Wednesday, December 31, 2014

31 Dec 2104 - Orca Swim and the end of the Year.

31 Dec 
1135 hrs

Swim -Alternate between Front Crawl & Flutter Board w/Fins
20 min /avg 50 sec Laps

I did not count laps today. I just kept switching each lap between the flutter board and a simple front crawl. I was holding a decent pace because around the 10 min mark my body was trying to negotiate with my brain. I had decided going in it was a 20 min session.
I went grocery shopping early this morning and I finished early, grabbed a coffee and got to the pool early so I had 15 min or so to "warm up" in the hot tub while waiting for the family swim to end. The sauna post swim was packed so I only spent about 5 min in there before hitting the cold shower and heading home.

Another year complete. No resolutions or annual goals to lay out just because Jan 1 2015 is arriving. I will keep my goal setting going as I normally do. Things have obviously changed a little the past few months due to the now impending surgery and all that will entail with that surgical adventure. I will be looking for a Bench Only meet in the late spring to keep my mind focused on preparing for something other than just surgery. I will re-visit getting back to Jits at least in a light technique only manner to keep my mind active and my body loose. Lastly I need to get out shooting more especially since this looks to be a more mild winter.

Taking a full day off tomorrow. Sort of, wood has to be moved and the dog needs an adventure.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and nonsense as I try my best to describe my journey in training and sometimes life. Thanks to all the friends, family and other folks who I have interacted with in some way this past year. It has been fun.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

30 Dec 2014 - Bench'n Trap-MASS (Day 12)

30 Dec 
0805 hrs
I woke up being able to move my head which was a good thing. Definitely stiff from yesterday's Head Harness insanity. Feels like I was attacked by Capt James T Kirk.

Chest Supported Rear Delt Rows
1 x 50 x 20 lbs
Quick easy warm up and got things loose. I also rolled around on the dip bars to stretch things out more.

Stress? AHAHAHAHAHA! I have been off work for weeks. ZERO stress.
1 x 50 x Bar
1 x 11 x 80
1 x 5 x 105
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 3 x 145
1 x 3 x 165
1 x 3 x 185
8 x 2 x 140

Sticking to the plan. My Bench has been so dismal for so long I am following the percentages and trusting the template will bring me back up. It works, I just have to follow it. Working on moving the bar as fast possible for now. Still making sure to tighten up and let the weight settle and the commencing. Both shoulders seem to be almost rock solid now. I think I got things figured out with my right shoulder today. As my rear delts get strong(er) it is locking in better.
oh c'mon it is funny!

DB Row
3 x 13 x 80 lbs
Like last week, back and forth between left and right. No rest. This is fun torture. My rear delts and Lats were on fire and cramping by the last set. Push this to 4 sets next week and then I will change things slightly.

Superset (1 min rest)
Tricep Push downs (EFS Strap) 3 x 17 x 60
Face Pulls (EFS Strap) 3 x 20 x 60
Much needed Supplementary work.

Capt Kirk Shrugs 
5 sets equaling 208 reps x 135 lbs
(65, 40, 30, 30, 43)
This is the end of the 12 days of Trap-Mass. Excellent way to finish out the year. My neck is pretty jacked and swole especially after the last two days. I decided I would go with a relatively easy 135 lbs and then crush the 200 rep mark as fast as possible. From start to finish it was just over 5 min.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, December 29, 2014

29 Dec 2014 - Finishing the Year Strong & Trap-MASS Day 11

29 Dec 
0835 hrs

SSB Box Squat (TM =350 lbs)
1 x 20 x Bar
1 x 11 x Bar
1 x 11 x 140
1 x 5 x 175
1 x 5 x 210
1 x 3 x 245
1 x 3 x 280
1 x 3 x 315

5 x 10 x 245 lbs
Between this week and last week my Squat Technique has felt like it has turned around for the better. Things feel locked in from head to toe. I have adjusted to the higher squats and everything is starting to get strong(er) again. The 5 sets of 10 feel really solid and it is good to get some higher volume in since my cardio is limited. These make me breathe and sweat. Rest periods is either plate changing or for the 5 x 10 it is less than 2 min, usually closer to 1 min 30 sec.

