Monday, December 31, 2012

31 Dec 2012 -and we're still kicking ass...

Up very early today which was awesome. Got to great the sun and get to the gym in time to open it. Pretty nice being in a big empty Weight Room alone. Today is just like any other. Live for today and do what you need to do today. Plan for the future yes but don't dream set things up and smash things down as they come along. Sure i have plans for tomorrow, next week, month, 3 months, 6 months, etc. But Yr to yr? Not for me. SMASH THINGS DAILY and you will start trying to GET BACK ON TRACK all the time. ok enough said. sorry about that Rant. i just know that come Thursday the gym is going to change drastically. Anyone still there in February i will help out and take time for.

Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min/ Max Incline /Speed 2.5 to 4.0
Red Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 3 x 20
45 Deg Back Ext 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Bend 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 5
Push Ups 3 x 10 (the screw sucked a little less today)
Leg Raises 3 x 10
Rev Hyper 3 x 10

I did the preceding after the Treadmill non-stop in a 'circuit'. Wanted to get it done so i could get on with floor pressing. But did everything well, I was not simply going through the motions. The was no specific order i just kept going through the exercises until i had 3 sets of each completed. The little things to keep my Cardiovascular system realize it still has a job. Also i don't want to spend all day doing Bodyweight exercises and my warm-up.

Floor Press (5/3/1)
Bar 3 x 5
40% 1 x 5 x 95
50% 1 x 5 x 115
60% 1 x 3 x 135 (chalk)
65% 1 x 5 x 145 (chalk)
75% 1 x 5 x 170 (chalk)
85% 1 x 10 x 190 (chalk,elbow sleeve, wrist wraps)
3 x 5 x 160 (elbow sleeve on left arm)

All sets were done with a slow decent and a pause at the chest. I used the elbow sleeves again today because they do seem to help with the shoulder which is doing alot better but i could definitely feel it on the last set. I am back on the 5/3/1 template for floor press because it is an easy to follow progression and it keeps me safe while i build my strength back up. The extra 3 sets of 160 is just for some added volume with something semi-heavy.
Jo Jordan is the man pictured. (copied from EFS -Harry Selkow Log )

Prowler 1 lap x 20lbs, 1 lap x 30 lbs
Calf raises 3 x 10/10 (bent knee /straight)
Rev Calf raises 3 x 15

This stuff got done after Floor Press for two reasons. One so i would not have to come back to the field house. Two was because a friend was Deadlifting and i was helping work up in weight for a PR. I am starting to move very smooth with the Prowler, our love-hate relationship is going to start very soon  I think.
Back to the Weight Room.

Machine Rows 3 x 15 x 165 lbs (excellent weight for this, but i will up it to 170 next week i think)
Fat man Rows 3 x 15 x 105 lbs (went with straight weight this week, felt better)
Rear Delt Destroyers 1 x 60/30/10 x 40lbs/20lbs/10lbs (2 days in a row for these)
ADduction /ABduction 1 x 40 x 80 lbs /155 lbs

Watched this video yesterday and made me think. So i am going to try things for a few weeks. Not going to hurt and i will get more box squat volume out of it.

Louie is a mad scientist genius. Question everything, absorb and use what makes sense. This is one such occasion. So for the foreseeable future (4 weeks) i will wide and narrow bodyweight box squat from now on. It is an experiment like all things. The idea makes sense, especially since i am naturally a Medium Stance squatter. I don't think this will build me insane leg strength but every position i cam challenge the knee and strengthen my Quads, Glutes, and Hamstrings i will try it.

Wide Stance Box Squat 3 x 10
Narrow Box Squat 3 x 10

Bam! just like that i added 30 reps to my daily volume. No flexibility issues and no knee pain. if anything i found a new *safe* position to challenge them in.

Bike 5 min /75 rpm /5 rpe
Lunges (stationary) L 10 /R 10
Bike 5 min /85 rpm /6 rpe

Bike was feeling good but feeling extra boring today. I think i will try a Continuous High Intensity (CHI) Bike Session Thursday night just 15 min. Not Quite ready for intervals but i was told to start pushing the leg on the bike and my boredom is an indicator to try something new.
Spent the afternoon stretching, doing high rep sets of head harness (sits in the living room), working my ROM and massaging my leg. It is doing better but feels so damn needy constantly. No complaints it is getting  strong(er) daily.
I had a thought today. It is something a few people have stated in the past about walking as exercise. There is a ton of stuff i cannot do. But being post op nearly 8 weeks i can definitely walk and walk pretty normal. So if walking is ALL you can then fine. But if you are capable, i really question why you don't challenge yourself just a little bit and do something other than walk for your daily exercise.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

30 Dec 2012 -I want to laugh but there's no joke

Feeling pretty good with only about 13 hrs between sessions. Got some good calories and sleep last night.
Some strangeness in the gym last night and again this morning. I also slipped in the snow on the way into the gym, nothing major. It was my strong leg the slipped off the curb in the snow. No pressure on my leg or pain.  Which is always a great thing at this point.
I made this a few years ago and it is my training Binder. A little reminder everyday.
Don't Be Mediocre.
Do EVERYTHING as balls out as you can .
Even if it is resting or failing at some hard project, do it with panache and intensity.
Be SCARY committed!

Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incline /Speed Lvl 2.0 - 4.0
PROWLER (1 lap = 220 m)
1 Lap x 20lbs
1 Lap x 30lbs
Again with both of these big, long powerful strides.

Today is an in between day as i needed to simply get the blood moving and do my "daily list" of required movements. What is not listed here i am doing during the football game at home this afternoon.

ADduction 1 x 50 x 75
ABduction 1 x 50 x 150
Red Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 1 x 30, 2 x 25
Leg Raises 2 x 10, 1 x 15
Rev Hyper 3 x 10
45 Deg Back Ext 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends 3 x 10
Push Ups 3 x 10

Push Ups i will be doing daily. But i will say this FRACKING LEG SCREW! I will be working my Push Up Volume back up to what is was pre-surgery (6 x 20) and beyond. The limiting factor will be the screw and the amount of irritation it puts out. I will work through it but only to the point where the pain subsides after i leave the push up position. With the addition of push ups i will also bring back icing the leg for 15 min at least once a day just before bed.

