Monday, December 31, 2012

31 Dec 2012 -and we're still kicking ass...

Up very early today which was awesome. Got to great the sun and get to the gym in time to open it. Pretty nice being in a big empty Weight Room alone. Today is just like any other. Live for today and do what you need to do today. Plan for the future yes but don't dream set things up and smash things down as they come along. Sure i have plans for tomorrow, next week, month, 3 months, 6 months, etc. But Yr to yr? Not for me. SMASH THINGS DAILY and you will start trying to GET BACK ON TRACK all the time. ok enough said. sorry about that Rant. i just know that come Thursday the gym is going to change drastically. Anyone still there in February i will help out and take time for.

Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min/ Max Incline /Speed 2.5 to 4.0
Red Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 3 x 20
45 Deg Back Ext 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Bend 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 5
Push Ups 3 x 10 (the screw sucked a little less today)
Leg Raises 3 x 10
Rev Hyper 3 x 10

I did the preceding after the Treadmill non-stop in a 'circuit'. Wanted to get it done so i could get on with floor pressing. But did everything well, I was not simply going through the motions. The was no specific order i just kept going through the exercises until i had 3 sets of each completed. The little things to keep my Cardiovascular system realize it still has a job. Also i don't want to spend all day doing Bodyweight exercises and my warm-up.

Floor Press (5/3/1)
Bar 3 x 5
40% 1 x 5 x 95
50% 1 x 5 x 115
60% 1 x 3 x 135 (chalk)
65% 1 x 5 x 145 (chalk)
75% 1 x 5 x 170 (chalk)
85% 1 x 10 x 190 (chalk,elbow sleeve, wrist wraps)
3 x 5 x 160 (elbow sleeve on left arm)

All sets were done with a slow decent and a pause at the chest. I used the elbow sleeves again today because they do seem to help with the shoulder which is doing alot better but i could definitely feel it on the last set. I am back on the 5/3/1 template for floor press because it is an easy to follow progression and it keeps me safe while i build my strength back up. The extra 3 sets of 160 is just for some added volume with something semi-heavy.
Jo Jordan is the man pictured. (copied from EFS -Harry Selkow Log )

Prowler 1 lap x 20lbs, 1 lap x 30 lbs
Calf raises 3 x 10/10 (bent knee /straight)
Rev Calf raises 3 x 15

This stuff got done after Floor Press for two reasons. One so i would not have to come back to the field house. Two was because a friend was Deadlifting and i was helping work up in weight for a PR. I am starting to move very smooth with the Prowler, our love-hate relationship is going to start very soon  I think.
Back to the Weight Room.

Machine Rows 3 x 15 x 165 lbs (excellent weight for this, but i will up it to 170 next week i think)
Fat man Rows 3 x 15 x 105 lbs (went with straight weight this week, felt better)
Rear Delt Destroyers 1 x 60/30/10 x 40lbs/20lbs/10lbs (2 days in a row for these)
ADduction /ABduction 1 x 40 x 80 lbs /155 lbs

Watched this video yesterday and made me think. So i am going to try things for a few weeks. Not going to hurt and i will get more box squat volume out of it.

Louie is a mad scientist genius. Question everything, absorb and use what makes sense. This is one such occasion. So for the foreseeable future (4 weeks) i will wide and narrow bodyweight box squat from now on. It is an experiment like all things. The idea makes sense, especially since i am naturally a Medium Stance squatter. I don't think this will build me insane leg strength but every position i cam challenge the knee and strengthen my Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings i will try it.

Wide Stance Box Squat 3 x 10
Narrow Box Squat 3 x 10

Bam! just like that i added 30 reps to my daily volume. No flexibility issues and no knee pain. if anything i found a new *safe* position to challenge them in.

Bike 5 min /75 rpm /5 rpe
Lunges (stationary) L 10 /R 10
Bike 5 min /85 rpm /6 rpe

Bike was feeling good but feeling extra boring today. I think i will try a Continuous High Intensity (CHI) Bike Session Thursday night just 15 min. Not Quite ready for intervals but i was told to start pushing the leg on the bike and my boredom is an indicator to try something new.
Spent the afternoon stretching, doing high rep sets of head harness (sits in the living room), working my ROM and massaging my leg. It is doing better but feels so damn needy constantly. No complaints it is getting  strong(er) daily.
I had a thought today. It is something a few people have stated in the past about walking as exercise. There is a ton of stuff i cannot do. But being post op nearly 8 weeks i can definitely walk and walk pretty normal. So if walking is ALL you can then fine. But if you are capable, i really question why you don't challenge yourself just a little bit and do something other than walk for your daily exercise.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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