
Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 21 x red EFS Band Ext Rotation 2 x 10 Squat
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 10 x 135
1 x 11 x 155
1 x 11 x 185
Feet were fairly narrow. Nice and deep well below parallel. Fast reps as well. minimal rest not breathing hard but not more than 2 min between sets either Sumo Deadlift
1 x 9 x 40 kg
1 x 9 x 60 kg
1 x 9 x 70 kg
1 x 9 x 80 kg
Oblique started to fire and cramp on the left side after my last two sets. Still cannot tell if this is helping or hindering my Hip. Time will tell i guess.
Hip Traction for Hip Impingement 3 min (felt like new after this)
I decided to do this before i left and glad i did. All the pinching and twinging disappeared at least for the ride home. I will make sure i do this daily until things are feeling 100%. I knew going into my hip was going to have to get worse before it got better but as long as i can continue to train around it all will be fine.
0945 hrs Blast Straps Ext Rotation 10 ea U-T-Y-W 10 ea
Superset (Blast Straps) Push Ups 5 x 7 Rows 5 x 15 Rollouts 5 x 9
Head Harness (done throughout)
5 x 17 x 35 lbs
Superset Banded Incline Push Ups 4 x 13 x Red EFS Mini Band Kirkawoski Rows
1 x 7/7/7 x bar
1 x 7/7/7 x 135
1 x 7/7/7 x 185
1 x 7/4/7 x 205 Prowler
2 x 35 m x 50 lbs
2 x 60 m x 50 lbs
Pull Overs 1 x 15 x 50 lbs
The Whole point of today was to rebuild my Saturday morning Calisthenics work.As well as to get some rehab work done in the form of rebuilding my Push Ups. Running with the Prowler it was a little bit tender from the Shaman's handi work yesterday but they were solid runs with the Prowler.
The last set Of Rows i popped a rib, AGAIN. Nothing too bad i did manage to push it in again.
The Pullovers were an experiment to help my rotator and stretch my intercostals. It worked out OK i will keep using the exercise to stretch and rehab things. A solid day.
A day to relax slightly, take a small step back to get ready to deload next week. Stretching today. Rehab. As well as a visit to the RMT. Notes from the RMT:
- Tested my Push Ups on the floor. My Scapula stays where it should. Now i just have to let my get used to doing lots of Push ups again. That starts tomorrow with the Return of Silver Back Saturday.
-The Shaman worked on my Sub scap again. Not nearly as troublesome or tight as last time.
-We both agreed the worst of this shoulder blade episode is probably behind me.
-I am take a look at my "gummy hip"
-Immediately he could tell the lack of smooth movement in my left hip. I Blame sitting in a canoe for 2 days last week. I don't normally do that stuff so my body was probably a little bit shocked.
-He released my left side /hip area, Psoas, and Hip Flexors. As well as Glute /pirformis.
-We tested and re-tested my ROM. External and Internal Rotation were a lot better.
I commented during the treatment i don't plan on going into Olympic Gymnastics but i would like to put on my socks pain free. This is an impairment that has not directly affected my training as of yet. So we are turning the tide so to speak and starting to get into Prehab treatment. As long as I stay healthy i can cut my visits to the Shaman to once a month for maintenance. A solid week.
Eating food today. Tomorrow back at it.
FUCKING HELL YEAH! A Huge Marker Post in my recovery today. As well as a mental hurdle i was not truly sure was there until i was about to step up to the bar.
The Technique JL Taught me aka the Mjolnir Technique was fully locked in today.
0540 hrs ADduction 2 x 20 x 115 ABduction 2 x 20 x 205 Rollovers /Wipers 10 ea
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 155
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 255
1 x 5 x 285
1 x 1 x 320
1 x 1 x 365
1 x 1 x 405 (Post Surgery PR and breaking the 400 barrier for the first time since surgery.)
I watch this video now before every Deadlift session. Thanks for putting this out JL. Go to THE SPOT ATHLETICS for more awesomeness!
I backed off on the PR set just slightly. 320 was easy. i was supposed to go to 355 but 365 was easier to load. After 365 flew off the floor i thought do i want to swap 25's for 35's or go all in today. (obviously i went with the 45's.)
