Strength work was Stairs and spending hrs walking around visiting people.
Box Squats was getting in and out of chairs in a concentrated fashion.
Got home Christmas day and Boxing day with my leg feel tired and stiff.
So other than stretching and ROM i have not done anything regimented and solid.
As of this morning my ROM is doing extremely well, very close to the other leg. Yesterday i woke up to a mass of snow and not wanting to risk it is stayed in. But i did do a metric-shit-ton of stretching on my hamstring and quad.
Also of note my calves were extremely tight and sore the last 3 days. So i did some stretching, voodoo band work and more stretching. They felt good enough today to go back to doing calf raises today. The funny part is while out visiting they were so stiff i was forced to move slowly and looked semi-crippled which is not where i am at all. So because of this although impressed with my progress, most of the girl friend's family thinks i am still semi-crippled
Oh and for the record i don't hobble, I walk with Fucking Swagger!
So i got out of bed feeling great, grabbed a big glass of Di-hydrogen Monoxide, as i was slugging it back i felt a ping-pang-pow in my neck. Damn it! I didn't wake up with a crick in my neck but i had one less than 5 min out of bed. Ah well. So a few minutes with the Lax ball against the wall to make sure it did not blow up into something irritating all day. Then on with some Rehab.
Head Harness 1 x 25 x 25 (these actually help my neck stretch, flex, increase blood flow and make it feel better.)
Quad sets 2 x 20
Knee bends 2 x 15
Dog Walk 15 min (with new ice cleats on my boots!)
Got picked up and off to the gym.
Warm Up:
45 Deg Back Ext 1 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends 1 x 10
Rev Hyper 1 x 10
I-T-Y-W's 1 x 10 ea
Black Band Pull A-parts 1 x 20
Black Band Tri Press Downs 1 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 1 x 30
Leg Raise 1 x 10
Dynamic Bench
2 x 5 x bar (close grip)
1 x 3 x 95 (close grip)
1 x 3 x 115 (close grip)
2 x 3 x 135 (med grip)
6 x 3 x 135 (wide grip)
Supersetted with Pull Ups
10 x 6 x Body weight (adding 1 rep to every set weekly)
Pullups felt great. Strong and smooth for all 10 sets. The Bench felt crappy. Set up felt alot better so i will take that. Just not as explosive and peppy as normal. I considered dropping to sets of 1 rep but decided against it. Next week if it feels like this i will. Weight for Dynamic Bench is based off of the floor press from earlier this week. Dynamic Bench is 50-65% of that.
Neutral Grip Db Bench Press
1 x 15 x 55
1 x 10 x 60lbs
3 x 10 x 65
These seem to push the bad deltoid without making it scream for mercy. I will keep with a Linear Progression on these. I could do sets of 12-15 with the 65 but the idea is to increase every week without going to failure. So next week the plan is to increase to 70lbs for sets of 8. (Staying at least 2 reps under what i can do.)
My iPod died half way through my training session, i was about this happy with myself for not charging it. |
Horizontal Shrug
5 x 12 x 70lbs
Same idea with these. Take them up another 5 lbs and drop the reps to 10.
Rev Hyper 2 x 10
45 Deg back Ext 2 x 10
45 Deg Side Bend 2 x 10
Leg Raise 2 x 10
This stuff got done in between sets of Db Press and Horizontal shrugs. The idea with this stuff is injury prevention by keeping the daily volume steady with these. By doing this stuff daily right now when i do start ripping stuff off the floor and squatting my weak link will not be my back chain /"core". Staving off a stupid side effect injury while rehabbing /rebuilding.
Super set
ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 75
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 150
Quad Stretch 1 x 2 min
Lunges L 1 x 10 /R 1 x 10
Box Squat 3 x 10
Rev Calf 2 x 15
Calf Raises (straight leg /bent knee) 15/15, 10/10
Going to work the volume up slowly on the calf raises so as not to cripple myself again with soreness.(stupid of me as i know better)
Going back to the gym tonight. On the list is treadmill, Bike, More Lunges (1 x 10), wall slides, wall squat and more stretching. My idea is to start doing a second set of Lunges later in the day now that they are getting stable. Quad stretches have progressed to the point i can grab my own foot again. I will continue to use the bands to stretch with as it is more comfortable, but it is these little pieces that i build with daily.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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