Good Mornings (w/ SSB Bar)
5 x 11 x 10 lbs
Getting these locked in slowly. Found a better foot position and engagement that does not pull at the hip. The train of thought is to still simply add 10 lbs a week.

Head Harness
4 x 20 x 53 lbs (KB)
1 x 12 x 53
1 x 20 x 44 lbs (KB)
1 x 16 x 44
2 x 20 x 35 lbs (KB)
1 x 15 x 35
1 x 17 x 35
The plan going in was 10 sets of 20 reps with 53 lbs which normally would have been a straight forward execution. I am not sure if it is the previous 10 days of Trapezius /Neck work catching up to me or the fact the SSB Bar puts extra stress on your upper back. I do know the wheels came off and they came off in a Big way. WHICH IS AWESOME! Always willing to fight through a challenge. My Neck is still pumped as I write this. I am sure moving my head tomorrow is going to be fun.

Chuck V. Back Extensions
3 x 15 x 5 Kg Med Ball & Red EFS Bands
1 min rest, short explosive sets. I have really taken a liking to this variation of Back Extensions.

Weighted Abs (aka Standing AB Pull downs,Wide Stance)
3 x 20 x 85
Definitely dehydrated and fatigued by the time i finished these. Struggled to get my Abs to squeeze and contract hard. I will do a few sets of |Plank tomorrow.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, December 28, 2014

28 Dec 2014 -10th Day of Trap-MASS and a Little SilverBack Sunday

28 Dec
0835 hrs
The Makings of an Epic Bar Brawl.

So I found out this morning the pool is now closed indefinitely. So no swimming for awhile. I will have to figure something else out for conditioning /cardio. Probably sled drags or the dreaded Spin Bike. Ah-ha! The AirDyne Bike for Intervals! That should work.
For the Record I Do not wear a singlet in the weight room. 

OH Press (TM = 155 lbs)
1 x 20 x Bar
1 x 5 x 60
1 x 5 x 75
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 5 x 110
1 x 5 x 130
5 x 5 x 95
I decided after the set with 130 I will drop the TM by 5 lbs. It was a solid 5 reps but felt a touch heavy for the first cycle through. I have not done OH Press regularly in almost a year so I will take my time adjusting. Coming into today my Right Bicep Tendon was a question mark but it seemed to came through this whole session in better shape. I also took the time to use the OLY Bar in the Squat cage to roll out and work my ROM in my Rib cage and smash my rear rotators a little. It did the trick because everything moved better.

Pull Ups 10 x 7 (27 min to complete)
These were done between sets of OH Press.
I will continue to work the time limit until the wheels come off. Just keep adding 1 rep a week. Fairly strong reps throughout a little struggle the last 2 sets but nothing serious. I did step on the scale I am walking around at 235 lbs. Which surprises me. My clothes don't feel tight, I don't feel bloated at all. The end of the holiday season things nutritionally will naturally clean up. Not going to go on a diet but I will start to input more veggies and less starches little by little. It will be a natural shift in my eating patterns. Once that takes place I will see how my weight shifts. I do need to bring it down but I am not crash dieting unless I get short notice on surgery. I will put some weight markers to make sure I am on track in the next few months. Keep things honest for myself.

Wide Bar Rear Delt Rows (to chin)
8 x 25-30 reps x 90 lbs (Total of the 8 sets was 215 reps)
Wide V-Bar Pull Downs w/Fat Gripz 
1 x 9 x 90 lbs
1 x 11 x 90
1 x 13 x 90
1 x 13 x 70
1 x 11 x 70
1 x 13 x 70
ITWY's (Lower Angle 15 Deg instead of 45 Deg)
2 x 10-15 reps x 2.5 lbs

Oly Bar Curls 1 x 111 reps x Bar (Peeled out of my fingers)
JL Plank 40 sec work /20 sec rest /23 sec work (I squeezed and pulled until I thought my Abs would tear and my head would explode. The first set I built up to the pressure slowly, second set not so much)
GHR 1 x 15 (Could not leave without doing at least one set)

Sauna was another 30-40 min Contrast session of Hot Sauna /Cold Shower. Did a set of single leg Hip Bridge for fun while I was in there.
So week one of being back using Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 is in the book. Felt solid, felt a lot more focused. I like using the Conjugate system but for now I need stable percentages, something different to focus on while training (Rep PR's instead of weight PR's). For now at least it allows me to control the volume of my training better.
So stay as healthy as possible and just like last time pick up speed while heading into surgery. Gong to be working on my line of questions for the surgeon so I am educated and prepared and to know the options. Challenge him to do his best work and get myself the outcome I want.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

27 Dec 2014 - Trap-MASS Day 9

27 Dec
0850 hrs
After the way my day ended yesterday with my hip I was very happy to have slept through the night (mostly, except to pee) and not be limping. I also figured out last night that doing lying Hip Extensions seems to help alleviate my IT Band pain. every little bit helps.

