Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30 Jan 2013 -who's going to make you burn

Where do i start.
I have been doing something the past 5 days. My head space started to slip. I had to take Saturday and Sunday off for the knee. After the acupuncture on Friday i woke up Saturday with a severe irritation on my patella (PT did warn me it will get worse before it gets better). Even sitting in the car was annoying. I rolled on the PVC pipe until i had to switch to the foam roller Sunday night trying and smash my IT Band. I have since even pulled my rumble roller out.
But when i let up on the accelerator on my training and recovery exercises it plays with my mind. FEAR slips in, Fear of failure, Fear of not doing enough, Fear of thinking i am doing too much. When i have the sensation of being stationary i feel i am already being left behind.
 I put alot of pressure on myself to come out this whole recovery on top. I know i will have days like this. I felt completely drained on the weekend physically as well. So i ate and then ate some more. I ingested a shit ton of Calories(probably an extra 1,500 extra a day easy). Which paid off as i had an extremely awesome Floor Press /Back Assistance session Monday morning. But i could not seem to carry that with me the rest of the day and by the end of Monday i was feeling morose. It peaked yesterday, i only stretched and foam rolled and did some (alot) of TKE's in the AM.
"Everyday is a new day. Every moment is a new moment."-Ray Lewis
So i went to bed early last night with the intent of stoking that fire that always burns. Revive the intensity. Alot goes on in my head below the surface but through it all i know one thing. I will push through, continually moving forward, continuing to get Strong(er*)
*extraordinary resolve

So on with this Morning. Did not set any PR's with Seated OH Press but i will say everything until 135 lbs felt fucking lite.

The Daily 30 - Smashed it

Seated OH Press
2 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 65
1 x 5 x 85
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 105
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 3 x 135
3 x 5 x 100
Super set Standing DB OH Press
3 x 20 x 30 lbs
w/ Seated Mach Rows
1 x 15 x 50
1 x 15 x 55
1 x 15 x 60

Horizontal Shrug 5 x 15-20 x 45 lbs
Black Band Face Pulls 3 x 25

Medium Stance Box Squat* 2 x 10 x BAR
Narrow Stance Front Squat (onto Box)* 2 x 10 x BAR
My BFAST both days last weekend (minus the gun and more eggs)

YES THAT'S RIGHT I HAVE A BAR BACK IN MY HANDS WHEN I SQUAT. The Weight will come but for now i can lock in my technique. It is going to take some time. Weird i put a bar on my back and my hips want to shift left. So all these reps are slow, TIGHT, and controlled with form /technique being the main concern.
The Front squats are good because just the addition of the bar makes my quads fire harder. Even though i am cleared to walk run i will lay off until after my physio appt Friday. The IT Band is responding so no need to aggravate it just yet. I am going back in tonight to get some calf work, TKE's and a little neck work completed. Remember Tomorrow is THROAT PUNCH THURSDAY (so says Harry Selkow) so there will be an intense neck day tomorrow after i push the PROWLER.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, January 25, 2013

25 Jan 2013- I'd rather fight than just fake it...

I woke up and  was snapped into a single minded focus almost immediately. I had a lot planned for training this morning and a small window to get it done. Failure was not in the cards this morning. I also had Physio this afternoon. Some very good things came out of that meeting of the minds. But first the EARLY morning training.

The Daily 30 - Completed
The only way to describe this morning.

Pull Ups (completed in 45 min between sets of Dynamic Bench) *10 sets of 10 reps

Dynamic Bench
1 x 5 x bar (CG)
1 x 5 x 95(CG)
1 x 5 x 115 (CG)
1 x 3 x 135 (CG)
1 x 1 x 155
2 x 1 x 160
6 x 1 x 155

The Pull Ups this morning were insane. Barely any rest and all except the last 2 sets i felt like i was cheating somehow they were that easy. Just one of those days that fires you up because everything is clicking well. I had intended on doing the Dynamic Bench with 160 lbs but it felt like 5 lbs too much which might sound stupid but when i dropped down to 155 lbs i had the bar nearly flying out of my hands. I also did a few sets Metal Mulisha style and got excellent leg drive into it. No Knee problems with the MM setup as long as i kept driving hard into my heels, which is how you are supposed to do it anyhow. I sweating profusely and breathing fire at this point.

Neutral Db Bench Press
1 x 10 x 50
1 x 10 x 60
2 x 8 x 75
1 x 10 x 75
Black Band Pressdowns 35, 25, 20
Horizontal Rows 3 x 10 x 70
Trap Machine Shrugs 2 x 20 x 80
ADduction /ABduction 1 x 40 /40 x 85 /190

This afternoon at Physio:
Bike 10 min  7 rpe 80 rpm
Physio Ball Leg Curl 2 x 10
TKE's 3 x 20
Lunges 1 x 10 (this was to ensure i could still duplicate the pain)
Rainbows 1 x 20

The PT came over as i finished up the Rainbows. Talked about the Pool. Which she was very excited and happy about the progress. Then Demonstrated the Lunges for her to show where pain (yes the "p" word) was firing on and off during the movement so she could get an accurate mechanism for what was happening,
-poked around, discussed it with myself and the PT student she has with her
-decided it was the bursa sack on the lateral side of my patella
-Taped it up, tested it, major improvement but not 100%, still pain at the very top and when leaving the lunge position
-Checked the Ilio Tibial (IT) Band, BINGO! It is like a steel cable
-She did some acupuncture, tested it again, 99% improvement, the pain i still had was the irritated Bursa sac
See that blue oval? Yeah right there is my extreme discomfort /pain
So the prognosis for treatment?
-No Lunges for a few days except to have recovering knee as the working leg.
-Foam Roll like my life depends on it regularly
-More acupuncture next week
So the question of the Lunges has been answered. 