Box Step Ups R & L Legs 3 x 10
Lunges (no step back) R & L Legs 1 x 10
Rev Calf Raise 3 x 15
Calf Raise (bent /straight knee) 3 x 10/10
Box Squat 3 x 10

The rest of my Rehab i will do here at home like i said. I added box step up. Box is roughly 8" high. Working the top end and hip extension. The Lunges i will work until i see my PT on the 3rd of Jan. Eliminating the step back. The strength and flexibility in regards to the reconstructing leg is coming leaps and bounds but not strong enough for the step back movement. i just feel like these are safer for the knee for now.
Patella Pain is good for today.

Don't be These People PLEASE:

Last night 2 Separate people in the weight room /cardio area on Cell Phones. WTF? One was in the cardio room on the stepper. The other was in the spin room. The person in the spin room was on the phone or so it seemed the ENTIRE time they were in the gym. They walked through the weight room on the phone, i noticed and ignored. Then when i walked by the spin room 10 min later, still on the phone. A few times as i was travelling around i glanced in and yup still on the phone. What is so important? I mean really. Are trainers do consults /training sessions via cell phone now.


The third person. Middle aged dude. walks in and proceeds to throw on 45's then bench, did not really pay attention. Then proceeds to add 25's so now i sorta pay attention. This guy has been in the gym less than 5 min and is benching 185 lbs? um NOPE. He barely gets the bar half way down to his chest. Does one more set then proceeds to move onto to decline press doing the same thing. I don't get these people. The strongest Benchers on the planet warm up with the bar, 95,115, or 135 then move upwards to some actual weight. They also Touch their chest with the bar. I try to ignore this as i know it happens every where but some days it just seems to blow my mind.

Chicago Bears Fighting for the Playoffs today.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29 Dec 2012 -The Cold makes cowards of us all...

I did get in for that extra session last night. Not going to document it on here but everything i mentioned on the list from yesterday did get done. Including a very special addition.

PROWLER 1 x 220 m x empty Prowler

Long, slow, concentrated steps the whole time around the track. It is a start i plan on making this tool a very big piece of my recovery.

So on with today. Shit ton of Snow today. I ended up riding the Hobo Limo aka the Bus. Really is the safest and most relaxing way to travel in this weather.

Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incline /Speed 2.5-4.0 (do i really need to keep explaining this?)
45 Deg Hyper Ext 3 x 10
Rev Hyper 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends  3 x 10
Leg Raise 3 x 10
Face Pulls 5 x 15 x 95

Mach Row High Elbows 4 x 12 x 50
Red Band Pull A-parts 5 x 15
Spider Wall Walk 3 x Orange band
Fat Gripz Bar Curl Curl 5 x 15 x 80
Fat Gripz Rope Tri-Pressdown 5 x 12 x 140
Rear Delt Destroyers 40 x 50lbs - 20 x 25lbs - 10 x 10lbs
Calf Raise 3 x 10/10 (straight /bent knee)
Rev Calf Raise 3 x 12
ADduction 1 x 50 x 75
ABduction 1 x 50 x 150

Prowler 1 x 220 m x 20 lbs
Bike 15 min /75-85 rpm / 5 rpe

The rehab stuff was done throughout the morning as i was doing other stuff. Also while doing laundry i made a point of using the recovering leg to climb the 30 or so stairs from the basement to my apartment.
Lunges L 10 / R 10
Box Squats 5 x 10
Quad Sets 1 x 10
Knee bends 1 x 20, 1 x 10
Hamstring Stretch 2 x 1 min
Wall Squat 3 x 10
Head harness 2 x 15 x 20

It may have seemed like i skipped Quad stretch but instead on the last 5 reps of both sets i held the top end of the ROM for 10-15 sec. and then at the end of every set i hugged the leg and held it for an additional 30 sec.
I am noticing so patella pain in both legs, primarily when going up and down stairs. I also have cut back on the Quad sets because the wall squats seemed to really fire my VMO. The Wall squats i will have to watch because i think these are partly to blame for my knee pain in both my legs.
I also have been lazy in regards to my head harness. That is going to change tomorrow.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, December 28, 2012

28 Dec 2012 -There is no Try...

Nothing reported the last few days because nothing worth reporting.
Strength work was Stairs and spending hrs walking around visiting people.
Box Squats was getting in and out of chairs in a concentrated fashion.
Got home Christmas day and Boxing day with my leg feel tired and stiff.
So other than stretching and ROM i have not done anything regimented and solid.
As of this morning my ROM is doing extremely well, very close to the other leg. Yesterday i woke up to a mass of snow and not wanting to risk it is stayed in. But i did do a metric-shit-ton of stretching on my hamstring and quad.

Also of note my calves were extremely tight and sore the last 3 days. So i did some stretching,  voodoo band work and more stretching. They felt good enough today to go back to doing calf raises today. The funny part is while out visiting they were so stiff i was forced to move slowly and looked semi-crippled which is not where i am at all. So because of this although impressed with my progress, most of the girl friend's family thinks i am still semi-crippled

Oh and for the record i don't hobble, I walk with Fucking Swagger!

So i got out of bed feeling great, grabbed a big glass of Di-hydrogen Monoxide, as i was slugging it back i felt a ping-pang-pow in my neck. Damn it! I didn't wake up with a crick in my neck but i had one less than 5 min out of bed. Ah well. So a few minutes with the Lax ball against the wall to make sure it did not blow up into something irritating all day. Then on with some Rehab.

Head Harness 1 x 25 x 25 (these actually help my neck stretch, flex, increase blood flow and make it feel better.)
Quad sets 2 x 20
Knee bends 2 x 15
Dog Walk 15 min (with new ice cleats on my boots!)

Got picked up and off to the gym.

