Friday, January 4, 2013

4 Jan 2013-I Can Hear The Crazy

Snowed last night, melted this morning. That is good news so I am not stumbling around in snow drifts. If it was summer today would be my last day in the SCSA Bionic Knee Brace. But with the weather being what it is and ly leg unable to handle the unexpected just yet. A sh*t ton of volume this morning, but i blasted through it in 2 hrs.
Yes, when i originally was choosing my Knee Brace i said i want the Stone Cold Steve Austin one. LOL!
Warm Up:
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incline
0-1.5 min Lvl 2.0
1.5-2.5 min Lvl 2.5
2.5-3.5 min Lvl 3.0
3.5-5 min Lvl 3.5
5-10 min Lvl 4.0
Push Ups 1 x 30 (this is a big mile stone, the screw didn't feel at all irritated until about rep 28. Makes me excited i should be getting back to multiple sets of 20+ reps soon.)
Band Pull-A-parts 1 x 15
Leg Raises 2 x 15
Rev Hypers 2 x 10

Dynamic Bench
3 x 5 x Bar(ng)
1 x 3 x 95 (ng)
1 x 3 x 115(ng)
2 x 3 x 135 (ng)
2 x 3 x 135 (mg)
4 x 3 x 135 (wg)
This felt a million times better. My set up was on, able to engage my back, and had a hard snap off the chest.
(ng=narrow grip, mg=medium grip, wg=wide grip)

Pull Ups (in between sets of everything until they were completed, total time for all 10 sets 60 min)
10 x 7
Dips 3 x 5
Back Ext 2 x 15
Neutral Db Bench
1 x 10 x 60
1 x 8 x 65
3 x 8 x 70 (i will do this weight again next week but do sets of 10)
Seated Black Band Face Pulls 1 x 50
Horizontal Shrugs 5 x 10 x 75 (i will add another 5 lbs next week)
Black Band Tricep Pressdown 5 sets 50,35,30,40,40
ADduction /ABduction machine 1 x 40 /40 x 80 lbs /155 lbs
Single leg calf raises (*NEW FROM PHYSIO*) 2 x 10 (L & R)
Hip Heist (*NEW FROM PHYSIO*) 1 x 20 (L & R)
Lunges 1 x 10 (L & R)
Calf Raises (bent /straight leg) 3 x 15-20
Rev Calf Raises 3 x 10-15
Step Up /Down (Right Leg Only for each) (*New*) 3 x 10 (8" step) /1 x 10 (12" step)
Box Squat (narrow /wide) 1 x 10 /10

So a few new exercises thrown in today. I still have some other stuff to get done tonight. I got all my work done last night as expected. The above stuff i moved through fairly quickly and Supersetted most of it to save time i just don't feel like being that precise /anal. Knee feels alot less "gummy" probably because it snowed and it is not supposed to snow for a few more days. Yay a weather knee and foot both on the right side. The Hip heist feels uber lame but i need to do it for now. The step ups i do with one leg and then lower myself slowly on that same leg. For me to step down the Patella major tendon is still feeling strange (same problem i have with lunges)

News From Physio Yesterday: 
As you guessed MORE exercises to do. In a few weeks alot of this will fall off. it is preventative so i when do start the real strength training with progressive loads my body works right.
Extension with my knee is 5 degrees away from being back to normal which is FUCKING HUGE!
Active Contraction my Knee is in the 120 degree range and when passively pushed in i can hit 130 degrees.
For contraction 140 degrees is my normal ROM for my left leg.
The big for contraction right now is the quality of the movement. Still swelling in the joint but it is dissipating.
Because i know someone who will like this pic

Managing Angry Moments:

So i have seen a few of the facility training staff in the gym over the holidays. Which is good because it is their  job to be in as good a shape as me if not better. Well i saw two of them today and i was not impressed. These two are supposed to push and motivate me? One was in the weight room and did anything but touch a fucking Db or barbell. Oh and she would dance, like club dance in between sets. Um yeah.
The other one blended in with the rest of the Resolutioners by simply getting on an elliptical and doing "cardio" for about an hour. I cannot wait until i am cleared, there is going to be some goading and challenging  on the horizon. This fucking injury is going to have me "on the shelf" for close to a year, i don't seem to be learning humility. Instead i am pacing in my mind and letting the rage and frustration build at all the fucktards too afraid to try, to afraid to push themselves.
Sorry for whining and ranting about this. but like i have said before Training is a part of my job. I treat it as such. I am usually a goddamn predator when i am training. Especially when the intensity level gets raised. I don't whine and cry. I DIG IN, and feed off the crying, bitching and moaning going on around me. I may not win the race, the game, the event but i will make you work for it.

Trying to make my heart Burst tomorrow morning.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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