I asked about my VMO and where it should be at this stage.
ANS I am above average as my extension in both legs is damn near equal (she tested my strength of extension)
The Tonus in my recovering leg when flexed is still not up to par in my mind (impatience). I was assured it is also above average.
As i am only 4 weeks into actual strengthening, it takes 6-8 weeks for this process to show results but after she tested my leg she was very happy and even a little surprised at the lack of imbalance in extension i showed at this stage, it was nearly discernible.( I could tell. Lol).
Both the Student and the PT also were surprised because most people's VMO's at this stage are nearly invisible. Mine are nearly equal in size.

New Stuff For this week:
-Hopping /Bouncing on the trampoline at Physio (not nearly exciting as it sounds trust me)
-Push the pool running
-Beginning jogging /running progressively (as outlined in the template) on Dry Land
-I can Squat with an empty bar to a Parallel Box.

So after having an emotional reverse Pyramid week i ended on some very awesome things. Am i excited about jogging, yes, but also a little fearful as it i may get bored and try to sprint. There is alot of Lunges and variations of the basic lunge in my future also (UGH). But if that what it takes then so be it. Now i will eat some SHAWARMA.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

24 Jan 2013-Was there ever any question

I woke up sluggish and some how ended up running late which makes me ornery, i don't like wasting time. Especially Thursday morning where work has me on a completely stupid schedule. But i don't need to get into that. Today is active recovery so the main plan for battle today was to get THE DAILY 30 completed, neck work, and try out the knee with FUCKING lunges again. Yes FUCKING lunges. I keep bitching and moaning about them because they are up and down. Everything else is progressing at some rate in some form or fashion. I will be putting my PT to task on Friday. I wanted this sorted out. If at the very least i want to know how to deal with it on my own.

The Daily 30 - Completed  

Oh and since it is 
(thanks for reminding me Harry Selkow)

Trap /Shrug Machine 4 x 15 x 70lbs
Super setted with
Neck Crunch 4 x 15

Orange Band Pressdowns 4 x 30
Black band Facepulls 4 x 30
Red Band Pull-a-parts 4 x 30

ADduction /ABduction 1 x 40 /40 x 85 /190
Lunges 1 x `10  (Doing the reps is fine, sorta, but getting out of the Lunge position simply fucking sucks)
Calf Raises 1 x 20
Rev Calf Raises 1 x 20

The Daily 30 i did pretty damn fast and with minimal sets to get to the required reps. The Tri Set of band work i did not rest, just kept rotating. The calf work, i ran out of time due to the odd work schedule. I have decided that i will have to start returning a few nights a week to get spin bike time. 

Just in case you don't know how to tread water.
 (expect more of the PSA's)
Afternoon Session Pool Rehab

10 min Flutter kicks with board
10 min Water running with Aqua Db's (deep end)
10 min Running in the Shallow end doing laps

The Addition of the actual running in the pool eased my troubled mind about the FUCKING lunges. It felt good to breathe hard and be able to push myself. The Water running (Deep end) felt like i was able to stretch my legs, hips and ankles. The Water Running (shallow end) allowed me to see how hard i could push. Also being in water neck deep and pumping my arms and legs like a sprinter was fun. 

I will do the Pink Heat Wrap treatment again tonight at bed time. The plan for tomorrow morning is going to going to be intense. 

Keep Moving forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

23 Jan 2013-You can smell it in the air...

Slow moving this morning but a semi short session of OH Press and metric Ton of Neck /Upper back work to do. Knee felt decent when i got up. I may have pushed the lunges a little too hard as i was forced to massage the knee the rest of the day. I did find relief after work tonight when i slathered the knee with Pink heat, some stocking wrap, some plastic wrap, and the heat pad. 30 min later and the Knee was back to feeling what it was this morning. But i did move around with patella discomfort most of the day. Nothing that causes me to limp but enough that i do want to massage the knee cap constantly.
Machete does Push Ups

The Daily 30 - Completed
AMRAP Push Up test : 47
This is decent for now because since surgery doing high rep sets of push ups has been nearly impossible while i worked scar tissue out of my shin. I did feel the screw a little bit the throbbing and discomfort was minimal.

