Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 Dec 2012 -Let Me hear your War Cry

Woke up stiff and sore. Calves are stiff, muscle stiff this is a good thing. Easily worked out. Was mildly perturbed climbing the stairs this morning after taking the dog out. But then i remembered some Ray Lewis said;
"Everyday is a gift, treat it as such, work your ass off EVERY-DAY" -R. Lewis

And then i read this from Coach Harry Selkow on the EFS WEBSITE :

"Best Way to wake up a Sleeping WARRIOR??? Tell him what he CAN'T do, then get out of his way" -H. Selkow

Motivation from the strangest places sometimes and when I need it.
After my rant about lunges and skipping in the weight room guess what? That's right a woman doing both. ah well. Throat punching is frowned upon and probably slightly illegal. As Rage against the machine says "Anger is a Gift". I use it to fuel my training.

Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incline -Broken down like this:
0 -2.5 min Lvl 2
2.5-5 min Lvl 2.5
5-7.5 min Lvl 3.0
7.5-10 min Lvl 3.5
This felt pretty good. Challenging without pushing too hard. I think I will do this again tomorrow.

45 Deg Back Extensions 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Raise 3 x 10
Row Machine (High row, elbows Lvl with shoulders) 4 x 10 x 50

Using the Row Machine with elbows high hits my upper back and rear Delts. All about the Back work.

Rev Hyper 3 x 10 (Slow Tempo hold for 2 Count at the top)
Quad Sets 3 x 10 (hold for 5 sec Count at top)
Turn toes out slightly, Contract VMO as hard as possible
Keeping VMO Flexed raise leg as high as possible. Hold for the count of 5, and then lower, relaxing leg completely.

With the Reverse Hypers i kept them slow today to not over stretch my Low back. Almost creating new mobility in my low back and it is a tender /unstable in the stretched position. Holding at the top gives me a good low back pump and the slow tempo challenges the low back in a slightly different fashion. The Quad sets i slowed right down and used the hold at the top to fire the VMO a little harder.

TRX Pistols (aka single leg Squat) Left Leg 2 x 10

TRX Superset
External Rotation 2 x 10
Y Raise 2 x 10
Face Pull 2 x 10
Spider wall Walk (with orange mini wrapped twice) 2 x just short of failure

Lunges L 10 /R 10
Box Squats 3 x 10
Wall squats (Rolled Mat) 3 x 10
Calf Stretch 1 x 1 min - 1 x 30 Sec
Knee bends 3 x 10
Calf Raise 5 x 10
1 hand Plate Pinch L 1 x 20 sec /R 1 x 25 sec (25 lbs Plate + 10 lbs Plate)

ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 75
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 150
AKA -The Sex Machine
Bike 11 min /80-85 rpm /rpe 6

I will try and get 2 sessions of the bike accomplished tomorrow. Then on the Christmas /Boxing Day i will do extra sets of Wall Slides & Knee bends. I can feel a tiny bit of fluid in my knee. Very minor but as long as I keep things moving (as i have said before) the fluid will evacuate the knee. now speaking of the new. It seems the i have some ingrown hairs in my scars. They broke in the shower today so i have open holes again. Cleaned them and letting them air out. Nothing to panic over yet. 

Bottom of the Patella scar, the angry red skin. If i squeeze it Red & White Blood seeps out.
The "T" on the inside of my knee -Poke that and you can feel the Bio-degrade-able screw.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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