0550 hrs
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 5 x 165
1 x 5 x 190
1 x 5 x 215
Rack Pulls
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
7 x 3 x 275
Hyper Deads
4 x 7 x 90
CSR 4 x 11 x 110 lbs
Super Set
CSR Shrugs 3 x 30 x 60 lbs
Seated Calf Raises
1 x 27 x 95 lbs (fast reps)
1 x 17 x 95 lbs (slow controlled reps)
Not a lot to say about this. I do need to seriously start looking at my Rack Pull Numbers. At first I was just sort of throwing them in there but I need to plan them out just a little. My Lower back is getting nice and strong. Endurance is there also this week in my ow back. Feels great to have it dialing in.
Started Hacking right at bed time. So i dosed up on the big Q and slathered myself in Vicks Vapo rub. Slept like a stone.
28 April
0555 hrs
As most Stair climber days lately I approach them with a little bit of trepidation upon waking and by the time I get to the gym I am aggressively pumped. I know it is going to suck. I embrace that thought and go after it.
Stair Climber w/ Vest
20 min /106 Flights (PR) /236 Calories
I definitely had a higher pace on the intervals than ever before. I also noticed I am more upright during the recovery times. Intervals are still 20 sec work and 40 sec rest. Lvl 12 for 10 min then Lvl 14 for 7 min. Then up to Lvl 16 for 30 sec then back down to 14, 12 for 20 sec ea before finishing the last interval at Lvl 14. I was fucking SMOKED! a solid 10 min before I was able to start lifting. Left the vest on.
(All exercises with Vest ON)
Back Ext 3 x 5 x 45 lbs (Vest)
Upright Rows 3 x 7 x 95
Rear Delt Laterals (on incline Bench) 3 x 11 x 20 lbs
OH Db Ext
2 x 21 x 55
1 x 17 x 55
Standing Rear Delt Rows 3 x 21 x 70 lbs
This is slowly working into an actual Upper Body session. I am not stressing over it. I see it more as cool down, work volume. Push my Traps are usually screaming by the end of this. A full hour of wearing the vest is definitely taxing.
-good personal news today. people in my life health wise are on the up swing. Challenging times but getting better.
-now that I am off course I called to make an appointment with my physio. Well it seems my clinic cancelled her contract (not her fault just the system messed up). So now i have to go back to my GP and get a referral for a different physio. This messes with my continuity of care. It angers me. It will be frustrating to have to jump through hoops and re-establish a working relationship with a different physio. I think I am also a little sad. Meghan has seen me through A LOT of injuries. We had trust and understanding built up over yrs. I was eventually going to have to switch up Physio's at the end of the summer (moving cities for work) but now I will have to do it twice in 4 months. Hopefully maybe a change in Physio's will bring a change in perspective or experience that benefits me long term. time will tell.
According to my schedule I am supposed to do Sled drags /recovery tomorrow. I found out today I am losing my training time Thursday morning for work PT (oh yay! forced fun!) so I think I will do my upper training session instead. Followed by Tempo Airdyne tomorrow night. Tomorrow morning will also be a compressed timing for trg. Get Some!
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