Banded Side Steps 3 x 17 x Black EFS Mini Band
I figured something odd out with these today. If i concentrated on tightening or flex my low back right at my tail bone /lower spinal erectors/  Upper Glutes I felt these activate my glutes a lot faster and my Left IT band feels like it falls right out of the movement.

Snatch Grip RDL
1 x 20 x Bar
1 x 11 x 95
1 x 11 x 115
1 x 5 x 140
1 x 5 x 150
1 x 5 x 170
1 x 5 x 195

Low Back felt much improved today. These are in a solid ROM for me and force me to work. The weight on the low back and Hamstrings is lighter but the upper back and grip are challenged more. So build one weakness while keeping things in a safer weight range for other stuff that has been struggling as of late.

SSB Box Squat (2" High w/ a foam sink of 1")
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 10 x 140
1 x 10 x 175
1 x 10 x 210
1 x 10 x 230
11 Sets equaling 202 reps with 225 lbs.
GHR 3 x 13
Upon completing the last set of RDL's I started in on the Shrugs. Doing as many reps as I could every set. Once I hit 102 reps I started using straps so as to not completely fry my grip (I am doing pull Ups tomorrow) and carry on doing another 100 reps completed between sets of Squats and then GHR. The Squats are merely for volume and not meant to tire me out but get some more Bar on my back time.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

26 Dec 2014 - Merry MERRY! Trap-MASS Day 7 & 8

25 Dec 
1830 hrs

Chain Shrugs
1 x 200 x 35-40 lbs

Getting the Trap work done. Tomorrow I pull out the Head Harness for some fun.

26 Dec 
1000 hrs

Close Grip Floor Press Lock Outs
1 x 50 x Bar (full ROM)
7 x 9 x 95 lbs + 40 lbs chain (Start Position 10" from floor)

Band Pull A Parts  1 x 200 x Red EFS Band

Short on time because we had to head for family Christmas. This worked out perfect. I had planned on doing RDL's but my low back and Hip had other ideas. So I altered the plan and made do with a solid basement home session. The Band Pull A Parts do not read like much but everything gets pumped after 200 continuous reps. I stopped only long enough to breath and reset when things started to fall a part.

Oddly enough later in the day my hip /IT band decided to play games later in the day. Not entirely sure what triggered it. But I knew enough to Ice and Aleve when I got home. Do Not want to be laid up for a few days with pain hip again.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

24 Dec 2014 - Sleds and the 6th Day of Trap-MASS

24 Dec 
0826 hrs

A general recovery day. Pool is closed today so no swimming until after Boxing day. My right Bicep tendon has gotten a little irritated the last fews days so with lack of pool work today it might be a small bonus.

Sled Drags
1 x 100m x 90 lbs Backwards /Forwards
1 x 100m x 180 lbs BackWards /Forwards

Long slow concentrated strides backwards and forwards today. My VMO was almost cramping by the end of the 100m I was squeezing it so hard.

GHR 9, 11 (went back down and held the down position for as long as I could, approx 15 sec)

Physio (Bosu) Ball balance work 3 min of balancing on all 4's, moving a second ball around and balancing with one hand on each ball. This is transverse abdominal work my physio wants me doing. I was cramping later in my lower Abs in the sauna so something during this session worked

Bird Dogs 2 x 10
Cat /Cow 2 x 10
Wipers (Knee's bent) 2 x 20
Side Plank 2 x 25 sec (L/R) No rest just back and forth until all sets completed
Superman's 10