Seated OH Press
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 65
1 x 5 x 85
1 x 5 x 95
Db OH Press
1 x 15 x 20 lbs
1 x 15 x 30
1 x 10 x 40
1 x 15 x 20
Rear Delt  Db Lateral
5 x 20 x 10 lbs
Machine Row
1 x 15 x 150 (forgot wtf i was supposed to be doing, got my days mixed up)
Single Arm machine Row
2 x 15 x 50 lbs
Horizontal Shrug
3 x 15 x 75 lbs
Single Leg Calf Raises (L&R) 5 x 15
V bar Press Downs 5 x 10-12 x 70 lbs
Trap Machine Shrugs 4 x 30 x 55lbs
Black Band Face Pulls 25, 25, 30, 30
Red Band Pull-A-parts 4 x 25
Step Up /Downs 3 x 10/10
Lunges 3 x 10
No matter how wonderful the knee gets it is not Bruce Wayne type injury.

The Knee felt pretty solid during the Lunges but the last two sets coming out of the lunges there was an odd discomfort. I had to make sure i came out of the Lunge position to a standing position very slowly under control. I am not frustrated but a little pissed with this on going issue. Tomorrow is Pool Rehab so that will probably sort it out some.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

22 Jan 2013- You Can't tear that out of me...

Nothing like a little Slayer when Pushing the PROWLER.

Knee felt alot better than yesterday. Despite the temperature dropping i think the lack of moisture in the air relieved the pressure in my knee. I had intentions of INT on the Spin bike this morning. Walking through the doors of the gym i decided against that. I wanted to feel something a little more intense and do something i find satisfying to my mind and to push my body. 

PROWLER (Total time for all of this was approx 30 min)
1 x Lap x 50 lbs (stopped twice)
1 x Lap x 90 lbs (stopped thrice)
10 x 20 m x 140 lbs

Minimal rest between the 20 m. 10 sec to 1 min. I don't keep strict track of this. I am still doing slow controlled steps. I have been driving through the balls of my feet lately. I have also attempted the low handles on the up rights. No pain but the strength is not quite there yet to do multiple 20 m pushes, but soon. I really do feel a lot of satisfaction getting these sessions in. 
Training felt about this Awesomely Epic today.

The Daily 30 
Dips are up to 30 reps full time now. Also i have added Hip Heist to this list. 

Head Harness 
7 x 25 x 25 lbs
1 x 30 x 25 lbs
Black Band Face Pull 3 x 30
Red band Pull-A-parts 30, 20, 20 
Step Up /Down 3 x 10 /10 (No patella irritation)
TKE's 3 x 20
Straight Leg Calf Raises 3 x 25
Bosu Balance 2 x 3 Stars 
ADduction /ABduction 1 x 85 /175 x 40 /40

The Lunges were an awesome surprise. A 200% improvement with these. I actually did 8 of the 10 reps without holding the rack at all. I looked at my Knee angle and foot position and brought things closer together. It seemed to do the trick. The ABduction was extremely easy so that will be getting increased again. I was stacking the machine (210 lbs) pre-surgery for sets of 20-30 so I am nearly back there with sets of 40. So alot of great stuff to pull away from today. 

So that was this morning. This Afternoon was Pool Rehab.
12 min Flutter Kicks with Board
20 min Water Running w/ Water Db's
10 Min Stretching /Hot Tub
With everything else i am doing the Water running is a nice recovery session because i am not co-ordinated enough to run to fast to tire myself out. I try to go faster and i lose all semblance of body control and i feel like i am about to have seizure. It has done wonders for my knee. The Tendons and fascia around the knee was a little stiff after the Prowler work but this stretches and works the ROM of my Knee wonderfully. This was one of the reasons i decided on more Prowler work this morning, because i was going to work the kinks out of my leg this afternoon. I test the ROM in the sauna before swimming today and it seems my flexion is back to normal with out any top end discomfort or swelling. One more check in the awesome box for today. I did try some actual running in the pool with the water around nipples /clavicle. Felt semi-solid. A few more sessions and they will be hooking the tether up in the pool. 

OH Press De-Load tomorrow.Possible Test with my Push ups as well to see where my AMRAP is. Also the Trap /Shrug machine is fixed so i can work those back into the mix (using light weight and super high reps). 
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, January 21, 2013

21 Jan 2013 - I was thinking about what i have been missing...

Floor Press day. The Fucked up Schedule from last week finally caught up to me this morning. Thankfully it is De-load week so it should not affect too much this week. I was definitely Dragging today. I dropped the weight on my assistance lifting also to DE-Load a little further. Everything moved well today but felt heavier than usual. The Knee, well i will get to that in at the end.

The Daily 30 (credit to Harry Selkow for this name, the exercises closely resemble the Mag 7) - COMPLETED
The Daily 30 will make you this awesome.

