Wednesday, April 29, 2015

29 April 2015 - Compress the time, Keep the full volume. Ambitous yet successful

29 April
0540 hrs

As I mentioned last night I was going to be short on time this morning. Total time today was 40 min for a work volume that is usually 60-70 min. So, my conditioning is definitely solid. No missed reps. Lots of Back volume post floor press. I walked away feeling energized and jacked up to tackle the day.

Dicenzo Rows 3 x 21 x Mini EFS Band
Banded Shoulder Series 3 x 11 x Mini EFS Band
Minimal rest. I sort of repped things out wrote it down, switched exercises, wrote it down and switched back. Massive upper back & rear delt burn. Things felt activated and ready to go.

Floor Press
2 x 10 x Bar
2 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 5 x 174

Things felt solid but I think the speedy abbreviated warm up did not help as much as those two movements have activated things in the past few weeks. Definite improvement felt though in quality of control of the weight overall.

Neutral grip Pull downs (1 min rest) 
1 x 7 x 200
1 x 7 x 190
1 x 7 x 180
1 x 7 x 170
Lats and upper back are building. No tenderness and only minor weakness at this point. Strict reps through out. Hopefully things will feel solid enough I can do actual Pull Ups on my birthday.
Fat Gripz Rope Pulldowns (1 min rest) 
2 x 17 x 130
1 x 15 x 130
1 x 13 x 130
Working the volume. Wanted to see where things would fall off with the Tricep endurance. Concentrated on holding shoulders back but not the set ending criteria today. typically 2-3 reps past my shoulders rounding forward my triceps would give way. Not to ultimate failure, 1-2 reps shy.
Rope Face Pulls (to forehead /30 sec Rest) 3 x 17 x 80 lbs
Done on Cable cross over machine. Makes this lighter than normal intentionally. Maximum retraction at the "Pull" end of the movement with a slight pause. Really reaching for a longer than normal range of motion.
Rear Delt Laterals (1 min rest) 2 x 17 x 20 lbs
Start of the Rear Delt Pump

(No rest)
YTW & Seated Rear Rotator  2 x 11 x 5 lbs
Cycling through the movement patterns. Continuing the upper back /rear Delt blood flow.

Rear Delt Destroyer
1 x 50,50,15 reps x 60,25,15 lbs
End of the Rear Delt Pumpitude. There was damn near a shelf created by my rear delts.

Got to the office and sweat about another 2 Liters of fluid. Water intake high all day. Now that I am back in my regular office my coffee consumption is back up but I will continue to focus on water consumption as the primary fluid to be consumed. Don't want to get back to feeling chronically dehydrated.

In tomorrow for an Air Dyne Tempo Session. Then over to see if i can get a new Physio therapist.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

28 April 2015 - How much you are willing to suffer will determine your successes.

27 April
0550 hrs

2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 5 x 165
1 x 5 x 190
1 x 5 x 215
Rack Pulls
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 225
7 x 3 x 275
Hyper Deads
4 x 7 x 90
CSR 4 x 11 x 110 lbs

Super Set
CSR Shrugs 3 x 30 x 60 lbs
Seated Calf Raises 
1 x 27 x 95 lbs (fast reps)
1 x 17 x 95 lbs (slow controlled reps)

Not a lot to say about this. I do need to seriously start looking at my Rack Pull Numbers. At first I was just sort of throwing them in there but I need to plan them out just a little. My Lower back is getting nice and strong. Endurance is there also this week in my ow back. Feels great to have it dialing in.

Started Hacking right at bed time. So i dosed up on the big Q and slathered myself in Vicks Vapo rub. Slept like a stone.

28 April
0555 hrs

As most Stair climber days lately I approach them with a little bit of trepidation upon waking and by the time I get to the gym I am aggressively pumped. I know it is going to suck. I embrace that thought and go after it.

Stair Climber w/ Vest
20 min /106 Flights (PR) /236 Calories

I definitely had a higher pace on the intervals than ever before. I also noticed I am more upright during the recovery times. Intervals are still 20 sec work and 40 sec rest. Lvl 12 for 10 min then Lvl 14 for 7 min. Then up to Lvl 16 for 30 sec then back down to 14, 12 for 20 sec ea before finishing the last interval at Lvl 14. I was fucking SMOKED! a solid 10 min before I was able to start lifting. Left the vest on.

