Everyone needs a little bit of the Pixies in their day.
Today was a broken session. I got to Physio for an Unofficial appt and they were clearing out for a Christmas Luncheon. So i had enough time to get my Stim unit work done and then i had to jet.
Lunch was a tasty bowl of beef, a pound and a half of it with meat ball sauce. tasty shite.
I just finished a giant bowl of feta, Kale, Swiss Chard (green), TOE-MAH-TOES, cucumber with Olive oil.
Breakfast was 3 Eggs and 5 pieces of mother fucking meat candy aka Bacon.
Wait I thought i was going to write about training, oh that's right nutrition and Trg go hand in hand.
Oh and i need to point something out here if you ask me about my "workouts" i may be inclined to slap you. If you tell me you "workout" i may make fun of you or at the very least be sarcastic. I do not "workout" -EVER. I TRAIN. I have goals, i have plans, i know where i am headed in regards to my goals, i have marker points through out. In other words i have a set plan of attack for what i am doing. Even right now when i say i am being random. There is still a plan, a loose one but it is there. OK i got that out of my system.
10:50 am Quad sets with Stim Machine (my leg is very tired right now hrs later, tired in a good way. My VMO is now firing properly. yay!)
3 pm
*Face Pull 1 x 50 x Blk Band
*Tricep Push downs 1 x 50 x Blk band
*Curls to face1 x 50 x Red band
*Side laterals 1 x 50 x Nike Band
*Biceps are sore so i threw some blood in them and the other muscle groups for some active recovery.
Knee bends 3 x 10
Adduction 3 x 20
Hip Ext (Glute lift) 3 x 15
Clam Shells 3 x 10
Wall Slides 3 x 10 (these are the same as Knee bends except with gravity, feel more confident with my ROM to start doing these.)
Boat Pose 2 x 30 sec
Plank 1 x 30 sec /1 x 15 sec
Hamstring Stretch 2 x 30
Calf Stretch 2 x 30
Superman's 1 x 20 (alternating)
Quad Stretch 1 x 30 sec / 1 x 1 min (something popped during the first 30 sec,but no lasting pain and i am more inclined to think it was scar tissue popping due to location -lateral side of knee cap-)
Managing Angry moments:
A few things from the gym last night
-Dude wearing the Under Armour Compression T-shirt, you are not jacked, i can see your ribs. Go eat a Turkey sandwich and make one for your girlfriend too, i know her shirt says Track and Field, but she seriously needs to eat something.
-Other dude with the sleeveless X-shirt, Please go get a hair cut. Johnny Depp from 21 Jump Street wants his hair back.
-Random skinny dude in the white t-shirt, good on you for being the gym although i think you are lost. Where you get big is on the other side of the room where the cages and Racks are. Eat a PBJ sandwich and start training over there. Stop worrying about your gun show. My forearms are bigger than your legs.
Yes i am feeling a little high and mighty today. Maybe i will go take my shirt off and pose in the mirror. NOT!
I do want a T-shirt that say my Rehab is more hard core than your "workout" HA!
Taco's for supper BITCHES! (and probably most of next week too!)
This will be more true in a few weeks! |
This means strength training in its limited capacity starts next week.
I have been told to start using the brace only to get around the house.
When i leave the apartment use the crutches but no brace.
Next Friday it will be brace only full time.
This also means i will be throwing myself in the pool a few times a week if not everyday. We will see what i can manage and what the pool schedule is.
Keep Moving Forward |
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