Floor Press
2 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 135
3 x 5 x 155
Machine Rows
3 x 15 x 150
Fat Man Rows (Wide)
1 x 15 x 95
2 x 15 x 85
Oly Bar Curl (AMRAP)
1 x 40 x Bar
1 x 50 x Bar
Airex Pad Balance 3 x 3 stars
Black Band Face Pull 5 x 30
Black Band Pull-A-parts 5 x 30
TKE's 4 x 25
Narrow Box Squat 5 x 10
Bent Knee Calf Raise 3 x 45

My right bicep tendon is a little swollen so my shoulder is oddly jacked. I will give it the rest it needs so it is good for Silver Back Saturday and the 10 x 10 Pull Ups i have coming up.
The Knee is definitely feeling the work i put it through with the Prowler. So what is my answer to this? More Prowler tomorrow morning, lighter but continue to work it. I will also get on the bike afterwards to loosen things up. The knee over all felt very gummy today. part of that has to do with the TKE's and how much they are making things work also. This is all for the greater good. Push things a little. Back off and then push things again. The Box Squats felt stiff and slightly uncomfortable today also. I think over all the knee needed rest today and it got that but in the active variety.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

20 Jan 2013-PROWLER OF PAIN...

Had this song playing on my iPod while pushing the PROWLER today. 

So today's main plan was simple. PUSH PROWLER, do other stuff. Got in the field house and immediately had to make minor adjustments. Yes the lone Prowler was already being used. So I asked how long and then ventured off to get warmed up. 

Max Incline /15 Min
Started at Lvl 2.5, every 1.5 min added 0.2 Lvl
Finished at Lvl 4.3. I did try 4.5 for about 15 sec but thought better of it today. 
Dips* 1 x 15
Leg Raises* 3 x 10
Push Ups* 2 x 15

1 x 200 m (1 Lap)
2 x 20 m x 90 lbs
2 x 20 m x 110 lbs
2 x 20 m x 130 lbs
2 x 20 m x 140 lbs
2 x 20 m x 160 lbs

So after doing one lap with 90 lbs i decided to give my legs a serious test. Rest between the 20 m was long enough so that i did not puke (30 sec - 2 min i guess, did not keep track). Rest between weight changes was  me going to grab the weight and then start pushing again. The 160 lbs felt very good. I will have to do this again this later this week. 

 45 Back Extensions* / 45 Side bends* /Rev hyper* /Physio ball Leg Curl* 30 reps

*From now on i will refer to these exercises as The Daily 30. 30 reps in some format daily. Except for Dips they will 15 reps for now but i am going to work them up to 30 daily reps also. This is to ease up on how much i put in the log.I have been doing them steady enough now to do this.
Face Pulls 4 x 20 x 100 lbs
Horizontal Shrugs 4 x 20 x 45 lbs

Fat Gripz Barbell Curl 
3 x 20 x 45 lbs
1 x 12 x 45 lbs (i seriously got bored and stopped when the pain kicked in. Lol)

Super Set
Head Harness 3 x 25 x 25 lbs
Neck Crunch 3 x 25 x 25 lbs

Single Leg Calf Raises 3 x 15-20
Step Up /Down 3 x 10/10
Lunges (L & R) 1 x 5
TKE's 3 x 25-30

The TKE's got worse as with each set. So i shut it down. I will re-visit them tomorrow. Still the Lunges elude me. Using the Recovering leg as the support leg is still slightly uncomfortable. I can hold the position, the stability is there but for some reason the tissue surrounding the Knee Cap is giving me issues. I have decided to actually start doing Lunges in sets of 3-5 through out the day to see if that helps restructure the tissue. The Step up /Down with a heel touch i have dropped the box down to 10". Having slight issues with these as well. All my issues seem to be in the Patella tendon minor. Just have to slowly keep pounding away at it. Tomorrow is Floor Press and Lots of box Squats.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

19 Jan 2013- Shawarma...

Tested the Knee out by driving for a few hrs to visit friends and enjoy happy times with them. Then on the way home i ate Shawarma. Knee felt great. Had to do a little extra patella massage but nothing locked up or felt gummy from being put in one position for a few hrs at a time. Another step forward. I have also noticed that the swelling and "Gummy-ness" inside my knee has been greatly reduced since Thursday's pool session. I will check my ROM and see how the top end of flexion feels to confirm /check how things are moving forward.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er), Eat some Shawarma

Friday, January 18, 2013

18 Jan 2013-it is harder when your stupid...

So here is today's session. Trying to get caught up in my logs. This was playing while i flailing /running in the pool yesterday.

Thought it was ironic. Anyhow today got split into 2 sessions. I am always run short on time Friday morning because i have to be at work earlier. But back in the gym this afternoon so i got everything completed today.

Dynamic Bench
3 x 5 x bar (Close grip)
1 x 3 x 95 (CG)
1 x 3 x 115 (CG)
1 x 3 x 135 (CG)
2 x 3 x 145 (bar was moving too slow) (Wide Grip)
8 x 3 x 135 (WG)

Shoulders felt tight from yesterday which i think is the reason for the slow bar speed. I had excellent speed yesterday with the Seated OH Press Singles. Ah well it happens. Thought the Db press was going to be equally craptacular but not so. Came out pretty solidly.

