Friday, January 25, 2013

25 Jan 2013- I'd rather fight than just fake it...

I woke up and  was snapped into a single minded focus almost immediately. I had a lot planned for training this morning and a small window to get it done. Failure was not in the cards this morning. I also had Physio this afternoon. Some very good things came out of that meeting of the minds. But first the EARLY morning training.

The Daily 30 - Completed
The only way to describe this morning.

Pull Ups (completed in 45 min between sets of Dynamic Bench) *10 sets of 10 reps

Dynamic Bench
1 x 5 x bar (CG)
1 x 5 x 95(CG)
1 x 5 x 115 (CG)
1 x 3 x 135 (CG)
1 x 1 x 155
2 x 1 x 160
6 x 1 x 155

The Pull Ups this morning were insane. Barely any rest and all except the last 2 sets i felt like i was cheating somehow they were that easy. Just one of those days that fires you up because everything is clicking well. I had intended on doing the Dynamic Bench with 160 lbs but it felt like 5 lbs too much which might sound stupid but when i dropped down to 155 lbs i had the bar nearly flying out of my hands. I also did a few sets Metal Mulisha style and got excellent leg drive into it. No Knee problems with the MM setup as long as i kept driving hard into my heels, which is how you are supposed to do it anyhow. I sweating profusely and breathing fire at this point.

Neutral Db Bench Press
1 x 10 x 50
1 x 10 x 60
2 x 8 x 75
1 x 10 x 75
Black Band Pressdowns 35, 25, 20
Horizontal Rows 3 x 10 x 70
Trap Machine Shrugs 2 x 20 x 80
ADduction /ABduction 1 x 40 /40 x 85 /190

This afternoon at Physio:
Bike 10 min  7 rpe 80 rpm
Physio Ball Leg Curl 2 x 10
TKE's 3 x 20
Lunges 1 x 10 (this was to ensure i could still duplicate the pain)
Rainbows 1 x 20

The PT came over as i finished up the Rainbows. Talked about the Pool. Which she was very excited and happy about the progress. Then Demonstrated the Lunges for her to show where pain (yes the "p" word) was firing on and off during the movement so she could get an accurate mechanism for what was happening,
-poked around, discussed it with myself and the PT student she has with her
-decided it was the bursa sack on the lateral side of my patella
-Taped it up, tested it, major improvement but not 100%, still pain at the very top and when leaving the lunge position
-Checked the Ilio Tibial (IT) Band, BINGO! It is like a steel cable
-She did some acupuncture, tested it again, 99% improvement, the pain i still had was the irritated Bursa sac
See that blue oval? Yeah right there is my extreme discomfort /pain
So the prognosis for treatment?
-No Lunges for a few days except to have recovering knee as the working leg.
-Foam Roll like my life depends on it regularly
-More acupuncture next week
So the question of the Lunges has been answered. 

I asked about my VMO and where it should be at this stage.
ANS I am above average as my extension in both legs is damn near equal (she tested my strength of extension)
The Tonus in my recovering leg when flexed is still not up to par in my mind (impatience). I was assured it is also above average.
As i am only 4 weeks into actual strengthening, it takes 6-8 weeks for this process to show results but after she tested my leg she was very happy and even a little surprised at the lack of imbalance in extension i showed at this stage, it was nearly discernible.( I could tell. Lol).
Both the Student and the PT also were surprised because most people's VMO's at this stage are nearly invisible. Mine are nearly equal in size.

New Stuff For this week:
-Hopping /Bouncing on the trampoline at Physio (not nearly exciting as it sounds trust me)
-Push the pool running
-Beginning jogging /running progressively (as outlined in the template) on Dry Land
-I can Squat with an empty bar to a Parallel Box.

So after having an emotional reverse Pyramid week i ended on some very awesome things. Am i excited about jogging, yes, but also a little fearful as it i may get bored and try to sprint. There is alot of Lunges and variations of the basic lunge in my future also (UGH). But if that what it takes then so be it. Now i will eat some SHAWARMA.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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