Sunday, December 9, 2012

9 Dec 2012

Managed to catch the bus the gym and get there by 10:15 hrs. No real warm up just straight into it today. This high rep multi-set stuff eats alot of time. Long term though my joints and muscles will be better prepared for what is to come in a few months when i start putting heavy loads and stress back on my body. For now it is about getting the blood flowing, getting a little bigger and letting the knee do what it is supposed to.

i will try to explain some of my reasoning behind how i set stuff up without writing whole tutorials or getting to fracking long winded.

I don't have a template just a rough plan of attack. I adjust things once i am in the gym and training. The rough plan is simple:

One Push /One Pull /Arm work /Rehab

But over the next few weeks when i get set with what i can and cannot do, things will  mold into a plan set  for 7 days a week. Yes that is right 7 days a week, off days are for the weak and uninitiated but it will also be managed in intensity. Over training is a fucking bi product of the fitness industry. A smart template will manage intensities.

Example 1: direct Abdominal /core work in later in the week as well as single leg work for my good leg. A few reasons for this but that will be later.

On with Today;
Close Grip Bench w/Fat gripZ*
2 x 20 x bar
2 x 95 x 12
5 x 115 x 10
Red Band Pull a parts between Bench sets: 40 /40 /40 /30
Fat Gripz
Wide Grip PullUps 5 x 5 x Bdywght
Orange band Push Downs 5 x 20
Red band Face Pulls 2 x 40 /3 x 30

*I use the Fat GripZ for a few reasons. 1. keeps my weights down 2.lessens the stress on the joints 3. Less Ego.
- with the reduced weight it is safer for my knee because i will be pushing i cannot handle easily.
-going with a straight linear progression on the bench 10 lbs a week as long as hit the #'s the week before.

**No rushing between exercises but no long rest periods between exercises either.
Pull Ups for now i will mess around and have fun with low volume. Until i am off the crutches i will keep low volume because they stress the sh*t out of my shoulder and upper back. With that being said i normally only work this exercise once a week, i will probably do them a few times a week with the reduced volume.

Rehab stuff: (my intent is take pics and describe each one eventually)
Calf Stretch 2 x 30 sec
Hamstring stretch 2 x 30 sec
Self mobilization (Knee Bends) 3 x 10
Quad Set (w 10 sec hold) 3 x 10
Hip Abduction 3 x 15
Hip Extension (Glute max) 3 x 10
Superman's 1 x 20 (alternating)

Managing angry moments:
Why the f*ck do people have the need to skip in the weight room instead of the giant indoor field house?

Mid way through my training when i was going from the Field house to the Weight room a random dude came up to me. He apparently was exactly where i was last yr (knee brace on crutches). He simply said the road back is long but i was on the right track and to stay the course and it would go quick and be a successfully trip back. I thought that was pretty damn cool, told i appreciated his support and thanked him.

Last song on the iPod as i was leaving today was this one:

         Pretty funny.

Keep getting Strong(er)


  1. don't feel weird about starting a's a good space to outlet, figure shit out, and connect. you know i'll be reading! also, take some pics where you don't look like a hobo why don't ya


    1. Thanks! Yes i will expand the pics a little. Remember i have been living as a shut in for 4 weeks. The hobo look is what i know right now. Lol.
