Thursday, March 28, 2013

28 March 2013- Trachea Trauma Thursdays

This video is from last year may 2012. The day after the seminar i am going to. This is the level of lifters that the presenters and coaches attending this May are at. Mind blowing to say the least.

Short week and work has been insane but who cares about that? this is about training and recovery from surgery. Short timeline this morning but i got to the gym as it opened so i gained some precious time. To say that there is an absence of people in the gym the past few months that need some massive esophageal reconstruction through trauma is an understatement. I simple have moved away from complaining about it.

Standing OH Press
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 60
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 3 x 85
1 x 3 x 105
1 x 3 x 120
1 x 3 x 135

The way the 120 lbs moved off my shoulders i was unsure how the 135 was going to feel, besides heavy of course. Every weight was fast and snappy up till the 120 lbs which was a little odd but meh. The last set everything moved very smooth and easy, it felt like a ton but i had the raw grinding strength to simply push it over head. Good Times.

Done Before, During, and After OH Press:
Black band Face Pulls 3 x 40
TKE's 3 x 20
Horizontal Shrug 3 x 15 x 55 lbs
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 20 x 65lbs
ADduction Machine 2 x 20 x 115 lbs
ABduction Machine 2 x 20 x 205 lbs
Trap Machine Shrug 3 x 20 x 90 lbs
Head Harness 3 x 25-30 x 25 lbs
V Bar Press Down 3 x 20 x 60 lbs

The knot is still lingering a little in my right Gastrocnemius (calf). The Physio things it is less Soleus /Gastroc and something called the Plataris which is related to the knee locking and unlocking of the knee. Which would make sense why when certain aches get irritating going up and down stairs some days felt sketchy at best, those days are behind me.  Also why the only position i still have discomfort is when kneeling except when i jam my thumb into the muscle. The Acupuncture is working so when i see my new Physio in a week or so we can keep the needles coming. If required of course.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

27 March 2013-The Return of The DeadLift

As i am still re-structuring, the week is disheveled to say the least. The weekend will be a snow globe for training. I was not entirely sure what to tackle today. I need to get a run in but i can do that this weekend if all else falls through. The restrictions have been changed so why not do something i cleared to do? So i opted to get my first Deadlift sessions of the year and post Surgery. My max Deadlift is 440 lbs. Going into Surgery i Deadlifted, 340 lbs x 5 reps the week before Surgery to be exact. In all honesty my two main thoughts going into Deadlifting this morning was expect nothing and focus on technique. So with that in mind I  got to work.

Done Before /During /After Deadlifts
GHR 5, 5, 8
Banded Side step 2 x 10
Banded Monster Walks 2 x 10
Rainbows 2 x 10
Black band Facepulls 2 x 50

2 x 5 x 95
2 x 5 x 135
2 x 5 x 185
1 x 5 x 205
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 5 x 245

I took my time. Made sure to run through my technique cues and squeeze the weight off the floor. next time i will add some TKE's to my warm up just to ensure my VMO is contracting a little harder. But over all for a first time out i was very happy with this. 55% of my all time PR is very solid to start from. I might have had some more weight in the tank but physically this felt like a solid place to end at. The Knee was tired but not over fatigued. So i moved onto another favorite activity.

Front Squats
1 x 10 x bar
3 x 10 x 95

Very solid for all 3 sets. I will try and add a 4th /5th set next week. From there i will add ten pounds, drop 2 sets and repeat the cycle. The goal of front squats is to make my Quads work hard through some volume. Which will add strength and Size to my leg. In the process the atrophy should disappear. I am working on how to intelligently add single leg stuff into my trg without going to crazy. having extra pieces is a good thing but i am trying to keep my training simplified.
So a very short simple session today. Getting some solid work in but working the volume back in.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

26 March 2013-The Chains are off...Now what?

OK, time to get caught up. Saturday & Sunday i did not train. My body was burnt, my knees (both of them) were sore and over all i felt like i needed rest and food. I was also behind on sleep all week. So some times training is about recovery and letting your body get the time it needs out of the gym to grow and build. Monday was a strange day and after 2 days off i was out of the groove. Between work and groceries i let this day pass, which eats at me and drives me insane to no end which was a good thing. Come hell or high water Tuesday i was training.

