Sunday, February 17, 2013

16 Feb 2013-Session #2

I had planned all day to go back to the gym and when 6 pm rolled around i was finding my motivation wavering a little bit. Sore, beat up and tired from being up early and smashing the pull ups took alot out of me. Less than 1 min later after watching these two vids i threw the switch in my head and just went. What transpired was simply Awesome in terms of my recovery and goes to prove you can never tell how much is actually in the gas tank for training until you dig in and start. Jim Wendler can break anything down it seems for even a 6 yr old to understand. So he is always an awesome source for motivation and learning. If you have not heard of 5/3/1 then you probably are spinning your wheels in the gym and are not getting much strong(er) on a regular basis.

Ok enough on Jim Wendler. 

In and out in about 60 min. Non-stop work and 2 PR's down range due to Effort and hard work nothing more. 

Treadmill 10 min /Max Incl / Lvl 3.5 -4.0
Run /Walk (1 min each Alt) 7 x R /W (*PR*)
Going into this run the knee felt decent enough i knew i would be able to get 4-5 runs in. But i hit 7 before my leg started to fatigue. I am very close to my normal stride and the last 3 laps i was actually breathing heavy i was running that fast. Still a slight hitch in my giddy up but as my brain figures out the Patellar Bursa is healing it is letting go and letting my stride /gait return to normal. The motor control when i make impact is still concentrated but coming along perfectly. 
1 x 220 m x 90 lbs (stopped once @ 180 m mark for approx 10 sec)
2 x 20 m x 90 (30 sec rest @ turn around)
2 x 20 m x 180 (30 sec rest @ turn around)
2 x 20 m x 270 (20 sec rest @ turn around) (*PR*)
2 x 20 m x 250 (25 sec rest @ turn around)
2 x 20 m x 180 (no rest @ turn around)

I start my 20 m pushing at the top of a minute, cross the line, turn the Prowler around, then check the clock and start my return trip at the start of the next minute. Rest between Weight changes is 1 -2 min. I usually pre-stack the weights at the line because other wise it becomes a farmers walk of 20-30 m with the plates. The 270 lbs is the most i have pushed with the Prowler so far. The first 20 m was very solid, the second 20 m i had to pause briefly and re drive. My leg was a little wobbly with this but no pain, leg just needs to remember it has the strength to do stuff like this. 
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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