Until I loaded the bar with 405 lbs and was getting ready to lift i was totally unaware that this was a mental barrier. For about 3 seconds doubt flashed through my head, and then i remembered Dave Tate's words from the seminar: (paraphrasing of course) "When you get to the bar 1 of three things will happen.You Make It. You Miss It. Or you get Hurt." -Dave Tate
So with that in my head I walked up to the bar and pulled a very smooth 405 lbs. This is the best my Deadlift has felt in ages. With the adjustments from JL everything feels structurally better at the top as well. I held this for a good 5 sec if not longer before setting it down, simply because i was in a rock solid position at the top.
Next up is 410 lbs. The goal for the end of the is within reach.
First /Last (on the minute /time under tension)
5 x 5 x 225
This was done very quick. 1 set. Check the clock and at the top of the next minute is the next set. Till all sets were completed.
The following done Circus style: Front Squat
1 x 9 x Bar
3 x 9 x 95 Head Harness 3 x 21 x 26 lbs Ext Rotation 50 reps over 3 sets Banded Tricep Pulldowns 130 reps over 3 sets Face Pulls 65 reps over 2 sets
Burn some energy off. Make my lungs burn and heart pop. Plain and simple today. Oh and a little rehab too.
0615 hrs (garbage day and i needed gas but i was up at the normal time) ADduction 2 x 21 x 115 lbs ABduction 2 x 21 x 205
My hip need the warm up. I did stretch and roll out last night. My hip was not stiff and is feeling A LOT better than it did this morning it felt "sticky" if that is really a term for a joint. Once i stretched it out and got some blood flowing things loosened up.
Stuff done before and at the start of the Prowler work. GHR 3 x 11 Rear Lateral /Side lateral 3 x 11/11 x 20 lbs Head Harness 5 x 21 x 35 lbs Bench Push Ups 3 x 9
GHR felt decent but not great. Fast reps though. Side and Rear Laterals were continuous motion but under total control.Do i ever not do head Harness? I love that thing. Concentrating on technique and where my shoulder blade was sitting. Tricep is firing better so the motion is getting smoother every day, now i am just making sure my shoulder blade tracks properly. My left Trap is partly to blame so i have to remember to roll it out before doing any pushing motions or Tricep work.
Prowler 8 x 40 m x 50 lbs
Rest was just enough time between sets to keep me from puking. I was sucking wind for 20 straight minutes or so. The floor is marked off at 10 and 20 meters. I would accelerate to the 10 meter line and run full speed to the 20 meter line then turn around, breathe for about 20 sec then repeat back. Then take a longer break before repeating.
Ext Rotation work and Banded tricep Stuff later today. As well lots of stretching tonight Deadlifts tomorrow.
Was that fire in my eyes this morning? Nope just a little blood shot from the over pressure. VERY solid session this morning. I noticed a little bit of a shift in my Squat stance, this is probably to protect my hip /low back. I did not want to f**k with the groove today but it is something i will correct during the next cycle.
Me taking over the Squat Cage this morning.
Back Extension /Side Bend 2 x 11 ADduction 2 x 20 x 100 ABduction 2 x 20 x 205 External Rotation 2 x 11 x EFS Red Mini Band Squats
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 3 x 180
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 255 1 x 10 x 285 (MASSIVE REP PR!)
1 x 1 x 320 (Paused) First /Last
2 x 13 x 225
1 x 9 x 225
The Rep PR felt great. I simply kept doing the mental checklist to make sure my technique was locked in. I got to 5 easily and then simply kept going and every time i got to the top and my body said rack it i mentally said NO and kept going. The Over pressure by Rep made my eyes pure red for a few minutes. No Burst blood vessels though. The 320 for a 3 sec pause was very solid, smooth and strong. I called it there as at this point I was totally unsure how much energy I had left and i still had to get the rep work completed. I had written down 5 sets of 7 reps with 225 but instead decided to see how fast i could simply get the 35 reps completed. Well Who needs to run when you have high rep squats. Very happy with today.
Head Harness 5 x 25 x 17 Barbells Rows
1 x 11 x Bar
1 x 135 x 11
5 x 9 x 185 Single Arm Tricep PullDowns 5 x 20 x EFS Red Mini 45 Deg back Ext /Side Bends 1 x 11 GHR 6, 9, 11
Head harness and Tricep work as per usual was the time killer between Squats and Barbell Rows. After the Squats I insanely had Barbell Rows programmed in to challenge my low back and hamstrings to stabilize. By the second set with 185 i found the groove and grinded out the remaining 4 sets. Finished up with some GHR because they are good for you and because Coach Selkow would want me to do them.