3 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 160
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 8 x 205
3 x 10 x 140

The set with 185 was a complete mess. I had to  Un-rack it twice, the first time it felt entirely unbalanced, to the point where after i racked it i checked to make sure it was loaded correctly. It was. I Un-racked it a second time for a slow, wobbly set of three. Which lead me to asking for a spotter. The 205 i SMASHED. 100% solid, set up felt perfect, leg drive was spot on and the weight moved very fast. I racked it at 8 but definitely had 2-3 left in the tank. But the idea is not to train to complete failure.

Barbell Rows 3 x 15 x 135
Double DB Rows 3 x 15 x 55

Did some Rev Hypers, GHR, and back Extensions too.

I re-evaluated over the weekend and happen to even catch an article that helped me re-assess. I will be taking a few more days to re-jig all of my training. I have to maintain certain priorities while still re-building old skills and technique. This includes Jits, Lifting weights, bodyweight conditioning, and running /ruck marching. Not everything is a priority but picking dates and working backwards to set some goals and marker posts for the next few months.

Monday i also registered for the Learn to Train seminar in Ohio in May 2013. Super excited to be going. It is for the Make a Wish Foundation in that area. On the list of Coaches and presenters is a simply mind blowing list of who's who in the world of Strength.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, March 22, 2013

22 March 2013-STRONG(ER)...

Up early but short on time...again. Damn these early timings at work. I just wish the gym could open earlier. Everything felt great or as good as be expected. The right shoulder seemed relaxed and a little looser thankfully.

Done Before /During /After Dynamic bench:
Red Band Pull-a-parts (pronated thumbs /thumbs up) 3 x 15
Head Harness 3 x 20 x 25 lbs
Hip Extensions 3 x 10
Rev Hypers 3 x 15

Dynamic Bench
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
8 x 3 x 155

Everything felt a lot better this week. Whole body was tight, i had good snap off the chest, leg drive was consistent. Very happy with this speed work.
Super set
Horizontal Shrug 3 x 15 x 55lbs
V-Bar PushDowns 3 x 15 x 140 lbs (older double pulley machine, makes all weight lighter, but the height difference changes the angle up)

So another short session in the books. Everything felt very solid and smooth. My throat became oddly sore last night so i will endeavour to get extra sleep this weekend. going to relax tonight no trg. I will foam roll and stretch though.


-he was very impressed and happy with my progress
-everything is stable, so now it is about control and getting strong(er)
-currently everything i do i think about the leg. the goal is to get to where i just do without having to think.
-10 cm difference in leg size, but with my leg size this is not worrisome (Left 62 cm /Right 52 cm)
-did a single leg jump to two leg landing. Alternating sides. My range was from 92cm to 108 cm. But the big take away is i am nearly equal between left and right.
-keep working with the physio on the quad issue.
-not concerned about the slight swelling /patellar bursa problem, just keep working on it.
-Cleared to start rolling and doing lite Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with trusted partners and the goal is to work movement and body awareness. Work the basics.
-Continue to push everything but use my level of confidence as an indicator. If it feels sketchy or dodgy then back off. Confidence at this point is key.
-Goal is to regain full control of the leg.

Now for the big one...
The numbers will take time but the chains are off and the weapons are switched off safe. There is still a lot of road left but this is one of those days where the sun is shining, the birds are singing and it feels good to be breathing the fresh air.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

21 March 2013-Was there any question as to how much i could take?

Woke up and my hips, low back, and knees were feeling stiff. I did not have an actual plan besides "do some neck work". So what to do? Why not greet the day with some Good Mornings! This is another exercise i have not done in awhile. i do not typically push these to super human levels because i got a better result out of light weight with sets of 10.

Good Mornings
2 x 10 x Bar
2 x 10 x 95
4 x 10 x 115

I held it at 115 because i noticed my right knee was doing a very slight buckling motion. Nothing scary but enough that i knew my Glutes were capable of handling that much more. Besides first day back with doing these i am simply trying to revive motor patterns. As with all things, time and patience, the weight and strength will return.

Red Band Facepulls 3 x 30 (very slow tempo)
Black Band Side Step 2 x 10
Monster Walks 2 x 10
Trap Machine Shrugs 
1 x 20 x 45
4 x 15 x 90
Kirk Karwoski Shrugs 4 x 15 x 135
Capt Kirk Himself doing the Karwoski Shrugs

That is it that was all. Had to be into work early. My Right Delt was sore and very stiff which is why i did the Red Band Facepulls with a slow controlled tempo.