(All exercises with Vest ON)
Back Ext 3 x 5 x 45 lbs (Vest)
Upright Rows 3 x 7 x 95
Rear Delt Laterals (on incline Bench) 3 x 11 x 20 lbs
OH Db Ext 
2 x 21 x 55
1 x 17 x 55
Standing Rear Delt Rows 3 x 21 x 70 lbs

This is slowly working into an actual Upper Body session. I am not stressing over it. I see it more as cool down, work volume. Push my Traps are usually screaming by the end of this. A full hour of wearing the vest is definitely taxing.

-good personal news today. people in my life health wise are on the up swing. Challenging times but getting better.
-now that I am off course I called to make an appointment with my physio. Well it seems my clinic cancelled her contract (not her fault just the system messed up). So now i have to go back to my GP and get a referral for a different physio. This messes with my continuity of care. It angers me. It will be frustrating to have to jump through hoops and re-establish a working relationship with a different physio. I think I am also a little sad. Meghan has seen me through A LOT of injuries. We had trust and understanding built up over yrs. I was eventually going to have to switch up Physio's at the end of the summer (moving cities for work) but now I will have to do it twice in 4 months. Hopefully maybe a change in Physio's will bring a change in perspective or experience that benefits me long term. time will tell.

According to my schedule I am supposed to do Sled drags /recovery tomorrow. I found out today I am losing my training time Thursday morning for work PT (oh yay! forced fun!) so I think I will do my upper training session instead. Followed by Tempo Airdyne tomorrow night. Tomorrow morning will also be a compressed timing for trg. Get Some!

Friday, April 24, 2015

24 April 2015 - Testing Mind and Body through Conditioning

23 April
0615 hrs

Warm Up 3 min /55-57 rpm
Tempo Pace 18 Min /60-63 rpm /5.3 Km /130 Cal

Banded KB Shrug (from Joey Smith)

3 x 13 x 50 lbs (3 bounce up /2 bounce down like in vid)

These were awesome. I had to use my EFS Mini Bands instead  of the average bands in the video because that was what was in my gym bag today. I simply doubled them up a second time to get some extra tension. What he doesn't mention is the grip element as well. Overall I give these a 5 /5 Gold Star rating. Traps fired up, Grip fired up.

Up Right Rows 3 x 5 x 95
TRX Rollout 3 x 11 (Medium Incline)
Banded Face Pull 3 x 21 x Monster Mini EFS Band

Just some other Trap /Ab work to finish up. The Tempo session definitely smoked me pretty hard but I felt I would be in good shape for Friday's KB Test.

24 April
Matt Wenning's Gym in Columbus, Ohio

So today's KB test was inspired by Matt Wenning. I met him at the LTT a year ago this week. He left an immense impression on me. I will make a point of either getting coached by him again in the future or go see him speak at the very least. Super Hero Strong and Genius smart when it comes to training and human body mechanics among other things training related.
Anyhow I saw an interview about a year ago where he spoke how he had used KB Swings as a conditioning /Strength test while he worked with the 3 Bn /75th Ranger Regt. I have been working towards this ever since ever so slowly. Today I thought I would give it a full go.
 Last time I stopped around 4 min as my low back started fatiguing and I lost my focus (got bored?).
So with that in mind here is how it went today:

KB Swing (AMRAP)
53 lbs KB (24 Kg) x 10 min 10 sec

Overall this was a great challenge. Keeping your mind into the swings in the first few minutes (boredom after about 3 min) which then switches to finding your happy place as fatigue, then pain slide in.
During Min 4 my grip started to burn slightly
During Min 6 my mid back started to ache burn also.
During the start of the Min 10 my grip started to go, I adjusted a little and then the KB came loose.

My pace through out was about 40 swings /Min which is slower than my usual 45-50 swings /Min I do during my normal 1 min weekly work sets. I did use the KB /Band setup I usually use either. My hip seem to handle the free swings but week in, week out I will go back to using the attached Band.
I will look 12 weeks down range and try this again. The Goal is 13 min. It is within reach from there I just go faster and harder.
GHR 3 x 9 x Bodyweight
Pull Up Shrug 
Close Grip 2 x 7 x Bodyweight
Wide Grip 2 x 7 x Bodyweight

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

22 April 2015 - I still have much to learn

21 April
0620 hrs

Sled Drags
4 x 90 m x 50 lbs (YTI's, Face Pulls, High Rows, and square drag with squared shoulders)
4 x 90 m x 100 lbs (Backward drag, Forward Drag)
2 x 90 m x 50 lbs (same as first four drags)
GHR (at the end of every 2 x 90m )
2 x 11 x Bodyweight
4 x 9 x Bodyweight

Solid recovery session. Lots of sweating and steady hard breathing. Felt decent when i finished up. I could tell this was a good pace for today after Squats and Stair Climber the previous two days.

