I don't expect much. Just a little bit further everyday. The last few days have been nothing short of awesome. They will not all be like this but from the very beginning of this journey my one resounding mantra has been "Ok so what can i do?".
Day in day out i focused only on what i was physically able to do /accomplish. The stuff i cannot do, well that shit will all fall in time and if there is stuff that i can't every do so be it. Rest assured i will maintain my intensity and attitude regardless. The challenges will come and i will battle through. I have simply talked to much shit over the years to back off now. Sub-consciously i think i always talk shit to keep myself honest, so that i don't have people calling me out.
I remember someone mentioning a few days after the injury that i had simply had not slowed not slowed down or wavered at all in my attitude. Just a testament to the way i was raised i guess. Earn everything, nothing is guaranteed.
Winter finally showed up this morning so i suddenly have unsafe walking conditions. It now justifies my handi-parking pass. This also means Maxine and I did not get a big long walk at Zero Dark something.
While making B-fast (yup Bacon and Eggs) got this done:
Wall Slides 2 x 10
Head Harness 3 x 25 x 20
Short time later off to the gym
Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min - Lvl 2.5 - Max Incline (this did feel a little crappy by the end, low back /calves)
ITWY's 1 x 10 x 10
Red Band Pull A-parts 1 x 50
Reverse Hyper 1 x 15
Black Band Pressdown 1 x 50
Dynamic Bench 2 x Bar x 5 (narrow grip- index finger on edge of smooth)
1 x 3 x 95 (narrow grip)
1 x 3 x 115 (medium grip -baby finger on the inner ring)
1 x 3 x 135 (medium grip)
1 x 3 x 155 (medium grip)
4 x 3 x 155 (wide grip -index finger on inner ring)
3 x 3 x 145 (wide grip)
Wide Grip Pull Ups (completed between bench sets)
10 x 5
Neutral Db Bench Press
1 x 15 x 50, 55
3 x 15 x 60
Machine Row
1 x 10 x 190
1 x 10 x 180
1 x 10 x 170
Warm up helped loosen and warm up my back after the treadmill pumped and mildly seized it up, it also helped prep me for benching. I called this Dynamic Bench, it is "regular" bench pressing but with a purpose. BAR SPEED. Weight is 55-60% of my 1 RM max. Two reasons i do this 1. Practice my technique and set up for Competition 2. Produce as much speed /force as i can. The weight is light but i don't Frack around, this has a purpose. Come Monday i will be doing heavy floor press. I am notching my training back into my template for Powerlifting.
This explains it much better if you are curious:
Dynamic Benching
I will do not do any heavy benching (Floor Press has no leg drive so it is "safe" for my leg) until i am cleared to lift with my legs as i do use a fair bit of leg drive when i Bench.When I Dynamic bench at least i stabilize without over using my legs right now.
The Db Bench moved very fast. Pull Ups i will discuss later.
45 Degree Back Extension 3 x 10
45 Degree Side Raises 3 x 10
Box Squats 3 x 10
Lunges R 10 /L 10
Quad Stretch 3 min - 2 min
Hamstring stretch 1.5 min - 1 min
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 135
ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 75
Bike 15 min /70-90 rpm /6 rpe (rating of perceived exertion)
Boat Pose 2 x 1 min
Plank 2 x 40 sec
Plank still irritates the screw in my leg. But it is tolerable and a necessary pain. Have to keep challenging the scar tissue so it heals the way i need too. Doing the Quad stretch before the Lunges is gold. I nearly did all 20 reps without touching anything. few more days and i will be lunging around the gym like an idiot high on Sugar. The bike continues to feel great, i am using it for now to push the last of the swelling out of my knee. I don't panic when i have mild swelling with no pain or affecting my ROM. I use the bike and my Rehab movements to push the swelling up and out via my lymphatic system.
So today is the first step back into setting up a steady template and real training. The other stuff i was doing was accumulation and just to keep my tolerance up for lifting while staying healthy. From here on out it is, Rehab, Strength, Conditioning and keeping the rest of my body healthy.
The Game has changed definitely...just time will tell how much.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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