Warm Up:
45 Deg Back Ext 1 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends 1 x 10
Rev Hyper 1 x 10
I-T-Y-W's 1 x 10 ea
Black Band Pull A-parts 1 x 20
Black Band Tri Press Downs 1 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 1 x 30
Leg Raise 1 x 10

Dynamic Bench
2 x 5 x bar (close grip)
1 x 3 x 95 (close grip)
1 x 3 x 115 (close grip)
2 x 3 x 135 (med grip)
6 x 3 x 135 (wide grip)
Supersetted with Pull Ups
10 x 6 x Body weight (adding 1 rep to every set weekly)

Pullups felt great. Strong and smooth for all 10 sets. The Bench felt crappy. Set up felt alot better so i will take that. Just not as explosive and peppy as normal. I considered dropping to sets of 1 rep but decided against it. Next week if it feels like this i will. Weight for Dynamic Bench is based off of the floor press from earlier this week. Dynamic Bench is 50-65% of that.

Neutral Grip Db Bench Press 
1 x 15 x 55
1 x 10 x 60lbs
3 x 10 x 65

These seem to push the bad deltoid without making it scream for mercy. I will keep with a Linear Progression on these. I could do sets of 12-15 with the 65 but the idea is to increase every week without  going to failure. So next week the plan is to increase to 70lbs for sets of 8. (Staying at least 2 reps under what i can do.)
My iPod died half way through my training session, i was about this happy with myself for not charging it.

Horizontal Shrug
5 x 12 x 70lbs

Same idea with these. Take them up another 5 lbs and drop the reps to 10.

Rev Hyper 2 x 10
45 Deg back Ext 2 x 10
45 Deg Side Bend 2 x 10
Leg Raise 2 x 10

This stuff got done in between sets of Db Press and Horizontal shrugs. The idea with this stuff is injury prevention by keeping the daily volume steady with these. By doing this stuff daily right now when i do start ripping stuff off the floor and squatting my weak link will not be my back chain /"core". Staving off a stupid side effect injury while rehabbing /rebuilding.

Super set
ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 75
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 150

Quad Stretch 1 x 2 min
Lunges L 1 x 10 /R 1 x 10
Box Squat 3 x 10
Rev Calf 2 x 15
Calf Raises (straight leg /bent knee) 15/15, 10/10

Going to work the volume up slowly on the calf raises so as not to cripple myself again with soreness.(stupid of me as i know better)
 Going back to the gym tonight. On the list is treadmill, Bike, More Lunges (1 x 10), wall slides, wall squat and more stretching. My idea is to start doing a second set of Lunges later in the day now that they are getting stable. Quad stretches have progressed to the point i can grab my own foot again. I will continue to use the bands to stretch with as it is more comfortable, but it is these little pieces that i build with daily.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, December 24, 2012

24 Dec 2012 -Told you to keep your camera's handy

Started Training before i even got out of bed this morning, for real.

Quad sets 3 x 10
Knee bends 3 x 10
Hip Extension 3 x 10
Box Squats 3 x 10
Wall Squat 2 x 10
Adduction 3 x 10
Straighten leg, turn hip downward slightly, pull leg back behind  the midlineslightly

Lift the leg with the Glutes only, trying to lead with the heel.

Got the Chalk out, Turned up the iPod,Unleashed the Anger and smashed some shit up today. The Numbers are nothing to write home about but the journey has started and i now have numbers to work from.

Warm Up :
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incline
0- 2.5 min -Lvl 2.5
2.5 - 5 min -Lvl 3.0
5 - 7.5 min -Lvl 3.5
7.5 - 10 min -Lvl 4.0

Had to hang on at Lvl 4 but it felt good to move my leg that fast and i could keep pace without hanging on. I will back off a little when i get back on the treadmill on the 27 th.

Lunges R 10 /L 10

These are starting to feel solid. Everyday a little bit better.
Festivus for the Rest of US! Now on with the feats of Strength!

Floor Press (working up to a 5 RM)
2 x 5 x bar, 95, 115, 135, 155
1 x 5 x 170 (added EFS Elbow Sleeves)
1 x 5 x 185 (elbow sleeves & EFS Wrist Wraps )
1 x 5 x 205 (Gear + Belt)
1 x 5 x 215 (Gear + Belt)

1 x 5 x 170 (no gear)
2 x 8 x 165 (no gear)

Called it at 215 lbs, it was a solid grinding 5 reps. I might have had 220 lbs but 215 will do as a starting place. Backed off and did some sets to just shy of failure, need the rep work to get stronger too not just singles and triples. Tried out the Elbow Sleeves to see if the would help with the Left shoulder issue, they did. I have to just keep stretching the shoulder it is getting better. Pulled the Chalk out at 155 lbs. Felt good to strain and have to fight the weight.

45 Deg Back Extension 2 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends 2 x 10
Rev Hyper 2 x 10
Red band Pull-a-parts 3 x 30
Fat Man Rows (pulling with wide grip to just below sternum)
1 x 15 x 75 (fast and explosive)
1 x 15 x 95 (fast and explosive)
1 x 10 x 120 (staying at this weight until i can smash this for 15 reps)
Machine Row (neutral grip pulling to bottom of ribs)
1 x 10 x 180
1 x 12 x 170
1 x 12 x 160
I am going to re-work the weight on these to 165 lbs and push for 3 x 15 reps next week.

Calf Raise (straight leg /bent knees) 3 x 10/10
Reverse Calf Raises 2 x 15
Neck Crunch 3 x 20 x 25 lbs
Tricep Press downs 
Black + Orange band 4 x 10
Black band 1 x 10 - Orange Band 1 x 10

Got the Calf raises and Neck Crunches done in between sets of Tr-Press downs.
Plan on going back to the gym to ride the bike. Since i have 2 days "off" from Trg i am pushing my Bike rehab time as late as i can. I will also do some Rear Delt Destroyers, Wall slides and stretching.
The Patella scar is doing well today and healing on its own so far.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

23 Dec 2012 -Let Me hear your War Cry

Woke up stiff and sore. Calves are stiff, muscle stiff this is a good thing. Easily worked out. Was mildly perturbed climbing the stairs this morning after taking the dog out. But then i remembered some Ray Lewis said;
"Everyday is a gift, treat it as such, work your ass off EVERY-DAY" -R. Lewis

And then i read this from Coach Harry Selkow on the EFS WEBSITE :

"Best Way to wake up a Sleeping WARRIOR??? Tell him what he CAN'T do, then get out of his way" -H. Selkow

Motivation from the strangest places sometimes and when I need it.
After my rant about lunges and skipping in the weight room guess what? That's right a woman doing both. ah well. Throat punching is frowned upon and probably slightly illegal. As Rage against the machine says "Anger is a Gift". I use it to fuel my training.

Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incline -Broken down like this:
0 -2.5 min Lvl 2
2.5-5 min Lvl 2.5
5-7.5 min Lvl 3.0
7.5-10 min Lvl 3.5
This felt pretty good. Challenging without pushing too hard. I think I will do this again tomorrow.

45 Deg Back Extensions 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Raise 3 x 10
Row Machine (High row, elbows Lvl with shoulders) 4 x 10 x 50

Using the Row Machine with elbows high hits my upper back and rear Delts. All about the Back work.

Rev Hyper 3 x 10 (Slow Tempo hold for 2 Count at the top)
Quad Sets 3 x 10 (hold for 5 sec Count at top)
Turn toes out slightly, Contract VMO as hard as possible
Keeping VMO Flexed raise leg as high as possible. Hold for the count of 5, and then lower, relaxing leg completely.

With the Reverse Hypers i kept them slow today to not over stretch my Low back. Almost creating new mobility in my low back and it is a tender /unstable in the stretched position. Holding at the top gives me a good low back pump and the slow tempo challenges the low back in a slightly different fashion. The Quad sets i slowed right down and used the hold at the top to fire the VMO a little harder.

TRX Pistols (aka single leg Squat) Left Leg 2 x 10

TRX Superset
External Rotation 2 x 10
Y Raise 2 x 10
Face Pull 2 x 10
Spider wall Walk (with orange mini wrapped twice) 2 x just short of failure

Lunges L 10 /R 10
Box Squats 3 x 10
Wall squats (Rolled Mat) 3 x 10
Calf Stretch 1 x 1 min - 1 x 30 Sec
Knee bends 3 x 10
Calf Raise 5 x 10
1 hand Plate Pinch L 1 x 20 sec /R 1 x 25 sec (25 lbs Plate + 10 lbs Plate)

ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 75
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 150
AKA -The Sex Machine
Bike 11 min /80-85 rpm /rpe 6

I will try and get 2 sessions of the bike accomplished tomorrow. Then on the Christmas /Boxing Day i will do extra sets of Wall Slides & Knee bends. I can feel a tiny bit of fluid in my knee. Very minor but as long as I keep things moving (as i have said before) the fluid will evacuate the knee. now speaking of the new. It seems the i have some ingrown hairs in my scars. They broke in the shower today so i have open holes again. Cleaned them and letting them air out. Nothing to panic over yet. 

Bottom of the Patella scar, the angry red skin. If i squeeze it Red & White Blood seeps out.
The "T" on the inside of my knee -Poke that and you can feel the Bio-degrade-able screw.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

22 Dec 2012 - Thanks Mister Narhwal

Lighter session today after a pretty intense session yesterday (and long). Some strangeness in the gym but for a Saturday morning it was par for the course, just the Saturday morning regulars. Got some photos of some of my Rehab movements also. Start posting them over the next few days.Switched the order up today. Rehab first.

Knee Bends 3 x 12
Leg is straight and relaxed.

Using no leg muscle pull leg in until pressure in knee stops or  mild pain sets in.

Quad sets 1 x 20,15,15
Wall Squats 2 x 10
Clamshells L 20  /R 20
Hamstring Stretch 1 x 30 sec
Lunges L 10 /R 10
Wall Slides 3 x 10
Box Squats 3 x 10
Hip Extension(s) 2 x L 15 /R 15
Quad Stretch 1 x  4min
Superman's 1 x 20

If you have noticed alot of stretching doesn't get done in the gym. I do it in the evenings. The Superman's i do to keep my low back active and because it is Rehab /Prehab. i have the occasional problem with this area.

Treadmill 10 min /Lvl 2.5 /Max Incline

This really sucked today. I try to do this without grabbing the machine but had to do it several times. but this shows i need to keep pressing on with it.

Reverse Hyper 1 x 15, 12, 10
Back Extension 3 x 10
Side bends 3 x 10

These i did through out the training session. the got done just not all at once. The Reverse Hypers really gave my low back a deep stretch. It felt deep and a little soothing but at the same time disconcerting because i felt like i was riding a line of going to far and hitting that line of no return. i don't think i have said this but side bends, equal on both sides every time.

Horizontal Shrug  4 x 10 x 70
Calf Raises 4 x 25 x Bodyweight (not cleared to do anything but bodyweight for these just yet. Going to work up to 4 x 50)

Rear Laterals 5 x 10 x 20
Fat Gripz Straight bar cable curl  5 x 10 x 80 (double pulley machine)

Fat Gripz V-bar Pressdown  5 x 10 x 140
Leg Raises 3 x 10

So something with weight super setted with a bodyweight exercise was the formula today. Tomorrow is another light recovery day before bringing Hell fire and Brimstone Monday for Floor press.

Managing Angry Moments:
-Skipping in the weight room. WHY? There is a giant field house yet you want to come in the weight room and skip? You suddenly become a mildly menacing  moron.(skipping ropes won't kill you while spinning, except for few select individuals i know)
-Lunging for distance with a Plate over your head in the weight room? Reminds me of Monty Python. Again there is a giant field house. You just make me want to trip you as lunge by being another Mildly menacing Moron. Hell, if you think you are cool enough (read: man enough) go do the Ronnie Coleman Lunge session.
Nothing but a peanut Baby! So Nuts, but he was one of the best of all time. 

I think the weirdest thing with this recovery is knowing that up until the about the 8 month mark my knee will not really be 100% rock solid. I will feel healthy and strong but there will still be healing and binding of tissues that i will not feel or know about. Just keep doing what i am told and follow the timeline. Things like standing on my bad leg. Regain the balance and rewire neural pathways.