22 April
0605 hrs
An older vid on YouTube but still awesome. 

Warm Up:
Dicenzo Rows 3 x 21 x 60 lbs
Banded Shoulder series 2 x 13 x Mini EFS Band
Right Shoulder was a little stiff so I took my time warming it up. The upper back definitely responded well to the Dicenzo Rows.

Incline Bench
3 x 10 x bar
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 5 x 90
1 x 5 x 105
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 130
1 x 13 x 150
 A few extra sets with the Bar to make sure things were moving smoothly. Upper back tightness was not an issue throughout the whole session. All reps were 3 count paused 2" above my chest and then exploded up like I was going to throw the bar.
Just might do this with my own shotgun. 

Db Bench (slight Incline) 2 x 19 x 15 lbs (slow tempo)
Fat Gripz Wide V-Bar Pull down 5 x 13 x 115 lbs
Light Tricep work. 1 min rest and keeping the shoulders squared.
Wide Bar Rear Delt Rows 4 x 21 x 80 lbs
Rear Delt Destroyer 1 x 65,65,30 x 60,25,10lbs
Rear delts were definitely Swole at the end of the rear delt destroyer set. I lightened the weight a little because i was trying to up it too fast instead of trying for more of a muscle pump with lighter weight.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, April 20, 2015

20 April 2015 -I come in peace, but if you fuck with me...

20 April
0545 hrs

Waking up this morning I was definitely sore and fatigued with no idea what I was going to produce this morning. Well as a good friend of mine taught me a few years and reminded me a few months back: "Your limits are always further than you think they are. Your mind is merely trying to save your body. You always can push a little further."
So with that thought in my head (that along with a few other quotes are hung in my bathroom) I got up, dressed, slammed back a coffee and got excited to be getting on the Stair climber.

Stair Climber w/Weight Vest (45 lbs)
20 min / 232 Calories / 104 Flights

2 min warm up Lvl 8-10
6 min Lvl 12 x 20 sec - Lvl 10 x 40 sec
11 min Lvl 14 x 20 sec -Lvl 10 or 8 x 40 sec*
1 min 10 sec x Lvl 16.15,14,12,10,8

*I alternated the rest pattern between Lvl 10 for 40 sec or Lvl 8 for 40 sec. The slight change in pace every second minute was just enough to keep me going. I literally was almost drooling. My legs held up and my conditioning is at the point where I can just recover for the next up swing. So definitely a positive take away today.

*All Exercises while still wearing Weight Vest*
Face Pulls (w/ EFS Strap to forehead) 2 x 21 x 60 lbs
Rear Delt Laterals (on 45 deg bench) 2 x 15 x 10 lbs
Upright Rows (Wide-Medium-Close Grips) 2 x 10,10,10 x 65 lbs

I made a point of figuring out the actually weight of the Vest today. It only took me a year to do it. It came in at 45 lbs. Wearing the vest while training was definitely something new for me. Also my traps were burning by the end of the session for sure.
Driving home tonight i was feeling fatigued and came to a realization. I don't want to claim over training or even over reaching by any means but the sensation i felt was almost like mild depression or sadness. I will have to do some research if it just a sensation of being tired or if I am missing something in my diet. In the mean time i will continue with Cocoa powder in my morning coffee (and cayenne pepper & honey &cinnamon) as well as ending my day with Magnesium powder.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

19 April 2015 -Why do only get Nose bleeds before i get to the gym and not while squatting?

19 April
0915 hrs

Banded Side Step 3 x 15 x EFS Light Band
Banded Front Step 3 x 15 x EFS Light Band
Single Leg Hip Bridge 2 x 10

SSB Box Squat (2" High)
1 x 21 x Bar (Monster Mini Band around knees)
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 5 x 190
1 x 5 x 230
1 x 5 x 245 (Belt on)
1 x 5 x 280
1 x 11 x 320

Things felt fairly solid. I managed my tightness very well overall. The last set with 11 reps was very solid. I jacked up the headphones, growled, took a few deep breathes, tightened up, Unracked the bar and went. After the set with 245 i did throw on my band around my left groin, things settled down after that. Leaving the gym I can tell my right might have been travelling forward, it is feeling "off" but not sore or tender or swollen
Db Straight leg Deadlift (1 min Rest) 3 x 13 x 55 lbs
Barbell Back Extension (on GHR) 
2 x 13 x 115
1 x 13 x 95

Over all high pace and focus I was done after the Back Extensions. Hit the only mildly warm sauna for over 30 min and then headed out. Had some lunch, had a nap and then another snack. Back to the gym.

