Wednesday, April 15, 2015

15 April 2015 - Session1 Floor Press'N /Session2 Prowler "speed"

15 April
0550 hrs
Start of a new cycle so I am changing a few minor things to keep things fresh. The bulk of the program is the same. Just changing a movement here or there. The big change today was the Warm up which seemed to be a good change for activating my lats for Pressing.
I have been reminded of this a few times in the last week. Keep things on track and in perspective. 

Modified Dicenzo Row (w/EFS Strap) 
1 x 21 x 20
1 x 30 x 50 lbs
3 x 20 x 60
Band Pull-A-Parts 2 x 10-15 x Mini EFS Band

Floor Press
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 90
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 11 x 165
I feel like I have built my floor press back to the point where I will warm up with Bar, and then straight to 95 lbs for a few sets before moving up the percentages. Time to stop messing around with the dinner ware and snack plates during warm ups and build ups. My Shoulder blade after the new activation /warm up seemed to be locking in better today. By the end of my training session when all the muscles were fatiguing I could feel it "winging" out again a little.

Soreness is way down. Weakness is dissipating and being replaced by strength again at the extreme ranges of motion.
This has come about because of a few factors:
1. I took care of the problem by research and figuring things out. As well as stopping what trg I was doing that was aggravating the problem and not assisting the recovery.

2. It is a semi recurring problem one cause is how I sleep. The other is bodyweight. Whenever I get in the high 230's i usually have some sort of scapular issue. Bodyweight comes down, issues disappear.I have started to aggressively bring my weight down. Mostly by control of food intake and using training to create a calorie deficit. NOT by starving myself. Starving for food leads to messed up energy levels which leads to crappy workouts, which leads to crap results.

3. I have gone for a few RMT treatments also. i have come to realize today my traps are super duper tight. Like transport springs wrapped in gator skin tight. The Lax ball and use of the squat cage pins have /are allowing me to smash things up

4. I have worked on my thoracic Mobility. I sit way too much in a day.

Now for some anecdotal Science:
a 5 min nap with your Amstaffian increase recover, raises your testosterone levels by 10% and makes you more anabolic. While also giving you a dopamine dump into your system. Simply stated it makes you more Awesome. 
Neutral Grip Pull Downs
1 x 13 x 180
1 x 13 x 175
1 x 13 x 170
1 x 13 x 165
Top of the movement there was a lot less tenderness and I was able to contract and stabilize things. This felt really good today. Much improved. A few more weeks and I will be back to doing Pull Ups.
I am considering putting a bodyweight goal attached to my pull ups. For motivation (I REALLY want to get back to doing Pull ups) as well as for not stressing the system too quickly with a lot of bodyweight.
Fat Gripz Rope Pull Down (1 min rest) 
2 x 13 x 130 lbs
1 x 13 x 130
Standing Rear Delt Rows (wide bar to Chin) 4 x 21 x 90 lbs
Rear Delt Destroyer 1 x 51,60,15 x 65,30,15 lbs
YTW (No rest just cycle through) 2 x 13 x 5 lbs

1634 hrs 

Prowler (30 sec Rest)
12 x 20 m x 90 lbs

TRX Body saw /Plank
1 x 10 /10 sec
1 x 5 /5 sec
1 x 10 /10 sec
Side Plank 2 x 15 sec (L&R)
Rollouts 3 x 13-15 x low angle

Sweat Hard, Breathe Harder, Push through with Intensity. Approx 20 min total time for this. T-shirt was drenched and I was sucking wind. Feels good. I May not be the fastest Sheep dog in the Yard But Odin has not sent me to retire just yet. I may have a battle or two more before my time is done.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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