Neutral DB Press
1 x 15 x 50 (slight incline)
1 x 8 x 65 (flat bench, moved extremely fast)
1 x 6 x 75
2 x 8 x 75
These felt extremely good. Db's moved very fast and strong. Shoulders handled the load well. I will work these up to 3 x 10 x 75 before moving up in weight. Ran out of time.

At some point during the 1st and 2 nd session this was completed:
Rev Hyper /45 back Ext /Side bends /Leg Raises /Push Ups /Physio ball Leg Curl 3 x 10
Head harness work will lead to a Neck like this!

Session 2
10 x 9 x bodyweight
Head Harness
8 x 20 x 25 lbs (just felt like doing lots of this today)
TKE's 6 x 20 x Orange band
Black band Tricep Push downs 50, 35, 40, 40
Step Up /Down (heel touch) 3 x 10 /10
Hip heist 1 x 30 (I still sing ZZ Top - "Legs" in my head while doing these)
Lunges (L & R) 1 x 5

The pull ups were all fast and strong, completed in about 60 min. The Lunges with my recovering knee as the support leg is still a fucked up exercise for me. I am going to sleep on this and come up with a new strategy. Obviously i need to be working them optimally. The TKE's are coming not quite getting the rock solid contraction i want but i can feel it getting better everyday. The Step Up /Down i am going to back off on slightly for a few days. Feeling alot of discomfort on the outside of the patella. i am simply going to lower the box for a few days by 2 inches and then bring it back up to see if the back off days help.

Stopped at one point to help one of the University Kids with his box Squats. He asked for help and i know he is a pretty serious kid with his trg so i was happy to pass on what i know about box squats.  My short answer is Abs (weighted /non weighted daily), low back of some sort daily or multiple times a week.
Definitely not a Box Squat Guru like Dave Tate, But i have seen a few of his vids and i did stay in a Holiday  Inn Once

Also had a chat with someone at work about running. yes me, talking about running. After 3 min i figured out the problem.
-Lifting, cut it back to twice a week if you are more focused on your running. you only have so much energy.

-His idea of getting his running up was not running faster but running longer on the treadmill. He blew his hip out in the summer with his current train of thought in regards to his "working out" (his words not mine)

Conversation at one point:
ME: "How often do you deload your running volume?"
Him: "What's a De-Load"

BINGO so i broke down a simple De-load for him with his running (every 4th week cut your time and intensity by 50% for the week). Hopefully he will stay a little healthier now. Also i told to focus on his speed work and Tempo rather than trying to run longer and longer on the treadmill. He is simply putting the work into being more fit not trying to build his volume for any reason.

Bottom line i told him to be Optimal with his running rather than the more is more approach.

So the Recovering guy is passing out advice. At least if a few people in the gym have a better idea what they are doing it may offset the scales of the other who just seem random, odd and dangerous to themselves.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

17 Jan 2013-Gaining Ground...

Two sessions yesterday. Morning in the weight room and afternoon in the pool.
Stretching the hot tub after Pool Rehab

OH Press - worked up to 10 x 1 x 115 lbs (probably could have easily done triples but the idea was to do work but not burn myself out. This session was a day late)

Db OH Press
1 x 30 x 20 lbs
1 x 20 x 25 lbs
1 x 20 x 25 lbs
Rear lateral raise 5 x 10 x 15 lbs
Single arm machine Row 1 x 15 x 50 , 2 x 10 x 50
Horizontal Shrug 4 x 5 x 100lbs
Black band face Pulls 4 x 30
Red band Pull-a-parts 4 x 20
ADduction /ABduction 1  x 40 /40 x 85 /175
V Bar Pushdowns (single pulley)
2 x 20 x 70 lbs
2 x 12 x 70 lbs
Calf raises 4 x 30
Dips 3 x 5
Rev hyper /45 back ext /45 side bend /push ups /leg raises 3 x 10
Neck Crunch 2 x 20 x 25 lbs

Press for time a little bit but got what i needed to accomplished while knowing i will still be solid for Dynamic Bench the following day.

Pool work was the same as Tuesday except we added the water Db's to my running. Another degree of co-ordination to be learned. I get the movement down but it takes me a few minutes. In the mean time i look like  an electrocuted octopus flailing in the pool.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

16 Jan 2013-No ground covered

Did not get any work done today. I have some ground to make up tomorrow. But in the news department i did see the Ortho.

-Knee is Rock Solid and all the support structures are good.

-while checking my knee he did snap a decent sized piece of scar tissue, when it snapped he looked at me pretty quick i was unfazed as i do this constantly all day.

-Top end of Contraction still has some mild discomfort mostly due to the lingering swelling. Few more weeks  it will be gone.

-At this point 8+ weeks my graft has taken hold and is solid.

-The danger now is anything NON-Linear because although the joint is strong the muscles have some catching up to do.

-I am cleared GREEN to drive. Which means more concentrated Rehab will get done. Probably start 2 a days.

-Return for another follow up appt in 4 weeks. Going to get X-rays done this time to make sure everything is five by five.

-Running will commence in a few weeks. My PT has the timeline and of course the pool work is apart of this process.

So i will be back at it EARLY tomorrow. Off to bed.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 Jan 2013-Nothing left that you know

My ride was late. I am still fired up and edgy. Leftover from yesterday's BS. Wow work has really gotten under my skin. today was no different. But long story short this morning not much was accomplished. I did some single leg step ups in various capacities and alot of balancing on the Bosu ball. none of it felt like work but it is still good i got it done. This afternoon was the first pool session. It went really well. Very cathartic and Relaxing in the pool. But i am sure i will sore as fuck through my hip flexors.
Definitely NOT what i look like in the pool.
Warm Up:
5 min walking in the shallow end in various capacities

10 min Flutter Board Kicks (Hip flexors doing lots of work)

15 Min Water Running with Floaty belt

10 Min Stretching

5 Min Hot tub (more stretching)

10 min Sauna (More stretching and Scar massage)

The build up is to sprints /running in the pool in chest high water. I felt completely uncoordinated running in the deep end but it works. Next time we add water weights to add resistance to my running. There is also talk of tethered running in the pool which i am really hope happens.

Orthopedic Surgeon Appt tomorrow morning. So nothing too crazy, i will get up and do ROM and at home strengthening stuff.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, January 14, 2013

14 Jan 2013- "you reap what you sow"

Monday morning. Beyond insane this morning. 200 extra people in the facility that are normally not there at 6 am. So i had to Cancel my Prowler Warm Up. I think when i get my licence back I will end up doing 2-a-days just to get done what i want to do. Heart bursting w/some corrective exercises tomorrow morning and then Pool Physio for the first time tomorrow afternoon. I need something mind-numbing and painfully sweet tomorrow simply to get my mind off the stupidity at work. i have not been this fired Up in ages.
45 Deg back Ext /Side bends /Leg Raises /Push Ups /Rev hyper 3 x 10
Dips 3 x 5
Single Leg Calf Raises 3 x 20

Floor Press
2 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 5 x 170
1 x 3 x 190
1 x 3 x 215
3 x 5 x 155

All reps from the floor smooth and strong. The set with 215 lbs is based of a minimum of one for a maximum number you can accomplish. I pushed for 2 extra and shut it down, upper back was tight and knotted this morning despite the foam rolling and Lax ball work i did when i got up. It just seemed to screw up me staying tight with the bar. But i am happy with this. Deload week next week.

Machine Row 3 x 15 x 170
Fat Man Row 
1 x 15 x 105
1 x 12 x 105
1 x 13 x 105

The machine Rows i will increase by 5 lbs next week. The Fat man rows have another week or two before i increase the weight.I want a strong 3 x 15 before increasing the weight. Assistance work i increase a little more linearly and it seems to work. I also don't think too much about it because i will bounce up and down with my loading. but going to give this a ride for 3 months and see how it goes.

TKE's (L & R) 3 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 4 x 30
Red Band Pull-a-parts 4 x 20

Super setted the last three band exercises. Really working the contraction on the TKE's. Found another vid to share that covers the progression for VMO work. Excellent stuff.

Going to try and settle in and down now.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

13 Jan 2013 -Behind the Gun...

Time to simply to get work in today and keep things healthy alot like yesterday. This will become a Prowler day next week. It will be a Prowler day until i am cleared to Squat.

Spin Bike INT
5 Min /100 rpm /6 rpe
5-12 Min INT 20 sec @ 120+rpm /40 sec @ 100 rpm

For a first time Spin Session this felt great. A good place to start. I will look at my Schedule this week and figure out where i do these regularly for the next few months. Probably Thursday morning as of right now.

45 Deg Back Ext /Side bends /Leg Raises /Rev Hypers 3 x 15
Red Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 25
Push Ups /Dips /Physio ball Leg Curl 3 x 10
Super Set Face Pulls w/ Horizontal Shrug
3 x 20 x 95 lbs /3 x 20 x 45 lbs
Fat Gripz Cable Curls 3 x 20 x 80
Fat Gripz V-Bar Pressdown 3 x 20 x 110
Single Leg Calf Raises (L&R) 3 x 20
Rev Calf Raises 3 x 20
Narrow Box Squat 2 x 10
Hip Heist 1 x 30
Step Up /Lower 3 x 10/10
TKE (L&R) 1 x 15
Airex Pad Balance 2 x 4 Stars

A little short on time but i got enough work in. I will do a few Box Squats and stretching as well as some other stuff tonight. I went lighter on the TKE's today but i did all of those slow and contracted really hard. Everything feels solid and strong in the Knee. Not to gummy. I attribute that to the time on the Bike. Really pushing hard on the Bike felt solid and good. Raises my confidence in the Knee and what it can do.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

12 Jan 2013-Don't try to push your luck...

Today's Focus was Pull Ups, Knee Strengthening, Balance, and lastly the other stuff to keep my joints healthy and happy.
SilverBack Saturday Trg
Completed Circuit style  The idea is solid reps at a decent pace but not like a Meth-Crack-Bath Salts style attack. Keep moving, get a sweat on, but don't turn it into an all out cardio session. The goal is to still build strength.
Round 1 (30 min /minimal rest)
Pull Ups 6 x 8
Push Ups 6 x 15
Bosu Situps 6 x 20
Physio Ball Leg Curls 6 x 10
Head Harness 6 x 20