0535 hrs

1 x 40 m x 180 lbs
2 x 10 m x 270 lbs
4 x 10 m x 360 lbs
4 x 10 m x 270 lbs
I had a partner today so rest was based off when the other person was finished with 30 sec or 1 min added on. I have close to 50 lbs on my partner. I have to give it to him, he kept up, despite only come off surgery last month. Excellent Heavy Prowler session overall.
GHR 2 x 7 x Bodyweight

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

18 April 2015 - 3 days of short but intense

16 April
0602 hrs

Warm Up: 3 min Avg Pace 11 miles /hr
17 min Pace 13.7-14.3 miles /hr
Total Distance:4.8 Miles
122 Calories

This was definitely feeling smoother. I am finding a decent Tempo pace as well as parameters to figure out and follow to keep myself honest. This also gives me a chance to know whether or not I am improving or being lazy.

17 April
0552 hrs

Banded KB Swings (w/Mini EFS Band)
Alternate between 70 lbs KB & 53 lbs KB 30 sec Rest
6 x 30 sec x 70 lbs
6 x 30 sec x 53 lbs
Working the movement pattern of the Swings and a little conditioning at the same time. Next week is test week for Swings. This scenario of rotating up and down in weight after each rest period allowed me to stress my grip and low back without burning them out.

GHR 3 x 5 x Monster Mini EFS Band
Face Pulls 1 x 110 reps x Mini EFS Band
Chin Ups 1 x 3 

Just like every Friday, fast pace. Lots of sweating. Lots of breathing hard making the heart feels like it will burst, if I don't pass out first. Lol. Tried one set of Chin Ups to see how things are coming along. The Movement was weak and short on endurance but at least no tenderness or pain. So progress.

18 April
0915 hrs

Fat Man Pull Ups (Football Bar /feet elevated 10") 10 x 10 reps
Incline Push Ups (Football bar /45 Deg) 5 x 15 reps
Using the push ups to work my upper back and keep my shoulder blades moving. Using the football bar as I discovered last week seems to not irritate things and help engage my lats better.
Football Bar 1 x 100 x 65 (bar weighs 45 lbs)
Upright Rows (wide -medium -close grip) 
1 x 5-5-5- x Bar
4 x 5-5-5- x 95
Yoke work, plain and simple.
Rope Curls 3 x 21 x 110
End of Rope Curls 2 x 21 x 40 lbs
EZ Bar Face Curl 2 x 21 x 40
EZ Bar OH Tricep Ext 
1 x 21 x 40
1 x 21 x 60
1 x 21 x 70

Saturday morning work. Nothing too strenuous. Suns Out Guns Out. Made a point of keep my shoulders square during all the variety of Cable curls. Sat in the sauna for at least 40 min. Tomorrow is Squat and heavy prowler. Food and early to bed.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

15 April 2015 - Session1 Floor Press'N /Session2 Prowler "speed"

15 April
0550 hrs
Start of a new cycle so I am changing a few minor things to keep things fresh. The bulk of the program is the same. Just changing a movement here or there. The big change today was the Warm up which seemed to be a good change for activating my lats for Pressing.
I have been reminded of this a few times in the last week. Keep things on track and in perspective. 

Modified Dicenzo Row (w/EFS Strap) 
1 x 21 x 20
1 x 30 x 50 lbs
3 x 20 x 60
Band Pull-A-Parts 2 x 10-15 x Mini EFS Band

Floor Press
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 90
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 11 x 165
I feel like I have built my floor press back to the point where I will warm up with Bar, and then straight to 95 lbs for a few sets before moving up the percentages. Time to stop messing around with the dinner ware and snack plates during warm ups and build ups. My Shoulder blade after the new activation /warm up seemed to be locking in better today. By the end of my training session when all the muscles were fatiguing I could feel it "winging" out again a little.