DB Shrugs (Running the Rack)
1 x 15 x 105
1 x 10 x 100
1 x 10 x 95
1 x 10 x 90
1 x 10 x 85
1 x 10 x 80
1 x 10 x 75
1 x 10 x 70
1 x 10 x 65
1 x 10 x 60
1 x 10 x 55
1 x 10 x 50
1 x 15 x 45
1 x 15 x 40
1 x 15 x 35
1 x 15 x 30
That was one non stop set. I stopped only long enough to rack one set of Db's, take a breath, and then unrack the next set. By around the 65lbs mark this felt like Cardio.
2 min rest. Took time to tally up how many more reps required.
1 x 17 x 120

That was it for the day. Off to the Sauna for another 35-40 min of Cold Shower /Sauna time.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

23 Dec 2014- Bench & Trap-MASS Continues

23 Dec 
0840 hrs

Speed and Aggression was the focus of today, I have done some reading and I was so focused on staying tight that I sort of forgot the eight was supposed to move with a certain speed. I am not a fast athlete to begin with. So this is part of why my Bench has stalled. Not to mention the hip but I cannot lean on that for everything.

My Low back and Hip felt A LOT better this morning. I was able to actually arch and drive through my legs a little without irritating my Hip. This Bench Session felt very good.

Chest Supported DB Rows 3 x 20 x 20 lbs
Excellent Warm Up movement.
1 x 30+ x Bar
1 x 5 x 80 lbs
1 x 5 x 105
1 x 5 x 125
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 155
1 x 7 x 175
Dynamic Bench
8 x 2 x 145

I am working the percentages exactly because my Bench has stalled. The 7 reps with 175 was fast and explosive. I stopped before things slowed down. The 8 sets of 2 reps felt decent and moved very fast.

Neck Crunch 10 x 20 x 25 lbs
In between sets of DB Fly Rows and Bench. the last two sets I struggled a little. I am sure I am sure I will feel these tomorrow.

DB Row (No rest, Back and forth until completed)
2 x 11 x 80 lbs
1 x 9 x 80 lbs
1 x 7 x 80 lbs
 Moved Left to Right with no rest until all the sets were completed. Looking to build a little conditioning in my Lats. It also helped my lower back using the lighter weight.

Face Pulls 4 x 20 x 70 lbs
Tricep Pushdowns
1 x 15 x 70 lbs
1 x 11 x 70 lbs
1 x 9 x 70 lbs
1 x 7 x 70 lbs

Excellent superset. I had written down sets of 9 reps for the Tricep work, I thought about sticking with it but I decided to push the reps. I did hold the Contraction on the last 2 sets of Tricep Pushdowns.

ITWY 2 x 15 x 2.5 lbs
Serrano Press 2 x 20 x Orange mini EFS Band

The ITWY's is a regular. The Serrano pres was something I was introduced to yesterday. It sucked. But everything in my upper back and rear delts fired to hold fast. The Serrano Press is done with your chet on an incline bench. You press your hands over head while the bands pull downwards. Rear Delts and Upper back were on fire. Excellent Combo with the ITWY's.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Monday, December 22, 2014

22 Dec 2014 -Trap-MASS Day 4 & back to Squatting

22 Dec
0805 hrs

So upon waking this morning I had no idea or expectations. I was going to try and Squat. What ever was going to happen was going to happen. I had a set plan just no idea if it would hold up"upon contact with the enemy". No way to know unless you pull the trigger and engage.

I have gone back to using 5/3/1 Style percentages for my numbers. I had a good chat with a retired Football player in my gym. He has extensive time using Conjugate style training which is what I was using under Wenning's programming. But I have come to realize in the interest of safety for my body and to lower stress on my CNS and inflammatory system while I am injured I need a safer approach. Jim Wendler's percentages fit this role better. I will still be pushing to get strong(er) but with a different approach. Not entirely if this is backed by science but who cares. As one of my idol would say "SFW" (Vincent Dizenzo)

This will be my Monday or Day1 for the next 6 weeks if not longer. As the week progresses I will go through how things are laid out and my thoughts or reasons as to why.

Goals Are:
-Rehab /Prehab my Hip and Low back while I await surgery;
-Get Stronger;
- Build Muscle;
- Maintain a minimal base level of Conditioning by Swimming and Sled Dragging
- Nutritionally to eat for training but not, so much so, that I get sloppy fat.

When I get a rough Surgery Date I will taper things in such a manner to focus on fat loss and increase conditioning while trying to maintain what strength levels I can. But more on that when it is time.

Warm Up: Banded Side step 2 x 20+ x Black EFS Band
GHR 3 x 7 (these felt really good to be doing again)
SSB Box Squats (TM=350 lbs) (Bench with 2" Foam compressing to 1")
2 x 11 x Bar
1 x 11 x 140
1 x 5 x 175
1 x 5 x 210
1 x 5 x 230
1 x 5 x 260
1 x 5 x 295

5 x 10 x 230 lbs

The idea with the work up and then the 5 sets of 10 is some extra volume to build some muscle and keep the weight on my Hip where I need it. Hip felt solid, low back felt solid. I can get my Glute to engage but it is a struggle at times but it is coming back. Rest for all sets was short. Whatever it took to load the bar for the next set and then for the 5 x 10 reps sets rest was over a 1 min but less than 2 min.

SSB Good Mornings
5 x 11 x SSB (empty)
The Design with the Good Mornings is to add 10 lbs a Side every week until I hit my actual 11 rep per set weight. But doing it week by week should be a slow enough build up. I will make my spinal erectors strong and thick. Felt very good today. Hard Arch. Had to keep the stance Medium to wide or else it seemed to dig at the hip a little. Rest for this was 1 min approx. No need to frack around.

I cannot explain it but I found a different internal fire at this point. Not sure why but I focused a little harder and had a more driven sense of purpose to get the work done with intensity. Not that I normally slack off but this was different. looking around the weight room watching people go through their paces with no care or intensity kind of pissed me off this morning. Not sure why. This thought did go through my head:

We start and End life small, fragile, and weak. Why would you want to live the middle portion of your life the same way?

Chuck V Back Ext
2 x 15 x 5Kg Med Ball & 2 EFS Mini Orange Bands
1 x 11 x 5Kg Med Ball & 2 EFS Mni Orange Bands

I really like this exercise and Hyper Deads. I plan to rotate them every 6 weeks. These felt really good today. It is a step back from my safe approach i was using with the straight Back Extensions but with the way the bands make things activated in my spinal erectors and hamstrings I felt no danger.

Weighted Abs (Rest 30 sec)
1 x 20 x 75 lbs
1 x 20 x 80 lbs
1 x 20 x 85 lbs

Strong Abdominals creates a highly defensible lower back.Worked the weight up to see where my Low back was at and worked it up quickly to keep the abdominalis working harder and conditioned.

Shrug Machine
1 x 50 reps x 45 lbs
1 x 30 x 90 lbs
1 x 20 x 135
1 x 23 x 135
1 x 30 x 135
1 x 21 /22 /20 x 135 /90 /45 lbs

Energy was draining but the Trap-MASS had to continue. I did have to Belt up for these as my low back and hip were starting to fatigue. Keep things Safe I guess. I rested only as Long as I need to between sets. More short rest periods. Used straps as well to keep the focus on the Traps.

So more interesting Characters are parading in and out of the weight room. 
-a young guy walked in and I almost shouted "McLovin!". Yes he looked identical to Christopher Mintz.

-Another dude in the weight today that looked like a chubby Charlie Hannum (plays Jax Teller on Sons of Anarchy) but was dressed more like Dom Mazzetti. Fun to watch.
-While I was squatting in the field house A young trendy hipster douche arrived. Everything he was wearing seemed to just scream "Irony". Even Crosfitters would cringe at his lack of style. He was wearing track pants that had the super low baggy crotch. The ones Justin Beiber seems to wear in every picture I see of him. Glad he was squatting and "Deadlifting" but he needs new friends or a stylist.

Keep Getting Strong(er), Keep Moving Forward

Sunday, December 21, 2014

21 Dec 2014 - Day 3 Trap-MASS & Winter Solstice

21 Dec
1020 hrs
Another short session today. 200 more reps of Trap work and some other stuff to round out the session.

Horizontal Shrugs (Medium Grip)
1 x 20 x 45 lbs
10 x 20 x 95 lbs
About 1 min or less between sets. Just set a quick pace for both the reps and the session in general. I chalked up and just got the work done. Very solid pump, I could barely look up when I was done.
Rear Delt Destroyer
1 x 57 /63 /20 x 60 /25 /15 lbs
More Upper back and Rear Delt Pump.

Straight Bar Pull Downs (1 min work /1 min rest)
1 x 42 x 40 lbs
1 x 42 x 50 lbs
Blood flow right into Inner Tricep Head right at the Elbow.

Med Ball Sit Ups 2 x 15 x 5 Kg Med Ball
These felt Okay but not fantastic. Maybe once every three weeks. Did not feel entirely Hip friendly even with the short range of motion.
45 Deg Back Ext 1 x 20, 17
45 Deg Side Bend Holds 1 x 20 sec (L /R)
Low Back is improving daily. The Back Extensions were slow and controlled a little surprised I hit 20 reps on the first set. Side Bends felt like an solid engagement of the Obliques. I did out my hands up in a "Touchdown" manner to add a little extra stress onto the Obliques.

- For a Gym that is mostly empty the amount of characters has been a little higher than normal the past few days. Some are worth mentioning others not so much. It has made being in the weight room more interesting. I am sure (not that I give a frack) what people when they see me; chalk dust, hoodies, toque (beanie for my American friends), Keeping to myself and looking generally unfriendly because most of the time I am working through whatever demons are eating at me that day. Cleansing my mind for the rest of the day. A better, safer and more productive way to release things.
- As I was starting today a guy came in wearing the prettiest track suit I have ever seen. I really cannot say if he was there before me. But he did one set on the T-Bar row machine and then left. Not sure what was going on. Maybe he was afraid of sweating in his track suit. It was silk covered in some sweet looking gangster design. Made by EliteMMA Gear. Just so strange.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

20 Dec 2014- Trap-MASS day 2

20 Dec 
0940 hrs
So today was meant to be a quick, light, recovery session while still getting the Trap work done for day 2. The plan is to do what I can at the gym only and then over the days that the gym is closed I will do other exercises in my basement. That's right there will be feats of strength Christmas eve, Christmas day and Boxing day!

Football Bar Front Raise (wide grip) 10 sets x 20 reps x Bar
Oly Bar Curls (100 reps in minimal sets) 
1 x 30 x 65 lbs
2 x 25 x 65 lbs
1 x 27 x 65 lbs
Cat /Cows 2 x 10
Superman's 2 x 10
Bird Dogs 2 x 10
Angry Cobras 2 x 10
To keep things moving I performed the above stuff in between sets of Foot Ball Bar front raises. Which by set 10 of Wide Grip Front raise doing the reps strict was definitely a challenge. It did not seem to irritate my low back as long as I stayed super tight. So it became a Trap, Shoulder, and Abdominal exercise. Mixing things up from a different direction tomorrow.

Wide V-Bar Push Downs (Fat Gripz /1 min rest)
1 x 21 x 90 lbs
2 x 17 x 90 lbs
ITWY's 2 x 15 x 2.5 lbs
45 Deg Back Ext holds
1 x 45 sec
1 min rest
1 x 1 min

Gym notes /observances:
-first there was the dude on the oblique twisty machine slamming the stack. It was only about half the stack but he made sure to slam that stack on every rep.

-second there was the two dudes doing shrugs on the shrug machine. On the last 2 sets one dude kept offering encouragement to the other dude. Which sounds normal enough; except it was in a very soft and erotic tone. Kind of, no check that, it WAS creepy.

-I spent 30+ minutes in and out of the sauna and doing the Ice Cold shower trick again today. Thankfully I was leaving as the naked old dude was going in.

-low back is feel better, the muscles just feel stiff now. the back extension holds felt very solid. I was able to engage all of my spinal erectors top to bottom which means things are getting back on track. I will try some slow reps tomorrow if I feel like I can handle it.

-I came home and moved spilt wood from the pile for over an hour (about 1 cord of wood) before I decided to call it quits. I took it slow and just plugged away at it. Still have about 2-3 cords of wood left to move.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep getting Strong(er)

Friday, December 19, 2014

19 Dec 2014 -Back to moving forward Day 1 of Trap-MASS

19 Dec
0840 hrs 

So First thing at 0730 hrs I had to give blood in a fasted state. So I did not expect a crazy session today especially after having a week out of the weight room. Dose of Caffeine, a protein shake and then some Christmas Rice Krispies Squares made me feel more than ready to go. The usual BCAA's to trick me to drink more fluids and get some peri-workout nutrition helped as well.

