Wednesday, April 8, 2015

08 April 2015 -AirDyne and Sled with some Oly Bar & Lax Ball Massage

08 April
0530 hrs
Not quite as fast moving as yesterday morning but pretty close. Again not too stiff. My triceps are definitely feeling the effects of the banded push ups. But everything else was stiff but not overly so.
How did you get to Work today?

AirDyne Bike
Warm Up: 2.5 min x Lvl 8-9 avg pace
Tempo Ride: 15 min x Lvl 13.5 -14.5 avg pace
Still figuring out the Airdyne and where to pace myself. Much better than last session. I pushed myself but let the pace sort of work itself out rather than trying to hold a solid parameter. I was at a point where I just barely could not talk the whole time which is what I am looking for. I have also decided that people who regularly ride a spin bike instead of an Airdyne are cowards. This thing will eat you if you don't respect it. In some respects it can more taxing than running. dangerous to make that claim I know.

Sled Drags
10 x 90 m x 50 lbs
Light recovery and rehab session. Kept the pace high so I did sweat and breath heavy. Upper body Flies (Y's & T's & I's), Face Pulls, and high rows one direction. Then a quick transition (Read:No Rest) followed by a long, but quick step back keeping upper body very tight. On the return drop the Blast strap handles and crank out a set of GHR.
5 x 7 x Bodyweight

Stretching /LAX Ball Work 25 min
I used the Oly bar in the rack to stretch out my back, grind my hamstrings, grind my Lats, and work my Thoracic ROM. As well as popping a Rib head or two back into place
From there I got on a Reebok Step with the Lax Ball and found every sore spot in my armpit, Lats, Rhomboids, and Trapezius. I even grabbed a 25 lbs Db for some extra weight. It worked like a charm. A few minutes of discomfort to get things worked out even more.
Walked away feeling loose and ready for Tomorrow's Upper Session.

Gym Moments:
I was a little intrigued when A guy i had not seen before pulled a Mark Bell Slingshot out of his bag. The intrigue was completely lost when he next pulled out a pair of neoprene gel palm protectors.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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