Soreness is way down. Weakness is dissipating and being replaced by strength again at the extreme ranges of motion.
This has come about because of a few factors:
1. I took care of the problem by research and figuring things out. As well as stopping what trg I was doing that was aggravating the problem and not assisting the recovery.

2. It is a semi recurring problem one cause is how I sleep. The other is bodyweight. Whenever I get in the high 230's i usually have some sort of scapular issue. Bodyweight comes down, issues disappear.I have started to aggressively bring my weight down. Mostly by control of food intake and using training to create a calorie deficit. NOT by starving myself. Starving for food leads to messed up energy levels which leads to crappy workouts, which leads to crap results.

3. I have gone for a few RMT treatments also. i have come to realize today my traps are super duper tight. Like transport springs wrapped in gator skin tight. The Lax ball and use of the squat cage pins have /are allowing me to smash things up

4. I have worked on my thoracic Mobility. I sit way too much in a day.

Now for some anecdotal Science:
a 5 min nap with your Amstaffian increase recover, raises your testosterone levels by 10% and makes you more anabolic. While also giving you a dopamine dump into your system. Simply stated it makes you more Awesome. 
Neutral Grip Pull Downs
1 x 13 x 180
1 x 13 x 175
1 x 13 x 170
1 x 13 x 165
Top of the movement there was a lot less tenderness and I was able to contract and stabilize things. This felt really good today. Much improved. A few more weeks and I will be back to doing Pull Ups.
I am considering putting a bodyweight goal attached to my pull ups. For motivation (I REALLY want to get back to doing Pull ups) as well as for not stressing the system too quickly with a lot of bodyweight.
Fat Gripz Rope Pull Down (1 min rest) 
2 x 13 x 130 lbs
1 x 13 x 130
Standing Rear Delt Rows (wide bar to Chin) 4 x 21 x 90 lbs
Rear Delt Destroyer 1 x 51,60,15 x 65,30,15 lbs
YTW (No rest just cycle through) 2 x 13 x 5 lbs

1634 hrs 

Prowler (30 sec Rest)
12 x 20 m x 90 lbs

TRX Body saw /Plank
1 x 10 /10 sec
1 x 5 /5 sec
1 x 10 /10 sec
Side Plank 2 x 15 sec (L&R)
Rollouts 3 x 13-15 x low angle

Sweat Hard, Breathe Harder, Push through with Intensity. Approx 20 min total time for this. T-shirt was drenched and I was sucking wind. Feels good. I May not be the fastest Sheep dog in the Yard But Odin has not sent me to retire just yet. I may have a battle or two more before my time is done.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

14 April 2015 - reminded today to turn up the intensity when i train...

13 April
0600 hrs
Go Bag. For. You know, "EMERGENCIES"

 A little bit of forced rest time this past weekend. I live on an island and the ferry was out for most of the weekend, at least while the gym was open. I got 12 hrs of sleep Saturday night which felt great. got some stretching in. I was not as stiff and messed up Monday Morning. I would still prefer to be active on the weekends though. With the weather getting nicer I do not think that will be a problem as there is A lot of yard work to be done.  
2 x 5 x 100
1 x 5 x 120
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 5 x 180
1 x 3 x 210
1 x 9 x 230

The only rest i got doing these was plate changes which the weight tree was behind the rack so 1min or less between all sets. I got all these sets completed in less than 9 min.

Rack Pulls
3 x 5 x 225
4 x 3 x 275
1 x 3 x 225
Grip, Trap and Ego work. Pulling from 1" above the knees. Keeping everything tight. This is the full extent of my Conventional Deadlift Range of motion.

45 Deg Hyper Deads (2 finger /thumb grip) 3 x 13 x 85
Still liking this exercise A LOT.
Seated Calf Raise 2 x 45 x 45 lbs
Chest Supported Rows 4 x 9 x 95 lbs
Horizontal Shrugs (Close, Middle, Wide Handles)
1 x 10,10,10 x 50
1 x 11,11,11 x 50

Worked out my lat /shoulder a little afterwards. The Finishing back work seems to really put blood in the affected area so I was trying to work the muscle while it was warm.

14 April
0555 hrs
Motivational words and Pics of drunks. So Inspiring

Stair Climber w/Weight Vest
Calories 227
Flights 101
Time 20 mn
Breakdown - 2min x Lvl 10/ 5 min Lvl 12 x 20sec -Lvl 10 x 40sec /6 min Lvl 13 x 20sec -Lvl 10 x 40 sec /5 min Lvl 14 x 20 sec -Lvl 10 x 40 sec /Last minute 10 sec ea at Lvl 14 to 10 then back to Lvl 14 for last 10 sec.