So this is how i cook in my house now.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, December 21, 2012

21 Dec 2012 -...And the Game changer was 6 weeks ago today

(In May 2001 Triple H had his left Quad tear from the bone in his leg, 8 mths of rehab and battled back)

I don't expect much. Just a little bit further everyday. The last few days have been  nothing short of awesome. They will not all be like this but from the very beginning of this journey my one resounding mantra has been "Ok so what can i do?".
Day in day out i focused only on what i was physically able to do /accomplish. The stuff i cannot do, well that shit will all fall in time and if there is stuff that i can't every do so be it. Rest assured i will maintain my intensity and attitude regardless. The challenges will come and i will battle through. I have simply talked to much shit over the years to back off now. Sub-consciously i think i always talk shit to keep myself honest, so that i don't have people calling me out.
I remember someone mentioning a few days after the injury that i had simply had not slowed not slowed down or wavered at all in my attitude. Just a testament to the way i was raised i guess. Earn everything,  nothing is guaranteed.

Winter finally showed up this morning so i suddenly have unsafe walking conditions. It now justifies my handi-parking pass. This also means Maxine and I did not get a big long walk at Zero Dark something.

While making B-fast (yup Bacon and Eggs) got this done:
Wall Slides 2 x 10
Head Harness 3 x 25 x 20

Short time later off to the gym
Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min - Lvl 2.5 - Max Incline (this did feel a little crappy by the end, low back /calves)
ITWY's 1 x 10 x 10
Red Band Pull A-parts 1 x 50
Reverse Hyper 1 x 15
Black Band Pressdown 1 x 50

Dynamic Bench 2 x Bar x 5 (narrow grip- index finger on edge of smooth)
1 x 3 x 95 (narrow grip)
1 x 3 x 115 (medium grip -baby finger on the inner ring)
1 x 3 x 135 (medium grip)
1 x 3 x 155 (medium grip)
4 x 3 x 155 (wide grip -index finger on inner ring)
3 x 3 x 145 (wide grip)
Wide Grip Pull Ups (completed between bench sets)
10 x 5
Neutral Db Bench Press
1 x 15 x 50, 55
3 x 15 x 60
Machine Row 
1 x 10 x 190
1 x 10 x 180
1 x 10 x 170

Warm up helped loosen and warm up my back after the treadmill pumped and mildly seized it up, it also helped prep me for benching. I called this Dynamic Bench, it is "regular" bench pressing but with a purpose. BAR SPEED. Weight is 55-60% of my 1 RM max. Two reasons i do this 1. Practice my technique and set up for Competition 2. Produce as much speed /force as i can. The weight is light but i don't Frack around, this has a purpose. Come Monday i will be doing heavy floor press. I am notching my training back into my template for Powerlifting.
This explains it much better if you are curious:
Dynamic Benching

I will do not do any heavy benching (Floor Press has no leg drive so it is "safe" for my leg) until i am cleared to lift with my legs as i do use a fair bit of leg drive when i Bench.When I Dynamic bench at least i stabilize without over using my legs right now.
The Db Bench moved very fast. Pull Ups i will discuss later.

45 Degree Back Extension  3 x 10
45 Degree Side Raises 3 x 10
Box Squats 3 x 10
Lunges R 10 /L 10
Quad Stretch 3 min - 2 min
Hamstring stretch 1.5 min - 1 min
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 135
ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 75
Bike 15 min /70-90 rpm /6 rpe (rating of perceived exertion)
Boat Pose 2 x 1 min
Plank  2 x 40 sec

Plank still irritates the screw in my leg. But it is tolerable and a necessary pain. Have to keep challenging the scar tissue so it heals the way i need too. Doing the Quad stretch before the Lunges is gold. I nearly did all 20 reps without touching anything. few more days and i will be lunging around the gym like an idiot high on Sugar. The bike continues to feel great, i am using it for now to push the last of the swelling out of my knee. I don't panic when i have mild swelling with no pain or affecting my ROM. I use the bike and my Rehab movements to push the swelling up and out via my lymphatic system.
So today is the first step back into setting up a steady template and real training. The other stuff i was doing was accumulation and just to keep my tolerance up for lifting while staying healthy. From here on out it is, Rehab, Strength, Conditioning and keeping the rest of my body healthy.
The Game has changed definitely...just time will tell how much.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

20 Dec 2012 -I Am the Sword...

UP early - ish. 0630 hrs took the Maxine for a good 30 min walk to start the day. I will keep pushing my alarm clock back until i am up at 0500 hrs. If you aren't up early you are wasting the day is the way i see it.
Checked the pool timings, they suck. So i will get in there next week or maybe this weekend. But in the mean time the other stuff continues.
Ho - Ho - Ho

Came home from the walk and made breakfast (bacon w/ eggs over hard if you care) and while stuff was cooking i got this done:

Wall Slides 2 x 10
Head Harness 2 x 25 x 20lbs

Wall slides felt much better today. I will do 2 more sets before bed tonight. Lower back was super stiff this morning but who really fucking cares, that is what warm ups are for.

0930 i got picked up and off to the Gym

Warm Up
Treadmill 10 min - Max Incline - Lvl 2.5
Rev Hyper 2 x 10
Red Band pull a parts
1 x 45
4 x 20
45 Deg Back Extensions 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends 2 x 10 /1 x 5 (each side)
I-T-W-Y's 1 x 10 x 5 lbs

This was a perfect setting for the treadmill today, i will stay here for a few days before bumping up the speed a touch more. I don't have a proper reverse hyper so i am using one of the back extension machines, i still get a great pump and stretch through my low back so i feel they  are worth while do at least do in my warm up.

Fat Man Horizontal Shrugs 
1 x 15 x 50
1 x 15 x 55
5 x 10 x 65
Two Handed Plate Pinch 1 x 25 sec x 25 lbs
Neck Crunch 3 x 20 x 25 lbs
Bodyweight Box Squat 4 x 10 (1 extra set)
Lunges 1 x L 10  /R 10
Quad Stretch 3 Min /2 Min /4 Min
Hamstring Stretch 2 min
ABduction Machine 1 x 40 x 135 lbs
ADduction  Machine 1 x 40 x 75 lbs
Boat Pose 1 min /1 min
Plank 50 sec
Bike 25 min /65-85 rpm /medium resistance

This was a very great session today. Lunges felt alot more solid i can nearly do them on both legs without having to hold onto anything.
The BIG news of the day, yes i did an extra set of box squats. Here is why: MY STRETCH REFLEX KICKED IN DURING BOX SQUATS. Now for the uninitiated this means as i was squatting my glutes /hamstrings /Quads were able to engage and decelerate my body weight.
This is a big deal for lifting later and also means my legs and rear chain muscles are beginning to fire effectively again. Physiologically this is a very big deal in my progress.
The bike felt very smooth. Still medium resistance but to get over 20 min two days in a row is very good. i did manage to look at the clock for everything which gives me numbers to work with.

I watched my first Christmas movie tonight, DIE HARD. Elf this Saturday and probably national lampoons Christmas on Sunday (maybe). (yes this has nothing to do with trg)

"Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs..." 

Managing Angry Moments /Things that confuse me that i want no real answer to:
-WTF do people buy giant BEATS BY DRE head phones for the fucking gym? I hide the cord from ear buds in my sweatshirts and t-shirts so they don't get caught on shit when i am training . But giant SPEAKERS on your head to train with?

-As i warmed up on the treadmill this morning i looked around. I was doing 2.5 on an incline. Approx 14 people in the "cardio room" (cough cough, choke back stomach bile) I was going faster than a third of the people in there. I am talking about people younger, healthier and with a hell of a lot more potential than they were giving themselves credit for.
These were regular gym goers.
 I say this not because i  think i am super human or some shit but because people really need to understand they are capable of so much more. In ALL areas of life. A good place to start is the gym, but they miss the point.
Please for the love of fuck stop selling yourself short, and get on it with it for fuck's sake. If tomorrow really was the end of the world at least pretend like you are trying to live your life.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

19 Dec 2012 -Alpha Mike Foxtrot...

 Only a week to go till the big guy shows up. I will have to get back on track with watching my Christmas movies. (DIE HARD, Santa's Slay,Lampoon Christmas Vacation)

2 days until i hit the 6 weeks since surgery mark. I am pretty much off the crutches  now but i do keep them handy if i get too tired. In the apartment it is brace free and i walk around pretty well. Not fast, but you would not know i was walking on a fucked up knee.
Outside the apartment i wear the knee brace, it provides that little bit of extra support and mental armour. But my walking speed is still slow to medium paced. 
But i started walking the dog and i will continue with that until the eventuality of the snow coming as it is winter after all. Then i will make the adjustments. But for now things are going extremely well. 

Why all this talk of walking? Well because i spent the better part of the morning walking around the mall. a little rough, but i sat down as much as i could. no swelling or real discomfort i just seem to feel tired and the brace can be uncomfortable if it shifts when i am walking.
Going up and down stairs is progressing although coming down stairs with the weight on my bad leg feels sketchy. But this feeling has more to do with the tension and stretch reflex in my knee. It is feeling better everyday. Just alot more Quad stretching.

Training tonight
Warm Up:
Treadmill Max Incline 7 min Lvl 2 then increased the speed to Lvl 2.5 for another 3 min (10 min if you cannot do basic math)
Seated OH Press 
1 x 20 x Bar (45lbs for the uninitiated)
1 x 10 x 55,65,75,85,95,105
Seated Pin Press (half way)
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 105
1 x 10 x 95
Side laterals
1 x 10 x 15, 20, 25, 30
Supersetted with Face Pulls
1 x 30 x 80
1 x 20 x 80
1 x 24 x 80
1 x 24 x 80
Rope Press Down (Single Pulley stack)
1 x 10 x 80
4 x 10 x 70

Seated OH Press i am work again next week and then determine my numbers as i will be reapplying 5/3/1 soon. Seated OH Press is not ideal but it is what i have to work with for now. That side Delt issue kicked in again. I know 120 lbs for 10 reps is in me if i can get this knot to relax. Maybe start sleeping on my back again and not on my shoulder. Pin Press were to just work the muscles a little harder and get them used to straining again. Next week i will start to drop certain movements below 10 reps and start adding weight. 
Face pulls i did with the tricep rope. so i did have the set Over hand and half the set under hand.

No back work tonight but i will crush it again tomorrow. Also more triceps tomorrow a few low volume sets tonight. Maybe some biceps if i feel so inclined.

Grip Work 
2 handed plate pinch  2 x 25lbs plates for  2 sets. approx 30sec each set. This is a better weight. 

Knee Bends 3 x 10
Box Squats 3 x10
Lunges R 10 /L 10
Quad Sets 3 x 10
45 Deg Back Ext 3 x 10
45 Deg Side Bends 3 x 10
Rev Hyper (body weight) 1 x 10
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 95
ADduction Machine 1 x 50 x 60
Quad Stretch 1 x 3 min
Hamstring stretch 1 x 1min
Bike 12 min / Medium resistance /65-75 rpm

Did not get the wall slides done tonight or the head harness but i will get both of these covered first thing tomorrow. Up early tomorrow to walk the maxinator and start off the day before the sun rises. That is something mentally and spiritually i need to get back to doing. Getting up before the sun. I just feel like my days are so much more productive when i do that. 

Fish Oil (2-4 Tbsp daily) -tissue rebuilding and joint lube
Magnesium Powder (2 tsp) -Tissue rebuilding, and a dozen other things of greatness 
Vitamin C (2-6 tabs a day) - do i really have to say what V-C does?
Peanut butter (1-2 Tbsp) -rounds out my fat content
Coffee -Everyone needs a dose of bitter herb in their diet
Aspirin (i low dose tab) - it prevents cancer
Myofusion Protein powder (2-4 scoops /day) -This has probiotics in it and helps keep my protein up
Muscle Pharm Bullet proof (1 Scoop) -Sleep Aid, joint formula in this and keeps me anabolic supposedly. All i know is i have slept like an animal that sleep really soundly at night, yeah that is me. sleeping.

OK i am fracking tired off to bed. Tomorrow i scale my bedtime back. Also going to start in with a guaranteed hour of reading everyday. Expand my mind. 

"No one ever got dumber from reading a book" - Dave Tate

Keep Moving forward, Keep getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

18 Dec 2012 - The Fire Rises...

No real upper work today. Letting the shoulders have a day off. Starting off with this piece of insane human performance and ability. He makes these weights look easy.

Ok and now after that on with what i did to rebuild once more today:

Treadmill FULL Incline Speed 1.5 - 10 min
Bike Minimum Resistance - 25 min
Box Squats (Physio calls these 'sit to stands') 3 x 10
Black Band Face Pulls 2 x 50
Lunges R/L 1 x 10
ADduction Machine 1 x 30 x 75 lbs - 1 x 20 x 65 lbs (dropped Ten pounds to finish the set of 50 reps)
ABduction Machine 1 x 50 x 105 lbs
Quad Sets 3 x 10
Boat Pose 40 sec /30 sec /20 sec /40 sec
Knee Bends 3 x 10
Plank 30 sec
Quad Stretch 1 x 2 min
Hamstring stretch 3 x 1 min
Neck Crunch 2 x 30 x 25 lbs
Plate Pinch 1 set each hand with 2 fat 10lbs plates. I will start to time this but today was definitely over a minute.
45 Deg Back Ext 3 x 15

Squats and lunges felt better today. The Squats a lot better, everything is remember how to fire and stabilize properly. The lunges on my recovering leg felt a lot better. Using my recovering leg as a supporting leg is going to take more time. The stretch reflex is still strong. But as i push the ROM it will come along i am sure. Knee Bends felt extremely good about i will have to get the PT to check that in the new year.

Tonight i will do a few sets of head harness, stretch the quads some more and get some wall slides done. Also of note is that i have to work on my balance. This i can do through out the day which is what i have been doing. Feel like a Shaolin standing on one leg all day.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, December 17, 2012

17 Dec 2012 -Whoever holds this hammer....

Physio first thing this morning with alot of exciting new movements and exercises to start applying right away. Things have expanded alot now that the restriction because of the gradual weight bearing is being lifted. (This is because of the meniscus repair that took place). So i can start putting full weight on the knee again. Some things immediately feel good and solid while others not so much and i down right suck at. Just more motivation to smash things. Speaking of motivation that has been quite the topic for me with some of my friends. A simple way to summarize is in this video from Strongman Steve Pulcinella:

That sums it up in a nutshell when you don't feeling like trg. I have other motivations that drive me. Those motivations are my own.

Rehab went well today. As i sit here my leg is feeling pretty jacked and tired in a good way. The PT also did 2 min of Acupuncture on my shoulder and bingo that muscle knot popped out. Now i have to not sleep with my arm jacked over my head and i should be ok. I also think coming off the crutches will help also.

 9 am Rehab (w/PT)
Bike 10 min
Hamstring stretch 2 x 1 min
Knee bends 1 x 30
Stim machine Quad Sets 1 x 5 min
Stim Machine Wall Slides (while squeezing ball) 1 x 5 min

Had some Sushi for lunch because some friends came and picked me and took me out. Fun times. Did not need to eat to much this afternoon that is for sure.

Got into the gym tonight as my leg needed a little bit of a rest before i went at it to finish my Rehab stuff for the day. Not too many weirdos in the gym tonight. I used the crutches to get in the gym but felt comfortable enough to get around the weight room with them. So i walked around slowly with just the knee brace.

Wide Grip Pull Ups 5 x 3
Bodyweight Squats to bench with Foam pad (puts me 2" above parallel) 3 x 10
Lunges 1 x 10 Right leg /1 x 10 Left leg 
Single Arm Machine Rows 4 x 15 x 70
Hamstring stretch 2 x 1 min
Read Delt Lateral
2 x 20 x 15
2 x 15 x 15
Seated Db Hammer Curls
3 x 10 x 40
V Bar Press down (single pulley machine)
1 x 20 x 50
1 x 10 x 80, 100, 90, 80
45 deg Back Extension
2 x 10
ABduction Machine 1 x 25 x 80 lbs then increased to 105 lbs for another 25 reps
ADduction Machine 1 x 25 x 50 lbs then increased to 60 lbs for another 25 reps

The Bodyweight Squats felt very weak, but my body knows this movement so it will come back extremely fast. Lunges i disliked doing when i was healthy, but i will smash them hard because i need to master them so that is what will happen. The Lunges i also did stationary tonight rather than stepping down and pushing back up, i will add that in tomorrow or the next day the movement starts to feel more solid.  The Machine rows i did non-stop, right arm for 15 then left arm for 15 etc. It actually made me breath a little hard by the end. Db curls in the mirror always feels like public masturbation or some shit. Maybe i will start turning the benches around so i don't have to watch myself. I do them actually for one reason, they assist in my bench press and when i do high rep curls they alleviate the bicep tendinitis i eventually get from high volume Pull Ups. For now i am doing to fill time and to fill that damn blood pressure cuff. A useless ego goal i know. Lol!
The 45 Degree back extension i have big plans for to help rebuild my entire back chain. For now it is body weight only for sets of 10 reps. But the Hyper-Deads are coming
...Or doing Biceps

Now for the excitement for today's visit. The weight restriction is lifted as i mentioned so this translates to bodyweight strength training. Some light band Hamstring work while seated, more to activate and rebuild my hamstrings. For most ACL surgery this is a big deal but i had the patellar graft so my hamstrings are in good shape but i also want to prep them for lifting a few mths from now. Abs, Low back and Hamstrings are the 3 things i can strengthened now in preparation for Squats and Deadliftting in a few months.