Pull Ups smooth and strong. Push Ups like a fucking Metronome, time to add reps. Bosu Sit Ups because i have to some sort of spinal flexion practice, eventually these will return to Sit ups on Saturday mornings. The rest of the week is actually core chain exercises that work. The Leg Curls feel Fucking SOLID and i was able to contract the hamstrings for a rock solid contraction without cramping. Head Harness because the quest for 18" is a daily journey.
Round 2 (25 min /minimal rest)
Pull Ups 4 x 8
Orange Band Face Pulls 20,25, 25, 30
Red Band Pull-a-parts 20,25,25,30
Step Up /Lower 3 x 10/10
Bent Knee Calf Raises 20, 30, 30, 25
Straight Leg Calf Raises 20, 20, 15, 15

So 10 x 8 Pull Ups completed in approx 50 min. The idea of the other stuff is so i am not standing around staring at the clock waiting to do another set of Pull Ups. The volume is rising slowly and they are feeling better every week. The Ultimate goal is 1 set of 20 reps, i have been chasing this 20 months now. It will fall soon. The Face pull to band pull-a-part combo gave me a crazy rear delt /upper back pump.
Going to Need this on a T-shirt if my back gets any bigger.

Some Other Randomness that got done during Round 2 and after the Pull Up Fury.
TKE's (L & R) 10, 15, 15
Lunges (L & R) 1 x 10
Wide Box Squat 2 x 10
Narrow Box Squat 2 x 10
Bosu Balance 3 x 2 Stars
The Only Thing i would add is when straightening the Leg, Flex the Quads like a MoFo. 

The Return of TKE's has me excited. I will raise the volume on these slowly but i will be back to doing these in the Hundred's daily. They made my Knees (VMO) Fracking Bullet Proof going into surgery. TKE's are awesome for runners too, especially.  If there is two exercises everyone should do daily it is Band Pull-A-parts and TKE's at 30 reps.

The Bosu Balance i describe as Stars. I stand on the ball next to the rack, trying not to touch the rack. I draw Stars with my left leg. The further out my leg goes the harder it is to balance. I can also do these on an Airex pad (foam pad). So i will be alternating days. My balance has always been decent. I have doing Martial arts of some sort since i was 10 yrs old. But not i am going to turn it into a Dominating skill set. I have some other things i used to do from Muay Thai trg that i will incorporate into my day as well.
My Proprioception is going to become like a super power.

Super careful with the Lunges today. First time trying them since last Sunday. No problems. I will keep doing them slow and under control but they are now back in.

Tomorrow I will jump back on the bike and go like a Bat out of hell as well as some active recovery.

Enjoy The Day it is Yours to Conquer.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, January 11, 2013

11 Jan 2013-Their Screams echoed Loud

As in all things. They can and will change at the drop of a dime. Literally. I always remind myself of this no matter how strange or bad things may seem. Yesterday was one of those days. Today was a new Sunrise. A little pressed for time so i dropped my Pull Ups. They will get covered off tomorrow morning. I simply didn't want to run out of time. 10 sets of 8 reps can take awhile.

Training first and then an update from physio.

This shit just got done. Some of it before Benching, some of it after. But it got done. 
45 Deg Back Ext /Side Bends /Leg Raises /Rev Hyper /Push Ups 2 x 20
Dips 2 x 8
Dynamic Bench Press 
2 x 5 x Bar (CG)
1 x 3 x 95 (CG)
1 x 3 x 115 (CG)
1 x 3 x 135 (CG)
2 x 1 x 155 (CG)
3 x 1 x 155 (MG)
5 x 1 x 155 (WG)
Neutral Grip DB Bench
1 x 10 x 60
1 x 8 x 65
3 x 10 x 70 (up 5 more lbs next week)
Horizontal Shrug 5 x 10 x 80lbs
Black Band Tricep Push Downs 4 x 50
Black Band Face Pull 4 x 40
Step Up /Lower 3 x 10 /10
Single Leg Calf Raises (L & R) 3 x 10 /10
Hip Heist (L & R) 1 x 30
ADduction /ABduction 1 x 45 /45 x 85 /175

I have dropped the "Physio" break in the trg log one important reason. The Rehab and everything else i do is my current reality, my current trg. Weeks ago i said i used the term Training because everything had a plan and a purpose. Well for now everything i do in this blog works to one goal.
New from my PT:
- Normal ACL is 2 weeks crutches, i was 6 because of the Mencius tears that were repaired. Despite being non load bearing for an additional 4 weeks post surgery I am CAUGHT UP TO THE TIMELINE set out by the surgeon. My ROM and Strength have come that far since Physio started.
-I solved the Pool time concern. I asked about the Physio time on the pool schedule. Instantly i was in. During work hours which yes is even cooler, i will get paid to swim and run in the pool.
-My Patella is doing well. everything is moving as well as it should as this stage. No complications other than that scar tissue last Sunday but that was a necessary part of the healing process.
"I am pissed off for greatness" -Ray Lewis