Yeah that looks really convoluted but it makes sense to me for later if I need to reference it. It comes down to this. My body is adjusting and I am getting faster on the Stair Climber. This sucked hard but I am recovering enough during the 40 Sec that I am not "crapping out" at the 15 min mark.
This Answer could not be more correct.

OH Tricep Ext w/Weight Vest 2 x 21 x 100 lbs
Dicenzo Rows (Rope) w/Weight Vest 2 x 21 x 50 lbs

I did some quick rows and a few other exercises briefly with the TRX nothing major. Just experimenting. I had already taken the weight vest off at this point.
I finished up with the Lax ball work on my upper back, Lats and armpit. No major break through's but it does feel better a little every day. Trying also Handstands to stimulate things in a different plane of stress /movement.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, April 10, 2015

10 April 2015 -Short Intense session to end the week. Again

10 April
0620 hrs

Banded KB Swing (Mini EFS Band attached to KB for all sets)
4 x 1 min x 70 x 1 min rest
1 x 1 min x 50 x 1 min rest
5 x 30 sec x 50 x 1 min rest
GHR 30 reps x Mini EFS Band (Completed in 4 sets)
Face Pull 210 reps x Light EFS Band (done with minimum sets and rest required)

The KB Swings do not look like much once they are written out. My grip just started to disappear during the 4th set so rather than F around I just dropped down. Avg Pace for the minute long sets was mid to high 40 reps, the 30 sec sets the pace was 26-29 reps. I will give it 2 more sessions and then I will do a test beginning of May with the KB swings, the goal is still 10 min plus of continuous Swings.

Rest to today I kept as a precious commodity today. There almost was none. GHR I got off wrote numbers down and then got on for the next set. Face Pulls very similar until the last 60 reps, I only stopped when the muscles screamed and burned to much, in which case I took a breath or two, stepped forward a step or 3 and then stepped back and kept going.
Maximum Huffing and puffing. Maximum Sweating. Primed and ready for tomorrow. Time for some intense recovery sleep.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

09 April 2015 - Putting socks on...the toughest part of my day.

09 April
0550 hrs
Putting on my socks first thing in the morning really is the worst part of my day. It is one of the only movements that directly pisses off my hip and I have to do it daily. So my life is pretty fucking awesome because that is not much to complain about at all.

Warm Up: 
(Super Set)
Chest Supported Rear Delt Laterals 4 x 21 x 30 lbs
Band Pull-A-parts 4 x 26 x Mini EFS Band

Incline Bench 
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 5 x 85
1 x 5 x 105
1 x 5 x 135 (I could not be bothered to load 130lbs went w/2x45's instead)
1 x 3 x 145
1 x 7 x 160
Last set felt better, 6 reps with a 3ct pause and the very last rep took about 10 sec intentionally.  The control and tightness is still not 100% but coming every session. Encouraging indeed.
Db Fly (slight incline bench) 2 x 17 x 15 lbs
Blood flow and build those pecs.
I think this show is beyond awesome. 

Wide Grip Pull Downs 3 x 7 x 200
Single Arm Pulldowns 3 x 9 x 55 lbs (no rest just left then right and then left again)
Lats /Arm pit is coming along. I am able do this exercise through multiple ROM's with much less irritation. Things are feeling strong(er) as a result.
Wide V Bar Press downs (2 min Rest /AMRAP Sets)
1 x 27 x 130
2 x 21 x 130
For this I squared my shoulders back hard and held them there. When they started to drift /fatigue, set was over
Wide Bar Row Standing (to chin) 4 x 21 x 80

Rear Rotator Exercise 2 x 21 x 10 lbs
YTW 1 x 60 x 5lbs
I simply rotated through the movements 10 reps at a time, no rest. Finished up with some extra top end "pulsing" to make things burn and pump up even more.

Not much else to say. In early, got the work done and out. Early to bed. I have 2 sessions planned for tomorrow as well as Saturday and Sunday. Recovery session EnGAGE!
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

08 April 2015 -AirDyne and Sled with some Oly Bar & Lax Ball Massage

08 April
0530 hrs
Not quite as fast moving as yesterday morning but pretty close. Again not too stiff. My triceps are definitely feeling the effects of the banded push ups. But everything else was stiff but not overly so.
How did you get to Work today?

