Notes from the last week:
So the low pull was a little worse than expected. We will call it a slight sprain. Regardless I learned something from last Thursday so I can pull a positive from the pain and move on. For the past week I have been doing Lying Hip extensions, Angry Cobras, and lots of heat. It is getting better. I swam on Monday, it felt better. i did a modified Breast stroke on Tuesday while swimming and I felt it a few hours later. Something else off the list. Check.
Things safe in the pool to do: paddle board kick, front crawl, back stroke.
That is all I need.
I also got new awesome training fins. Swimming in a bigger pool is bit of a mindf**k. But fun
Mentally I have been up and down in the past week. All the pain, and changes in daily life do take their toll on me. I am not throwing in the towel but I do have moments of frustration. This injury regardless of how good the outcome is going to take a bigger piece out of me than the knee did. I am getting older. The punishment is adding up. I will lose a step after this but I know I will still be a force, my pacing will have to be different and I cannot do everything with reckless abandon I may have to use some knowledge and wisdom from time to time.
Notes From Physio:
My back is still sore, slightly twitchy, and still recovering. We checked a few things. She opening my Lumbar spine and things improved a lot. Rather than tape my back which only last 3-4 days she gave me a fancy Hip compression belt, let's just call it a Hip girdle. It works. I should only need it for a few days.
She also showed me the MRI report. It confirmed a lot of what the X-ray said. Plus I also have no cartilage in part of my hip and missing lots of it off the head of my femur. the is minor arthritis, and the signs of extra synovial fluid, Bone spurs. But no mention of labral tears.
Notes from the Doctor:
-We had an open and honest discussion.
-I will need surgery. We discussed surgeons, I will be seeing someone who does "clean up jobs" on young people.
-The Synovial fluid comment from the MRI is the reason I have to go for blood work tomorrow, just to eliminate other possibilities. It also explains why I had the massive spike in Pain back in October.
-My diminished pain is a good sign. I explained that the Physio and I have been working hard to figure out and eliminate triggers for my hip.
-He showed me the X-ray and MRI Images. I can spot the issue in both right away.
-I will see him again late Jan to discuss the blood work( I did ask for a cholesterol check just for fun, I joked about a Testosterone check but no dice.). The blood work will eliminate gout or rheumatoid arthritis. We will also talk about work restrictions and if I need any. By End Jan I should also have an appt with the surgeon hammered out as well.
So another step down. I will get my blood work done at 0730 hrs tomorrow. Hammer some sugar, caffeine and then go train upper body. I will make up for missing Throat Punch Thursday. Tomorrow starts the 12 Days of Trap-MASS.
Then lay in the sauna. Relaxing with my feet up and enjoying my holidays.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(ER) |
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