28 Feb 2013
Too much Bull-Shite in the morning so the only thing i got done was my pool rehab
Flutter Kicks w/ Board x 5 min
Front Crawl x 6 min
Deep End Water Running w/ Water DB x 10 min
Shallow End water running x 10 min
Shallow End Jump Squats 5 sets x 3 reps
I am slowly transition to doing more time doing the front crawl and less time with the flutter board and Deep End Running. The Deep end running running is good for the ROM in my Knee but i am finding i have to do less and less before i feel ready to run in the shallow end. The Pool Jumping still feels great. I transitioned from chest high water to waist high. As i made this transition i also increased the depth of my squat before jumping explosively. The landing in the pool i am sticking perfectly. I am also able to now focus on triple extension on my jumps to make sure i jump and extend through my ankles, knees, and Hips.
1 Mar 2013
Dynamic Bench
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
4 x 3 x 165
Horizontal Shrug
1 x 15 x 75
4 x 15 x 65
Neutral Db Flat bench
1 x 15 x 65
4 x 15 x 55
OH Tri-extensions 3 x 10 x 125 (triple pulley mach)
EZ Curl bar Cable curl 3 x 25-30 x 60
A lot of early morning stupidity ate up a lot of time but i did make it to the gym in am. Everything felt good and strong. The supersets felt great and saved time i did not have. I powered through the Dynamic bench. My intention was to worry less about my percentages and go with whatever weight felt explosive and fast. Now that i can reproduce leg drive there is A LOT more weight i can move in the tank. The 165 lbs snapped at the top and felt good. I also shut it down 1 or 2 sets early to keep things healthy. I will up it a few more reps next week.
Notes and news from Physio Therapist
I also had a visit with the Physio therapist to end my week She is going on holidays next week. I go on holidays the week after. So the main set of instructions was stay healthy. Lol. I am going to experiment the next two weeks but more on that in a minute.
- tested my Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes, IT band, ROM and flexibility. Everything is normal or above normal for this point of the recovery.
-we discussed my knee and i had a theory. She trusts my instincts and we confirmed what i discovered Wed morning.
-When i do single leg hip raises my right glute does not fire at all. My Hamstrings do most if not all the work. This is where the problem is.
-She gave me an exercise to hopefully turn my Glute back on. This is most likely where all the trouble with my IT and Patellar Bursa are stemming from.
-I will continue to do everything else for the Bursa and IT band.
-Also continue to work the Lunges. She is very happy with the Lunge progress using the TRX.
-I told her i would experiment on doing controlled contractions while i lunge. Essentially tighten everything in my leg and then try to lunge. It is all about reset the mind muscle connection.
-My Knee is tapped and i will go for a run tomorrow night and Tuesday morning.
-I have an appointment Thursday afternoon for a treatment with a PT assistant. She will also tape my knee back up.
-I would think that by the time i come back from holidays tape should not be required. especially if i get everything else functioning properly again.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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