Pool Session
Flutter Kicks w/ Board 7 min
Front Crawl 10 min
Deep End Running w/Water Db's 6 min
Shallow End Running 10 min
Jump squats
2 sets x 1 Jump x 3 times
3 sets x 3 jumps x 4 times
Single Leg Jumps
2 sets x 5 jumps x 2 times

I attempted keep the strain on my shoulder a little less so i did 2 extra minutes with the flutter board. I also slowed my arm motion right down and kicked faster with my feet /legs. My upper body and shoulders were not as worn out as usual. In regards to the Shallow end running, i ran from the wall to the deep end, then walked back continuously  for the 10 min. This was not quite so taxing on my feet.
The Jumps feel better and better with each time out. My confidence is building. It is carrying over to dry land too which is even more awesome. hopefully the shoulders are recovered enough for Dynamic bench. Also the deep end running relaxed and moved the swelling in my knee this continues to be a great source of relief for the patellar bursa which i am grateful for.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

20 March 2013-first day of Spring? WINTER IS COMING

Another solid morning. looking at the Volume last night i was questioning the energy required. But as always when you are in the midst of things the doubts fall away when you find the zone. Only a few days now until i see the Ortho Surgeon. Trying not to get too excited, but all signs point to me being ready to lift, really lift. I will still scale things up slowly because i have already identified a few imbalances that i need to correct. The big one is my right glute doesn't fire completely as it should. It is all about injury prevention and staying within my limits.

A comment was made to me yesterday about how this log is like seeing into the other side of my mind. I was happy to read that. It was my intent from the beginning. To chronicle this journey mostly for me but for my friends and family that were curious as to what i was doing to recover from surgery. I knew from June 29th when i sat in bed with ice on my Knee, Knowing in my very soul that something was profoundly wrong in my knee, that it was not going to ever be easy. The journey so far has not always been easy. I am thankful i have so much love around me, it gives me strength, day in, day out. The girl that lives with me has put up with a lot from me, but i know she isn't going any where. She pushes me. She keeps me going more than i think she realizes.All the time and help she has given me as well as the unyielding support. I cannot say thank you enough to her for being so solid for me. I am blessed to have her in my life.She gives me strength. That is what this is about, strength. How much I have in me. I know that there is always more. I found that out a few yrs ago. I have held that lesson tightly.
So this log has and will allow me to see how my thoughts and perceptions change over the course of my recovery. Thank you for reading. I don't expect anyone to read, but those who do, thanks for taking the time.

OH Press 
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 60
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 3 x 85
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 110
1 x 5 x 120
3 x 10 x 70

The 120 moved real slow. I lost my tightness after the first rep and struggled to get it back. So i simply shut it down after the required 5 reps.

The Following i did before /during /after OH Press:
Red band Pull-A-parts 4 x 30
Black Band Face Pulls 4 x 30-40
Leg Raises /45 back Ext /45 Side bends/Rev Hyper 3 x 10

DB Press 3 x 12 x 40
DB Row 3 x 15 x 60

Rear Delt Destroyer 
1 x 60 x 40 lbs /1 x 30 x 20 lbs /1 x 10 x 10 lbs

Neck Crunch 4 x 15-20 x 25 lbs
Head Harness 4 x 15-20 x 25 lbs

TKE's 2 x 20
Lunges 2 x 20
Hip Ext 2 x 15
Hip Adduction 2  x 20
GHR 2 x 5-8
Dips 3 x 5

That was it for the morning. It doesn't look like much but it felt like a lot of volume. But very solid all the way through. The Leg /Glute action at the end felt solid but also like i needed additional glute work in the evening. The right glute is not firing hard enough to my liking. Maybe i should just start doing that Brazilian Butt Lift Program. No Not really.

Evening Session
Treadmill Max Incl /10 Min /Lvl 3.6-4.5
Orange Band Side Step 2 x 10
Monster Walks 2 x 10 (front and backwards)
Run /Walk 4 x R /W Alt 1 min ea
Dips 2 x 5
Hip Ext 2 x 15
GHR 2 x 8
Clamshells 2 x 20
Jump Squats 
3 x 1 (3 single jumps with a reset after each landing)
3 x 1
1 x 3 (3 jumps back to back no reset after landing)
1 x 3
1 x 3

I did try some single leg jumping from side to side and some other variants to see how the leg responds. Once i get the glute firing it will be show time for sure. I can tell the Patellar bursa is getting better because as I hit the turns on the track i can feel my knee get worse and my stride shortens. When I hit the 100 m straight ways i am able to open up and run a lot smoother. I am really anxious for the snow to leave because i have a solid street to run a 1 /2 Mile out and back that is fairly quiet when it comes to traffic.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

19 March 2013-Greatness is Upon you...

Eric Thomas makes a great point. Take up the torch and do SOMETHING everyday to be more awesome and make the world more awesome.

Actually sprung out of bed this morning. Lots of snow to deal with but i got to the gym without incident. More than i can say for some people i saw at 5 am.

Knee felt swollen and stiff but a little Blue heat and a wrap and it loosened up a little.
Morning Session
Treadmill Max Incl /6 min /Lvl 3.7-4.6
Run /Walk 4 x R/W (1 min Ea)
Prowler Sprints 3 x 80 m x 50 lbs
Head Harness 1 x 20 x 35 lbs (dropped the weight and did more immediately)
1 x 15 x 25 lbs

Treadmill i was short on time and feeling impatient to be honest. The Run felt better i have cut my pace a touch (220 m x 1 min 5 sec instead of 55 sec) but holding my stride and i seem to feel better running with my knee. It is coming along daily and i can feel it. One Inch at a time i will take it, because they add up.
The Prowler i switched up a little. After ever 80 m sprint i took a 2 min rest which included walking the Prowler back to the line. For the last one a friend of mine jumped on so instead of 50 lbs for the walk back it was just over 200 lbs. Including the 2 min Head Harness work that was the morning.

Pool Session
Flutter Kicks w/ Board 5 min (non stop)
Front Crawl 12 min (swim 2 lengths /rest 1 min)
Deep End Water Running 6 min (non stop)
Shallow End Sprints 7 min (minimal rest)
Jump Squats 6 x 1 rep, 5 x 3 reps (fast triples)
Jumping switching Lunges 3 x 6 reps (fast switching)

The Deep end water running really worked the swelling out of my knee. I think it is the ROM i get doing it seems to stretch and move the knee more freely than on the bike. The Jump Squats felt really explosive to today. With the Singles i went for maximum height. I worry less and less about landing, it is becoming autonomic again. The triples were extremely fast and probably as high as the singles. Felt really good after today's pool session.

Monday, March 18, 2013

18 March 2013-More to the picture...

I missed the alarm this morning but managed to still get out the door faster than superman and was in the gym only about 20 min later than usual. This just tells me to go to bed earlier. Physio this afternoon. We have not seen each other in 2 weeks. I have a page of notes for her, good and bad. More good than bad. Hey the top of the page, first point, "My Moustache is about 95% awesome." Woke up with both knees being stiff. This is a good /Bad thing. Good because equal stiffness means i am not over doing it. Bad because the are stiff because i am getting motherF**king OLD! Still have young guys challenging and calling me out and i still beat'm.

3 x 5 x Bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 5 x 160
1 x 12 x 185
3 x 10 x 145

The 185 wasn't heavy but i sure did my damnedest to make it feel heavy. I think i touched the bar to my belly button up to my clavicle over the course of those 12 reps. Warm ups felt crappy because my right shoulder was tight (bicep tendon) but i nailed the 160 and thought i had things squared away. I will sort it out for Friday's Dynamic Bench. The rest of my setup was very solid.

Incline Neutral DB Incline Press
3 x 15 x 40
Superset w/ Double Db Rows
3 x 15 x 55
This was a really solid combo. I wanted to switch things up a little. i will keep this for the month at least.

Machine Rows
1 x 15 x 175
1 x 15 x 160
1 x 15 x 140
This felt stupid heavy and i kept the rest really short on this today.

Black band Face Pulls 100 reps
Red Band Pull-a-parts 3 x 30
Red Band Pulldowns 2 x 30-40

Leg Raises /Rev Hyper /45 Side bends /45 Back ext  3 x 10
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 20 x 50 lbs

News and Notes from Physio Therapy Visit

-She laughed at my notes
-swelling she said just live with it for now and keep doing what i am doing but realize that at this point Ice may not work.
-Running is the last stage of my recovery, still keeping the priority up though
-talked about the calf
-we found the knot (or tone as she calls it)
-She worked it out HARD, to the point where for the next few days she said to expect to be really sore.
-the knot was deep and very tight, the acupuncture i could feel down to my heel very cool
-i think she rubbed the knot into the table, if not she tried with elbow. (i started to sweat near the end)
-I am losing my physio to Budget cuts, next week is my last appt with her. I am sort of bummed out a lot as she is going to miss out on the high five's and chocolate cake when i get cleared from my medical category at work.
-On the up side the Physio that is replacing her i have worked with in the past when i broke my foot. So it will not be like starting completely brand new.
-Over all the Physio was still very positive about my progress and is looking forward to hearing the news from my Appt with the Ortho Surgeon this Friday.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

17 March 2013-Session #2-Unleashing the Inner Orca

Session #2
Rope PullDowns 
1 x 20 x 50
1 x 20 x 60
1 x 20 x 70
1 x 10 x 80
1 x 10 x 95
V-bar Pushdowns
1 x 20 x 40
2 x 20 x 30
This  was just because i wanted a little extra Tricep Work squeezed in this afternoon. Probably regret this tomorrow morning, or not.

Pool Time
Flutter Kicks w/ Board 5 min
Side Stroke 2 min
Front Crawl 10 min (30 sec swim /30 sec Rest)
Side Stroke 3 min

Being back in the pool felt good. Bursa in the Knee is a little angry at the extra work but i am managing with Ice&Heat&Sleep. Tomorrow will be a less stressful day for the knee. I list all the Pool stuff in min rather than laps because it is easier than trying to count and remember laps. This way also as i improve i just base it off of time. Another day in the books. Tomorrow is Bench Time! BooYah!
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

17 March 2013-Session #1-Strength&Honour

Crossed another line today, two actually. Squats and Prowler Sprints. Both went extremely well. I had some revelations on the way home last night talking to my girl. This process is digging deeper into me than i first thought. I think i will be able to relax quicker post training now a lot faster.

Bike 5 min /Lite Intensity (using this to loosen up the knee joint)

Did This before, during, and after Squatting:
GHR Back Extensions 2 x 10
GHR 5, 6, 7
GHR Rev Hyper 2 x 12
Orange Band Side Step 5, 10, 10
Monster Walks 2 x 10

Chalked up Hoodie means only one thing, SQUATS!

2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 95 lbs (added EFS Knee Sleeves)
3 x 5 x 135 lbs

All reps were paused in the hole (bottom). Hit Parallel or just below. I will save the Rock bottom Squatting for when I Front Squat. Worked on staying tight and trying to feel my way through checking for anything that might be a red flag. Everything went smooth. Low back got pumped up pretty good. this will go away in the weeks to come. I did notice some tightness in my Left Hip /Groin nothing bad but probably expected. I will keep working my hip mobility and take the weight up as it goes from week to week.

Run /Walk 4 x 1 min Run /4 x 1 Min Walk
Face Pulls 2 x 50
Red Band Pull-A-Parts 2 x 30

This Run /Walk session felt A LOT better. Apparently running after Squats still does me good. The Knee was warm and loose. The Bursa started act up at the end of the third lap but did not get any worse during the fourth. I really worked on simply running with my full and proper gait. I refuse to run stunted-ly to simply be able to run further. Full gait or nothing.
Harry Selkow is pushing on the High handles.

4 x 80 M x 50 lbs (High Handles)

1 min break after the first two "sprints". A 3 min break before commencing the 4th "sprint". After the Second and third run down i did start to feel the sickness but managed to keep it at bay today. i did try using the posts to push from but the angle is just enough to irritate the bursa, using the high handles i have no irritation.  I put sprint in quotations because although i am running as fast as possible it is not quite full speed. My legs did feel like Jell-O by the end of the fourth "sprint". Finished up with some stretching and rolling on the rumble roller. Back and Eggs and Bullet Proof Coffee for Brunch. Session #2 will be in the Pool.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting  Strong(er)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

