Tuesday, February 26, 2013

26 Feb 2013-To win by attrition

"To eat things that would make a Billy goat puke...to win by Attrition" Those two lines resonated for me as a 10 yr old boy. They have never left me for some reason. In some ways i have lived my life by them.
Also the line from my Grandpa Wyper "You just need to grow a bigger set of balls and do it" The random stuff that sticks with us as we go down the road of life.

This morning's session went very well. It was quick and light but very productive. The pool session was rock solid.

Treadmill 10 min /Max Incl / 2min @Lvl 3.7 /8min @ Lvl 4.0-4.5
This has been a real quiet source of gain for me since i first got on a treadmill in Dec and could barely walk at Lvl 3.0

Run /Walk 1 min alt 4 x R /W
The huge GAIN for this today is that my speed, pace, and running gate were the best yet. If anything i out ran my leg /Patella issue which is why i shut it down after 4 intervals. My pace was 1 lap per minute! (220m /min) So things are definitely coming along.
Prowler 1 x 220 m x 90 lbs
TRX Lunge 2 x 10
TRX Pistols 2 x 5
Front Squats (NO BOX, Balls to Heels) 3 x 5
Hops 10, 5, 5
Clamshells 2 x 20
Glute Ham Raises 3 x 5 
Start /Finish
Mid point

Or click the link to go to EFS for the explanation from Dave Tate how to do this supremely awesome exercise. Makes you damn near Bullet Proof.
That was it that was all for this morning.

The Trx Lunges are coming along nicely i was able to do several reps of near full body weight with my right leg as the support leg. I will be dragging my Rumble Roller to the gym to get in some extra rolling /meat tenderizing of my right IT band and Quadriceps.

I took the tape off my Knee mid morning because after the running session today it seemed to have shifted and was causing me irritation as it was pulling my patella in a slightly uncomfortable direction. so as directed when i first started getting tape i tore it off. i really need to remember to shave my knee.

Pool Rehab Afternoon Session

Understandably i had a lot of energy going into this session and i let it burn today.

Flutter Kicks with Board 5 Min
Front Crawl 5 min (this was very fast and my heart was popping)
Deep End Running w/ Water Db's 10 Min
Shallow End Running 10 min (high knees in the deep water /digging hard in the shallower water)
Hops 5, 3, 3, 3,
The Front crawl i was smooth and relaxed but i was pushing the pace. It felt good to breathe that hard and push. All this Flutter kicking with the board has actually improved my swimming ability over the past few weeks.
ONE more Rambo picture for good measure. Lol
I will have to try to not over do the Plyo hops. I will adhere to prilepin's chart which is not designed for this but will keep me in check and give me boundaries. So essentially 24 total hops a day, done in sets of 3. I already found doing sets of 10 made it conditioning which is not the point. If i do sets of 5 i slow everything right down and those 5 reps actually take me about 35-45 secs to complete. I will say jumping in the pool was awesome. I have a lot of explosiveness in my legs, i just need to learn to stick the landing. I am enjoying these so i will be doing these a Lot. My goal is to do 8 sets of 3 reps but do the 3 reps in rapid succession. Right now i reset after every hop whether on dry land or in the pool. But really this is only day 1 since i was told to do them.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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