AirDyne Bike
Warm Up: 2.5 min x Lvl 8-9 avg pace
Tempo Ride: 15 min x Lvl 13.5 -14.5 avg pace
Still figuring out the Airdyne and where to pace myself. Much better than last session. I pushed myself but let the pace sort of work itself out rather than trying to hold a solid parameter. I was at a point where I just barely could not talk the whole time which is what I am looking for. I have also decided that people who regularly ride a spin bike instead of an Airdyne are cowards. This thing will eat you if you don't respect it. In some respects it can more taxing than running. dangerous to make that claim I know.

Sled Drags
10 x 90 m x 50 lbs
Light recovery and rehab session. Kept the pace high so I did sweat and breath heavy. Upper body Flies (Y's & T's & I's), Face Pulls, and high rows one direction. Then a quick transition (Read:No Rest) followed by a long, but quick step back keeping upper body very tight. On the return drop the Blast strap handles and crank out a set of GHR.
5 x 7 x Bodyweight

Stretching /LAX Ball Work 25 min
I used the Oly bar in the rack to stretch out my back, grind my hamstrings, grind my Lats, and work my Thoracic ROM. As well as popping a Rib head or two back into place
From there I got on a Reebok Step with the Lax Ball and found every sore spot in my armpit, Lats, Rhomboids, and Trapezius. I even grabbed a 25 lbs Db for some extra weight. It worked like a charm. A few minutes of discomfort to get things worked out even more.
Walked away feeling loose and ready for Tomorrow's Upper Session.

Gym Moments:
I was a little intrigued when A guy i had not seen before pulled a Mark Bell Slingshot out of his bag. The intrigue was completely lost when he next pulled out a pair of neoprene gel palm protectors.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

07 April 2015 -Get your sleep...

02 April 
0605 hrs

Waking up 2 min before my alarm went off was a great way to start the day. I knew i was adequately rested and ready to go. Not to stiff or sore from yesterday, which tells me my hydration is doing well and getting back on the nightly Magnesium powder is also a bonus.

Oly Fat Man Pull Ups (feet elevated) 5 x 5 x Bodyweight
Neck Crunch 3 x 25 x 25 lbs
I switched to the football bar mid way through partially because my left forearm did not seem to like the fat man pull ups again this session. The Switch worked perfectly. No irritation and my ailing shoulder issue is completely alleviated by simply using a neutral grip. The soreness in my shoulder only seemed to appear as my chest touched the bar. With the football bar and the neutral grip no soreness. bonus!
Football bar Fat Pull Ups (feet elevated) 5 x 5 x Bodyweight
Incline Push Ups (football bar /45 Deg Incline) 4 x 13 x Monster Mini EFS Band

Db Bench Press (2 min rest) 2 x 2 min (50 reps, 45 reps) x 25 lbs
Incline Push ups (football bar /10 deg incline) 3 x 3 x Monster Mini EFS Band
Machine Rope Curl (30 sec Rest) 
1 x 23  x 120 lbs
1 x 13  x 120
1 x 14  x 120

Db Curl 1 x 20 x 25
Rear Delt Lateral 1 x 21 x 15
Hammer Curl  1 x 20 x 25
Rear Delt Lateral 1 x 21 x 15
Gladiator Curl 1 x 20 x 25lbs
Rear Delt Lateral 1 x 21 x 15

At this point I was technically done but still wanted to do something to give Tuesday the Big Middle Finger. SMASH IT UP! So I decided to get some quick rack pulls in.

Rack Pulls (1" Above Knees)
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 225
1 x 3 x 315 (Belt and straps On)
1 x 3 x 405
1 x 3 x 455
Total time for this was about 8 min. and that was with going to get my straps and belt from my gym bag. Felt very solid but i could tell doing this for a lot of volume especially after yesterday's squat session things would fall off quickly. So work within the 80% rule and get out strong and ready for more tomorrow. Just like yesterday I have the feeling bigger things are yet to come. Just keep moving forward and getting strong(er) where I can.

GYM Notes: 
Crowd today was the normal morning crew pretty much. Although one anomaly. A guy wearing Armani track pants using the squat rack....backwards? A few of the other regulars noticed this as well. If i see him again I will suggest he use it the proper way, for his own safety.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)