 Managing angry moments:
To the young gentleman who has decided to starting "working out" this week i guess to impress the ladies.
-Hats are designed to have the brims bent, really they are. Wearing a black hat, with black wife beater, black basketball shorts makes you look very douche-A. Wearing it everyday of the week makes me question your laundry practices, not getting close enough to smell you. As well, coming in and only working Biceps shows your immaturity and lack of experience. So please stop strutting around the gym like you are the Dominator or i may simply drop the shoulder and take a half step into you. The 70 lbs weight advantage i have on you will hurt, ALOT, trust me.

I said this at work today: (Quoting Brandon Lilly)
"If you are skinny just pick up a fork and eat. Don't talk about not gaining weight, you are wasting time you could be eating. If you are fat put the fork DOWN. (and master the 'push away' maneuver from the table) It really is that simple for most people."

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 Jan 2013 -Not dead

Today is one of those days i knew was coming. Tomorrow is a new day with a new dawn. I have already started to pull myself out of the funk i felt when i got home from work today. The gym has been over crowded so i have either had to make multiple adjustments (a good lesson in flexibility). Work has been extremely slow ( a lesson in patience). With the slowness and my recovery i also know when everyone else starts into stuff i will be doing not much of anything for a very long while. I am engine that doesn't run very well in idle. I run to rough. That being said i am trying to practice patience a little bit to see where things are heading at work. After i see the Ortho i will get my licence back so with it some added freedom. It also means i will probably get some extra rehab time in the gym in various capacities.
The demons of my mind everyone once in awhile try to break out of the their basement cage.

Today training was meant to be another active recovery day with some light conditioning. I looked at the pool schedule and there is 2 Physio times during the week so i am going to ask about those tomorrow. I need pool time. Something small to make me feel like another milestone forward. Barring that i will be in the pool this weekend.

Treadmill 20 min /Max Incline
0-2.5 min Lvl 2.5
2.5-5 min Lvl 3.0
5-10 min Lvl 3.5
10-20 min Lvl 4.0

45 Deg Back Ext /Side Bends /Leg Raises /Rev Hyper 2 x 15
Dips 2 x 10
Black Band Pull-a-parts 2 x 20
Black Band Face Pulls 2 x 40
Narrow Squats 6 x 20
Tricep Push down Super set w/Push Ups 
1 x 50 /15
1 x 50 /10
Hip Heist 1 x 30
Straight Leg Calf Raise 2 x 40
Bent Knee Calf Raise 2 x 40
Head Harness 4 x 30 x 25 lbs
Step Up /Lower 3 x 10 /10

If you have some time to kill John Meadows is a freaking Genius about food. Find out about different things about the food you eat and how it can help you in a variety of ways. You know why you should listen to John Meadows? His neck is over 18"

So the training session went quick. It did not get insanely busy until i had to leave which was good. One more early session tomorrow. Physio tomorrow afternoon as well. The knee has felt strange the past few days i think partially the cement floors i am walking around on are getting to it as well. Stretching tonight and some ROM.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

9 Jan 2013-walk like a king...

Up early again. it is getting easier every morning. The gym has been insane all week. It starts at 6:30 am. Back to work now and i feel like i am losing my creativity for this Blog. Probably because i don't have all day to focus on it.

Warm Up
Push Ups 3 x 10
Red band pull-a-parts 30, 25
Black band Face Pulls 35, 40

The gym really has been this kind of Super Hero Chaotic this week.

Seated OH Press
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 65
1 x 5 x 95
5 x 3 x 105
Oly Bar Curl 1 x 30 x 45 lbs
Standing Db OH Press
1 x 15/15/15 x 40 /20 /10
Rear Laterals
3 x 15 x 20 lbs
Single Arm Machine Rows (non-stop)
3 x 15 x 50 lbs
Horizontal Shrug
4 x 8 x 95 lbs
Besides Arnold how many of these guys can you name?

45 Deg back Ext /Side Bends /Leg Raises /Rev Hypers 2 x 15
ADduction ABduction Machine 1 x 40 /40 x 85 /175

Super set
V Bar Push Down 
1 x 80 x 15
1 x 70 x  15 - Dips x 5
1 x 70 x 10 - Dips x 5
1 x 70 x 8 - Dips x 5

Narrow Stance Box Squat 5 x 20
Wide Stance Box Squat 4 x 15
Neck Crunch 5 x 20 x 25 lbs

Due to the over crowded-ness of the gym i was unable to get a bike or treadmill in the time i had available in the gym today. Looking to getting a Bike session tomorrow in. I will see when i get there. Knee felt stiff and junky all day. The Patella is still a little sore but doing well. This definitely feels like a Wednesday. As you can see i drastically increased the Squat volume today. I decided i need to get this volume up and also because i knew i would be unable to do anything on a Treadmill /Bike today.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)