Monday, December 17, 2012

17 Dec 2012 -Whoever holds this hammer....

Physio first thing this morning with alot of exciting new movements and exercises to start applying right away. Things have expanded alot now that the restriction because of the gradual weight bearing is being lifted. (This is because of the meniscus repair that took place). So i can start putting full weight on the knee again. Some things immediately feel good and solid while others not so much and i down right suck at. Just more motivation to smash things. Speaking of motivation that has been quite the topic for me with some of my friends. A simple way to summarize is in this video from Strongman Steve Pulcinella:

That sums it up in a nutshell when you don't feeling like trg. I have other motivations that drive me. Those motivations are my own.

Rehab went well today. As i sit here my leg is feeling pretty jacked and tired in a good way. The PT also did 2 min of Acupuncture on my shoulder and bingo that muscle knot popped out. Now i have to not sleep with my arm jacked over my head and i should be ok. I also think coming off the crutches will help also.

 9 am Rehab (w/PT)
Bike 10 min
Hamstring stretch 2 x 1 min
Knee bends 1 x 30
Stim machine Quad Sets 1 x 5 min
Stim Machine Wall Slides (while squeezing ball) 1 x 5 min

Had some Sushi for lunch because some friends came and picked me and took me out. Fun times. Did not need to eat to much this afternoon that is for sure.

Got into the gym tonight as my leg needed a little bit of a rest before i went at it to finish my Rehab stuff for the day. Not too many weirdos in the gym tonight. I used the crutches to get in the gym but felt comfortable enough to get around the weight room with them. So i walked around slowly with just the knee brace.

Wide Grip Pull Ups 5 x 3
Bodyweight Squats to bench with Foam pad (puts me 2" above parallel) 3 x 10
Lunges 1 x 10 Right leg /1 x 10 Left leg 
Single Arm Machine Rows 4 x 15 x 70
Hamstring stretch 2 x 1 min
Read Delt Lateral
2 x 20 x 15
2 x 15 x 15
Seated Db Hammer Curls
3 x 10 x 40
V Bar Press down (single pulley machine)
1 x 20 x 50
1 x 10 x 80, 100, 90, 80
45 deg Back Extension
2 x 10
ABduction Machine 1 x 25 x 80 lbs then increased to 105 lbs for another 25 reps
ADduction Machine 1 x 25 x 50 lbs then increased to 60 lbs for another 25 reps

The Bodyweight Squats felt very weak, but my body knows this movement so it will come back extremely fast. Lunges i disliked doing when i was healthy, but i will smash them hard because i need to master them so that is what will happen. The Lunges i also did stationary tonight rather than stepping down and pushing back up, i will add that in tomorrow or the next day the movement starts to feel more solid.  The Machine rows i did non-stop, right arm for 15 then left arm for 15 etc. It actually made me breath a little hard by the end. Db curls in the mirror always feels like public masturbation or some shit. Maybe i will start turning the benches around so i don't have to watch myself. I do them actually for one reason, they assist in my bench press and when i do high rep curls they alleviate the bicep tendinitis i eventually get from high volume Pull Ups. For now i am doing to fill time and to fill that damn blood pressure cuff. A useless ego goal i know. Lol!
The 45 Degree back extension i have big plans for to help rebuild my entire back chain. For now it is body weight only for sets of 10 reps. But the Hyper-Deads are coming
...Or doing Biceps

Now for the excitement for today's visit. The weight restriction is lifted as i mentioned so this translates to bodyweight strength training. Some light band Hamstring work while seated, more to activate and rebuild my hamstrings. For most ACL surgery this is a big deal but i had the patellar graft so my hamstrings are in good shape but i also want to prep them for lifting a few mths from now. Abs, Low back and Hamstrings are the 3 things i can strengthened now in preparation for Squats and Deadliftting in a few months.

I am cleared to walk on the treadmill on an Incline. In the pool with water chest high i can walk and run. I will also start doing some laps in the pool. On the bike i start to add resistance. I like my man parts so anything longer than 20 min and i simply get uncomfortable and annoyed. I am allowed to do so shrimping (it is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ground movement, if you really care to know what it is i will post a vid of in the next few days.)
Encouraged to walk up and down stairs (which i have 14 leading into my apartment). Start walking full time around the house without the knee brace or crutches. Up until Friday if i venture out to do anything i am to use the crutches but no knee brace. Then come Friday i have 2 weeks of assistance with the brace but no more crutches!

Ok I have rambled on! Exciting day. From hear things will only build daily. I will go through in detail the knee exercises and stuff i get to do as the week goes on.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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