Thursday, December 13, 2012

13 Dec 2012 -A little bit irritated today, the pixies and great news!

Everyone needs a little bit of the Pixies in their day.

Today was a broken session. I got to Physio for an Unofficial appt and they were clearing out for a Christmas Luncheon. So i had enough time to get my Stim unit work done and then i had to jet.

Lunch was a tasty bowl of beef, a pound and a half of it with meat ball sauce. tasty shite.
I just finished a giant bowl of feta, Kale, Swiss Chard (green), TOE-MAH-TOES, cucumber with Olive oil.
Breakfast was 3 Eggs and 5 pieces of mother fucking meat candy aka Bacon.

Wait I thought i was going to write about training, oh that's right nutrition and Trg go hand in hand.

Oh and i need to point something out here if you ask me about my "workouts" i may be inclined to slap you. If you tell me you "workout" i may make fun of you or at the very least be sarcastic. I do not "workout" -EVER. I TRAIN. I have goals, i have plans, i know where i am headed in regards to my goals, i have marker points through out. In other words i have a set plan of attack for what i am doing. Even right now when i say i am being random. There is still a plan, a loose one but it is there. OK i got that out of my system.


10:50 am Quad sets with Stim Machine (my leg is very tired right now hrs later, tired in a good way. My VMO is now firing properly. yay!)

3 pm
*Face Pull 1 x 50 x Blk Band
*Tricep Push downs 1 x 50 x Blk band
*Curls to face1 x 50 x Red band
*Side laterals 1 x 50 x Nike Band

*Biceps are sore so i threw some blood in them and the other muscle groups for some active recovery.

Knee bends 3 x 10
Adduction 3 x 20
Hip Ext (Glute lift) 3 x 15
Clam Shells 3 x 10
Wall Slides 3 x 10 (these are the same as Knee bends except with gravity, feel more confident with my ROM to start doing these.)
Boat Pose 2 x 30 sec
Plank 1 x 30 sec /1 x 15 sec
Hamstring Stretch 2 x 30
Calf Stretch 2 x 30
Superman's 1 x 20 (alternating)
Quad Stretch 1 x 30 sec / 1 x 1 min (something popped during the first 30 sec,but no lasting pain and i am more inclined to think it was scar tissue popping due to location -lateral side of knee cap-)

Managing Angry moments:
A few things from the gym last night
-Dude wearing the Under Armour Compression T-shirt, you are not jacked, i can see your ribs. Go eat a Turkey sandwich and make one for your girlfriend too, i know her shirt says Track and Field, but she seriously needs to eat something.
-Other dude with the sleeveless X-shirt, Please go get a hair cut. Johnny Depp from 21 Jump Street wants his hair back.
-Random skinny dude in the white t-shirt, good on you for being the gym although i think you are lost. Where you get big is on the other side of the room where the cages and Racks are. Eat a PBJ sandwich and start training over there. Stop worrying about your gun show. My forearms are bigger than your legs.

Yes i am feeling a little high and mighty today. Maybe i will go take my shirt off and pose in the mirror. NOT!
I do want a T-shirt that say my Rehab is more hard core than your "workout" HA!
Taco's for supper BITCHES! (and probably most of next week too!)

This will be more true in a few weeks!
So finishing up with some Goodness from Physio. My VMO and quads in general are flexing harder than they should be for some one who just started activation work (because i am AWESOME).
This means strength training in its limited capacity starts next week.
I have been told to start using the brace only to get around the house.
When i leave the apartment use the crutches but no brace.
Next Friday it will be brace only full time.
This also means i will be throwing myself in the pool a few times a week if not everyday. We will see what i can manage and what the pool schedule is.

Keep Moving Forward

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