Yeah I have fallen off again. My training sort of went that way as well. I did get some stuff done. Sept 15 /16 I Deadlifted and Squatted then i went on a very non-relaxing camping trip. I did enjoy the sunshine and scenery but with it being a work trip it was burdened with some other activities which i was not expecting.
This is what i was expecting but not what happened.
But shoulder blade /Sub-Scap is holding up. I saw the Physio Therapist today. I see the RMT on Friday.
This morning was a solid session to shake the rust off after a week of camping and being away.
0530 hrs
I did enjoy the lack of connection and the quiet.
ITWU 1 x 10 x 10 lbs (static holds at the top of almost every rep) Cable Scare Crows (switched top arm)
1 x 10/10 x 10 lbs
1 x 10/10 x 20 lbs 45 Deg Back Ext /Side Bends 3 x 10 Bench
1 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115 Close Grip Bench
5 x 11 x 95
This felt really good. The Left Tricep contracted properly, my back engaged properly. Not as strong as it should but this is a start. I can build on this. Putting on muscle and getting Strong(er) is the easy part once you get things working properly again. So i am extremely happy with this.
ADduction 2 x 20 x 100 lbs ABduction 2 x 20 x 205 lbs
Canoeing gummed my hip up a little bit, making my hip impingement flare up. The "sex machine" helped pump some blood into it and loosen it back up.
Sumo Deadlift
1 x 10 x 40 kg
4 x 9 x 70 kg
1 x 11 x 70 kg
This is an experiment. I want to see if adding in Sumo Deadlifts as an assistance exercise will help my hip and maybe carryover to my Conventional Deadlift. I used the Kg Plates not because they look bigger and cooler but because I don't really know what I am lifting so my ego doesn't get involved for now. Band Pull-A-Parts 3 x 20 x Red EFS Mini band FacePulls 3 x 21 x Black EFS Mini Band Head Harness 4 x 21 x 35 lbs Rear Laterals /Side Laterals 2 x 9 /9 x 20 lbs
I woke up and was a little slow so moving. I definitely feel like i squatted heavy yesterday. it is a great feeling. So yeah any how the bridge is closed until 6 am and it is 30 min on the highway to get to the gym.
I left the house in the nexus of time where it is not any faster to take the highway but i still have to wait for the bridge. Hence the 0610 hrs timing, i know exciting right?
Leg Press Eccentrics
1 x 8 x 90
1 x 7 x 180
1 x 7 x 270
The 270 was an excellent controlled but leg trembling heaviness. I will start adding more sets at the top end next week.
Superset ABduction 2 x 25 x 100 lbs ADduction 2 x 25 x 205 lbs
This continues to make my hip feel better.
Salmon are high in Omega-3 Goodness. The Chicago bears won their opening game of the season yesterday.
Superset Horizontal Shrug 2 x 17 x 45 lbs Db Rows 2 x 11 x 50 lbs
I wanted simply to push some blood through my upper back. I was not feeling things engage hard enough and I wanted to get on the Prowler so i shut it down after 2 sets. Prowler (all runs with high handles)
1 x 20 m x 90 lbs
8 x 20 m x 50 lbs
Prowler work today was about speed and breathing so hard my lungs would burst. I could feel a little tto much burn with the 90 lbs since i had Squatted yesterday. The 50 lbs was a perfect weight, enough to make me see visions but not enough to create lactic acid burn after 3 sets. I am glad the humidity is down in the field house so that when they clean the floor it is not wet for 4 days every week.
I would call this conditioning, not necessarily weight loss. On a different Note i am able to run stairs two at a time again. Another post surgery milestone.
Odds & Sods
-yet another gas mask training guy in the field house. I really don't get these guys. I will say this though at least they usually doing larger compound /multi joint movements.
-on the opposite end of the spectrum in the weight room a lot of young guys peacocking around the weight room doing side laterals, bicep curls and cable fly's then having severe cases of ILS.
-on the weekend a father and son Benching. Using straps, this befuddles me.
I was excited and fired up this morning as i drove to the gym. Smashing the steering wheel and yelling. yes i am bit of a freakish maniac. But my mom and my girlfriend loves me still so it is all good. Failure was not an option this morning, i was going to find a way to get shit done. I knew with it being a Squat session this morning i was definitely going to turn things around for the week and the rest of the fracking year. I have come to far to have a shitty fall /winter training run. I am streamlining and making adjustments on the fly. To say i am motivated this morning is understatement. I am FIRED UP!
