Monday, December 8, 2014

8 Dec 2014- I have never had to Knock on Wood

8 Dec 0645 hrs

Surprisingly I did not feel nearly as beat up as I thought I would after yesterday. So either I am in better condition than I thought or tomorrow is going to be miserable. (ha!)

Got the blood moving through my legs walking with long slow steps backwards, then forwards. Felt decent i will definitely up it to 600 m the next time 90 lbs waves around.
Sled Drags 4 x 100 m x 90 lbs (B,F,B,F)

This super set is far more difficult than it first appears. The Band attached to the Kb as I have stated earlier is to keep my hips from popping too hard but does this by making my Glutes fire extremely hard. Jumping down and holding a tight plank is challenging to all the Rectus Abdominis which is both painful and awesome.
Banded Kb Swings 3 x 1 min x 53 lbs + Red EFS Band
Superset with Plank  3 x 20 sec

GHR 2 x 23
Banded Wide Face Pulls 1 x 100 x Red EFS Band

keeping the difficulty breathing trend going I pumped off the GHR sets as fast as I could. The break in between sets was just under a minute. The Banded Face Pulls were done with the same intensity and speed while still focusing on a hard trap contraction.

Single Leg Hip Bridge 20, 10
Bird Dogs 20, 10
Cat - Cows 2 x 10
Finished up with some solidity work for my hip and low back. I can feel the 'cow' portion of the cat cows in my hip. It is just irritates (ever so slightly) inside my pelvis. Just something to keep an eye on so I don't keep losing ROM if I can help it.

Speaking of Range Of Motion, I have not been doing a lot of it for hip movement. My Low back I have recognized I need to hammer the stability especially with a broken movement pattern at the base of the spine. But I discovered through trial and error over the past few months that the more I increase my Hip Mobility the greater my pain and issues especially recently. I have been stretching my side, doing side bends and other things to keep my body long on my left side so when things are fixed I am not a tight little ball with months of stretching to do. So the goal for now is to maintain what pain free movement I have with a push to my end ranges only minimally.
So yeah I not going to a yoga class of hip openers any time soon.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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