I am cleared to walk on the treadmill on an Incline. In the pool with water chest high i can walk and run. I will also start doing some laps in the pool. On the bike i start to add resistance. I like my man parts so anything longer than 20 min and i simply get uncomfortable and annoyed. I am allowed to do so shrimping (it is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ground movement, if you really care to know what it is i will post a vid of in the next few days.)
Encouraged to walk up and down stairs (which i have 14 leading into my apartment). Start walking full time around the house without the knee brace or crutches. Up until Friday if i venture out to do anything i am to use the crutches but no knee brace. Then come Friday i have 2 weeks of assistance with the brace but no more crutches!

Ok I have rambled on! Exciting day. From hear things will only build daily. I will go through in detail the knee exercises and stuff i get to do as the week goes on.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

16 Dec 2012 -Things have changed....

A good 2 hr session today. As always it starts out intense and i then i let things drift off as i get to some of the cursory and body weight stuff. Christmas is fast approaching.

Warm Up
Seated Db Laterals 3 x 20 x 15lbs
Seated Db Curls 3 x 20 x 15lbs
45 Deg Back Extension 2 x 10

Left shoulder is still being 'funny' but warming it up seems to help. PT is going to release it tomorrow to see if that helps. The Back extensions are to start gradually working in Back chain /Hamstring work.

Close Grip Bench
2 x 20 x bar (Note: Never question the weight of the bar, it is always 45lbs. Always)
1 x 10 x 95
1 x 10 x 115
1 x 10 x 135
1 x 10 x 155
1 x 10 x 175
1 x 10 x 165
1 x 10 x 155
2 x 10 x 145

I called the progression upwards at 175 lbs because that was the start of the strain. I definitely had 185 lbs x 10 in the tank but that is not the point yet. Feats of strength will come later, much later. In the mean time the slow build of strength.

Rolling Tricep Extensions
1 x 15 x 15
1 x 12 x 20
1 x 12 x 25
3 x 8 x 25
1 x 15 x 25
Supersetted with Seated Shrugs 
4 x 15 x 75

Side Delt Cable Laterals
*1 x 15 x 10
*1 x 15 x 15
*1 x 15 x 20
3 x 10 x 20
Supersetted with Neutral Grip Pullups 3 x 5
"If you can't do Pull Ups you either Fat, Broken, or Weak and none of those are good" -Jim Wendler

Neck Crunch
1 x 25 x 25
3 x 20 x 25
I got these from Steve Pulcinella, Strong man out of Philly. They are a great counter balance to the Head harness.
Supersetted with Quad Sets 4 x 20

Face Pulls with Black Band 2 x 50
Plank 20 sec /1 min

Knee Bends 2 x 25
Hamstring Stretch 2 x 1 min
ABduction  Machine 1 x 50 x 90 lbs
ADduction  Machine 1 x 50 x 45 lbs
Bike 10 min

Knee feels really good today. I did take a few minutes to work the scars really well. The biggest issue with Plank is still the screw in my shin. As i work the scar tissue it is getting better but it is an annoying sort of discomfort, it is something i have to work through though. With time it will subside.

I keep leaving the crutches behind in the gym. I am sure people are almost think i am faking at this point. I am doing well, extremely well in the leg brace. Without it i can work semi functional. This will the first week of leg exercises or rather more exercises. I will get in the pool as well. Things will enter another phase. Very exciting.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep getting Strong(er)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

15 Dec 2012 -There is only one way for this to end...

Lite day. Tomorrow will be hard and heavy. The rest of this week i will spend alot of time in the gym. Starting next weekend it  will be closed and have messed up hrs. I also plan on some pool sessions. Going to consult with my PT on Monday about a few things are we are moving into another phase of Recovery.

I do look forward to the day where i can chalk up my hands again and have to focus things in mentally for a heavy lift. But for now i have...NECK WORK.

Head Harness
2 x 50 x 20lbs
Christmas 2010-fer realz-ha!

I have this at home. The plan is to work up to 2 sets a day of 50 reps twice a day. Light to medium weight with high reps always seem to make my neck grow and i feel better. Build the volume slowly, otherwise you end up with self induced whip lash.
"18 inch Neck or die trying" -Harry Selkow

My elbow sleeves (which are actually Size L Knee sleeves) felt tight yesterday so i think i am on the way for another intial pre-surgery goal. Getting to use the "big boy" blood pressure cuff. The Sleeves need to be worked in still (brand new) but they felt alot tighter than they did a few weeks ago. All that monkeying around at home with Db's paid off. Again Light to Med weight for 20-30 reps multiple sets. (Small body parts - see a pattern forming?)

Next up is GRIP WORK. I have a few Captains of crush grippers that i will keep handy. Going to attack the hand grippers with alot less volume and lower reps. 1-5 sets of 3-5 reps. Like Neck work i will do something daily for grip but mix up the exercises. Then we will see how it goes. Oh and when i say i have hand grippers they are not the Cdn Tire Grandma ones, these require some actual muscle strength to close them and keep them closed. I also have an adjustable gripper from Iron Woody. When i have grip questions i know who to go to. ( Right A.W. ?? :) )

Got groceries Today which was is Rehab as i build my GPP (General Physical Preparation for the unintiated) back up for stupid daily /weekly tasks. 3 hrs on crutches and without the knee brace is fun and somewhat still taxing on the leg. I like to use the Shopping carts as a walker.

I did comment to my lady i missed out on a great opportunity 5 weeks ago. I should have put weights on my crutches. Then i could done some extra upper back work while moving around. When life is easy find a way to make it harder.

Speaking of Rehab:

Knee bends 1 x 30
Quad sets 2 x 15
Quad stretch 2 x 2 min
Hamstring stretch 2 x 1min
Calf stretch 1 x 1 min
Clam Shells 2 x 20

Gym Story: 
I forgot about this one when i was typing last night. While doing fat man rows there was a young high school kid wearing...ahem...Knitted Gloves with the rubber grips on the palms. Um...Really? your hands are that soft and weak you require gloves with rubber grippies? Gloves are for fast roping and shooting. they don't belong in the gym...EVER. Use Chalk. HTFU.
 Till Tomorrow
Keep Moving Forward, Getting Strong(er)