Warm Up: Mobility Hip Series X Rollovers Groiners Mtn Climbers Banded Side step Standing leg Adduction Lying Hip Ext
Bench Jumps 3 x 3 Depth Jumps 3 x 3
Ext Rotation (done between Squat sets) 5 x 5 x Red Mini Band Head Harness 5 x 15 x 26 lbs
3 x 10 x Bar
2 x 5 x 120
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 3 x 180
1 x 5 x 195
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 10 x 255
1 x 5 x290
1 x 5 x325
1 x 3 x 355 (last rep was a little high but i buried the other two.) First Set last
4 x 7 x 195 (almost no rest)
As I predicted Squats went very well. Doing the Short sets of ext rotation seem to help my setup especially on my left side was i seemed to be in better tune with how my shoulder blade was sitting. My hip handled every set very well. If anything good has come from the last weeks the drawback has allowed my hip to relax a little bit. i stopped at 10 reps with the 255. I am keeping the 10 reps as my cap for my max out sets. Overall my regular work sets were all tight, fast and explosive.
I am pretty sure the 355 is a post surgery Rep PR. 325 felt a lot easier. The heavier weights are starting to feel comfortable again as opposed to spine crushing and slow. my body is adjusting to the loads.
The back down (First set Last) I simply powered through with minimal rest. I worked hard but I don't think a single set went right to muscle failure. This is about getting strong(er) and not missing reps. I will use the Circus Trg to mentally challenge myself.. Following done in a Circuit (1 min rest after Hammer Curls) Aka Circus Training GHR 3 x 10 KB Shrugs 3 x 15 x 70 lbs Tricep Pull Downs 3 x 15 x Orange Medium band Hammer Curls 3 x 15 x 25 lbs
All exercises were done with textbook technique. I may not use the same exercises every week but i will build to up to 5 sets. It saves time while allowing me to still get my Assistance work done. I guess a little METCON Action too.
I have plans to do some light sprints on the grass field tonight to see where my knees are at. Tomorrow will be a Prowler /Sled Drag recovery /rehab day. More heart popping and breathing hard.
Not even sure where my head was at going in today which was the first problem.So i guess the goal was to get in and at least do something. So Today became a rehab day. It also did not help that half the facility was being used for an expo. Which meant weight room time only.
A little frustrating near the end mostly because the desire to push something heavy is burning deep in me.
Humans only tend to miss things when they are taken from them.
Over the last several years my ability to run has been hampered by plantar faciitis, a broken foot, and then scar tissue in my calves /Achilles. Then of course the knee. So when i appreciate having full movement i truly mean it.
So this fracking shoulder business with the serratus and rear rotator is simply another story in the saga of my life time commitment to lifting and getting Strong(er).
0930 hrs
Ext Rotation 3 x 7 x 20 lbs Dicenzo Rows
1 x 11 x 40 lbs
2 x 11 x 55 lbs I-T-W-U 2 x 10 x 10 lbs Rolling Tricep Db Ext 1 x 8 x 20 lbs
I got frustrated after the Triceps and packed my shit and went home. I feel as though i lost a week of rehab because of the past week. I want things rotator shit to go away but i need the day to day commitment. I know that. I hate losing time. My motivation is where it needs to be now. I know pulling a hissy fit seems counter productive but sometimes it is better to re-group and get your focus back.
I lost a week.
Now it is time to move on.
This log is now becoming a place for me to center my thoughts a little and also for me to look back and see what my thoughts are and how they shift with time and perception. Sorry for it being so Fracking whiny. It is not that bad but i think due to the lack of a clearly defined target I am drifting a little bit. I have some ideas.
This is what went through my head when the alarm went off. My Body and mind were ready to be challenged together.
i kept it simple. I planned on the drive to the gym.
1. Sweat & Breathe hard
2. Expel Demons
3. Prime myself for further training this weekend and work the last week's stiffness out.
0535 hrs Circus Style w/ 1 min rest approx between Pendlay Rows 10 x 5 x 60 kg (+bar) Prowler Push 10 x 20 m Push on Posts /20 m Push on High handles x 90 lbs Head Harness 10 x 15 x 25 lbs
Just enough to make me breathe hard and focus. Kept the technique locked tight and simply kept pushing through.
Today was a much better day at work. Still just as crazy but i got myself and my mind to slow down.
Football this Sunday!