0540 hrs
As I mentioned last night I was going to be short on time this morning. Total time today was 40 min for a work volume that is usually 60-70 min. So, my conditioning is definitely solid. No missed reps. Lots of Back volume post floor press. I walked away feeling energized and jacked up to tackle the day.
Dicenzo Rows 3 x 21 x Mini EFS Band
Banded Shoulder Series 3 x 11 x Mini EFS Band
Minimal rest. I sort of repped things out wrote it down, switched exercises, wrote it down and switched back. Massive upper back & rear delt burn. Things felt activated and ready to go.
Floor Press
2 x 10 x Bar
2 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 5 x 174
Things felt solid but I think the speedy abbreviated warm up did not help as much as those two movements have activated things in the past few weeks. Definite improvement felt though in quality of control of the weight overall.
Neutral grip Pull downs (1 min rest)
1 x 7 x 200
1 x 7 x 190
1 x 7 x 180
1 x 7 x 170
Lats and upper back are building. No tenderness and only minor weakness at this point. Strict reps through out. Hopefully things will feel solid enough I can do actual Pull Ups on my birthday.
Fat Gripz Rope Pulldowns (1 min rest)
2 x 17 x 130
1 x 15 x 130
1 x 13 x 130
Working the volume. Wanted to see where things would fall off with the Tricep endurance. Concentrated on holding shoulders back but not the set ending criteria today. typically 2-3 reps past my shoulders rounding forward my triceps would give way. Not to ultimate failure, 1-2 reps shy.
Rope Face Pulls (to forehead /30 sec Rest) 3 x 17 x 80 lbs
Done on Cable cross over machine. Makes this lighter than normal intentionally. Maximum retraction at the "Pull" end of the movement with a slight pause. Really reaching for a longer than normal range of motion.
Rear Delt Laterals (1 min rest) 2 x 17 x 20 lbs
Start of the Rear Delt Pump
(No rest)
YTW & Seated Rear Rotator 2 x 11 x 5 lbs
Cycling through the movement patterns. Continuing the upper back /rear Delt blood flow.
Rear Delt Destroyer
1 x 50,50,15 reps x 60,25,15 lbs
End of the Rear Delt Pumpitude. There was damn near a shelf created by my rear delts.
Got to the office and sweat about another 2 Liters of fluid. Water intake high all day. Now that I am back in my regular office my coffee consumption is back up but I will continue to focus on water consumption as the primary fluid to be consumed. Don't want to get back to feeling chronically dehydrated.
In tomorrow for an Air Dyne Tempo Session. Then over to see if i can get a new Physio therapist.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |