Warm Up:
Dips x 15, Rev hyper x 20, leg raises x 20, Back Ext x 15, Red band Pull-a-parts 2 x 20, Black band Pull Face pulls 2 x 20
Military grade Koala, now with laser eyes. |
I did some more Rev Hypers, Back Ext & leg raises just for good measure
*STANDING* OH Press (first time since Oct 2012)
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 55lbs
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 3 x 80
1 x 5 x 90
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 11 x 115
For the first time doing these they felt better than before surgery. I dropped the weight on these so that i will progress up slowly and allowing my leg to adjust. Which gave me no issues with these at all today. Body positioning, thoracic mobility, and tight back all contributed to an awesome session. I want 200 lbs on this Before the end of the year. I hit 185 lbs 2 weeks before surgery and i have OH Pressed 190 lbs. Take my time and work the weight back up. but today was a very solid starting block.
Machine Row 3 x 15 x 175
Head Harness
1 x 15 x 25 lbs
1 x 15 x 35 lbs
2 x 15 x 45 lbs (**REP PR**)
Strange superset but i wanted to do head harness, hell i want to do it everyday. Worked the weight up, did one extra set of 15 just to see if i could. machine rows felt very smooth and powerful today, 5 more lbs next week. i make a point of trying to hold the weight at the top of the contraction for extra back pump-i-tude
Prefontaine may have had a small neck but the guy could run fast! |
Some big dude decided to jump on the machine rows when i went to get plates. Trying to impress his buddies. He barely could half row it, and i don't think he did more 5 rows. He out weighted me by at least 20 lbs. That made me feel like i am on the right track.
Fat Man Rows 3 x 15 x 90
Standing DB OH Press 3 x 15 x 35
Weighted Abs 3 x 8 x 100
Cable Face Pulls 3 x 15 x 70
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 25 x 45 (no 'pop' this time)
ADduction Machine 1 x 20 x 100 /1 x 20 x 115
ABduction Machine 2 x 20 x 190
GHR 2 x 5
Clamshells 2 x 20 x Orange Band
Single Leg Bridge 2 x 10
What might seem very minor might be the whole reason for the IT band /Patella saga. While doing the Single Leg Bridging i had NO Glute involvement at all or at least i could not feel it. Almost like it was shut off. So i will be doing these, A LOT, of these until it turns back on. Funny with all the glute work i am doing this movement has no activation. So hopefully this is a problem fixer.
We have lift off! |
So today in Electronic format i received confirmation of my registration for one of 2 meets i have decided to do. This meet is 20 July in Ottawa. I will send in my second registration (2 June Toronto) at the end of the week on payday. Both Meets i will do Bench Only. It gets me on the platform and training for these will also guide my Rehab /Recovery process.
In regards to the meet i have a rough guideline set out. I will flesh it out over the next week or so. One more step in the process. One more inch moved past.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
awesome about the meet!