Dynamic Bench (Double orange bands & Weight)
1 x 20 x Bar (no bands)
1 x 3 x Bar (Bands on)
1 x 3 x 65
1 x 3 x 85
6 x 3 x 105
2 x 2 x 105
Pull Ups 10 x 6 reps (29 min total time)
The object today was speed and not irritate my back. The most dangerous part of today's session was moving the Db's from the rack to the bench to set up the bands. Everything felt tight and fast. Pull ups between sets. Time limit for the Pull ups was again 30 min. With everything being offset and missing last week's Pull Up session I cut the Pull Ups in half this week. It proved to be a good move. I will work the Pull Ups back up from here week by week.

EFS Strap Face Pulls 3 x 20 x 60 lbs
Superset with EFS Strap Pushdowns 
1 x 19 x 60
1 x 14 x 60
1 x 13 x 60
One minute rest between supersets. Used the Pull down Machine for the tricep work so it is closer to straight weight. Then I carried on to finish off today's 1st session of Trap-MASS.
EFS Strap Face Pulls 7 x 20 x 60
One minute rest or less for the remainder of the sets. Massively pumped traps and Cannonball Delts after this. I finished up with about 30 min in and out of the sauna. There is a cold shower so it is a contrast session to assist recovery.
Low back was stiff and achy but definitely improving. Tomorrow will be day 2 of Trap-MASS. As well as prehab exercises to keep my transverse abdominals and erectors tight. I will also move some fire wood as tolerated for some active recovery.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

18 Dec 2014- The image is getting clearer.

18 Dec

Notes from the last week:
So the low pull was a little worse than expected. We will call it a slight sprain. Regardless I learned something from last Thursday so I can pull a positive from the pain and move on. For the past week I have been doing Lying Hip extensions, Angry Cobras, and lots of heat. It is getting better. I swam on Monday, it felt better. i did a modified Breast stroke on Tuesday while swimming and I felt it a few hours later. Something else off the list. Check.

Things safe in the pool to do: paddle board kick, front crawl, back stroke.
That is all I need.
I also got new awesome training fins. Swimming in a bigger pool is bit of a mindf**k. But fun

Mentally I have been up and down in the past week. All the pain, and changes in daily life do take their toll on me. I am not throwing in the towel but I do have moments of frustration. This injury regardless of how good the outcome is going to take a bigger piece out of me than the knee did. I am getting older. The punishment is adding up. I will lose a step after this but I know I will still be a force, my pacing will have to be different and I cannot do everything with reckless abandon I may have to use some knowledge and wisdom from time to time.

Notes From Physio:
My back is still sore, slightly twitchy, and still recovering. We checked a few things. She opening my Lumbar spine and things improved a lot. Rather than tape my back which only last 3-4 days she gave me a fancy Hip compression belt, let's just call it a Hip girdle. It works. I should only need it for a few days.
She also showed me the MRI report. It confirmed a lot of what the X-ray said. Plus I also have no cartilage in part of my hip and missing lots of it off the head of my femur. the is minor arthritis, and the signs of extra synovial fluid, Bone spurs. But no mention of labral tears.

Notes from the Doctor:
-We had an open and honest discussion.
-I will need surgery. We discussed surgeons, I will be seeing someone who does "clean up jobs" on young people.
-The Synovial fluid comment from the MRI is the reason I have to go for blood work tomorrow, just to eliminate other possibilities. It also explains why I had the massive spike in Pain back in October.
-My diminished pain is a good sign. I explained that the Physio and I have been working hard to figure out and eliminate triggers for my hip.
-He showed me the X-ray and MRI Images. I can spot the issue in both right away.
-I will see him again late Jan to discuss the blood work( I did ask for a cholesterol check just for fun, I joked about a Testosterone check but no dice.). The blood work will eliminate gout or rheumatoid arthritis. We will also talk about work restrictions and if I need any. By End Jan I should also have an appt with the surgeon hammered out as well.

So another step down. I will get my blood work done at 0730 hrs tomorrow. Hammer some sugar, caffeine and then go train upper body. I will make up for missing Throat Punch Thursday.  Tomorrow starts the 12 Days of Trap-MASS.
 Then lay in the sauna. Relaxing with my feet up and enjoying my holidays.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(ER)