16 March 2013 Session #2-It's Godzilla!

Session #2
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incl /3.6-4.8
Walk the track for 140 m to stretch the Legs out
Walk /Run x 3 x 1 min
Prowler 1 x 220 m x 90 (high handles /posts)
2 x 20 m x 90 (high handles)
2 x 20 m x 180 (high handles /Posts)
2 x 20 m x 270 (Posts)
2 x 20 m x 360 (Posts) PR Weight
2 x 50 m x No Weight (Ran with the Prowler PAIN FREE)

This last revelation with the Prowler is puzzling, exciting, and terrifying (in a good way). The Prowler Flu is now on the Horizon. Can't run normal? Fine i will push something. This doesn't make complete sense to me but at the same time it does. I of course will have to try it with weight which is almost a guarantee i will projectile vomit at some point. Good Times!

Other Stuff: (done in a semi-non-stop-circus-style)
Jump Squats 3 x 3
TKE's 3 x 20
Tricep Black band Pushdowns 3 x 15
Black band Face Pulls 3 x 15
Head Harness 4 x 15-20 x 35 lbs
GHR 3 x 5

Tomorrow i will instill Sunday as my squat day. As i cannot Squat with weight quite yet i will fashion it around stuff i can do. I will say running tonight felt better. The "screw" was not quite so irritated tonight running and doing TKE's. I might have had a 4th lap but decided against it as i am trying to protect the bursa as well as push my running ability. I really think the Hip heist and Hip Extension are helping my Glutes overall. it feels good to figure these things out piece by piece. Still strange to think mid Dec i could barely walk. Also i have to remember to ask about skipping /Jumping rope this week. I do enjoy it.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

16 March 2013- Gorilla's in the Mist...

Saturday Mornings mean bringing out the Silver Back!
Black Band Face Pulls 1 x 50
Red Band Pull-a-parts 1 x 30
Pull Ups
1 x 16
1 x 14
8 x 10
Push Ups 10 x 15
Sit ups 10 x 15

The first set was slow and grinding. I was really questioning how today would go after that first set. Once the second set of 14 reps was completed i knew things were going to go well. Last 2 sets were Grinders but still very strong. Situps i will jump to sets of 20 next week and the push ups i will increase one rep a week.

Also did 3 x 15 of the following:
Single Leg Calf raises, Rev Hypers, 45 Back Ext, Seated Calf Raises (45lbs)

Hip Heist 30, 20
Oly Bar Curl 1 x 55 x Bar
Going back in a few hrs to do some Running /Prowler Work /Head Harness /Glute Work.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

15 March 2013- banging the rust off...

There was no lack of motivation this past week. I took my Mom up north to see her Sister this past week. I did do a little Glute work, ROM and some other activation stuff but not much else. It was a mess outside the whole time with Ice and Snow so just walking around for me was intense. By Wed this week i was pretty sure my Glute was shut off entirely again. I did have my knee taped and the week of rest seems to have greatly helped the Bursa sac in my knee.

I ate and slept for 6 days. I think i managed to have bacon and eggs everyday for breakfast. I stayed at various places never the same relative twice so as not to wear out my welcome and of course to have a decent visit.

I went into the US and was accosted at the border. Probably the stache and the fact none of my id cards seem to look like me and i could not honestly answer when i was in the country last. While questioning me they asked what i was doing and i said visiting my Uncle, they asked what his wife's name was, the reply from the US Border agent "Oh i think i had her in here last week." Which oddly enough is true as she was pulled in last week with my cousin. Ah well, they did find my bayonet for me. Thankfully i had my work id so they let that go. Coming back i had my Uncle with me who just happen to Golf with the CBSA Agent so he pretty much waved us through.

Travelling to and fro was rough but the knee only seemed to stiffen up briefly on the way home. I was considering going to the gym the night i got home but i figured a solid night's sleep and an early session was a better idea. Not a lot of rust but enough after a week of inactivity. One thing i have noticed is the lack of neck work has really allowed my upper back to stiffen up. That will be solved in a few days.

Session #1 0735 hrs
Treadmill Max Incl /10 min /Lvl 3.0-4.6
Red Band Pull-A-parts 30
45 Back Bend 2 x 10
45 Side Bend 2 x 10
Rev Hyper 2 x 10
Rainbows 1 x 20
Low back and hips were super stiff after driving 12.5 hrs the previous day so rather than jack my low back up while trying to arch hard during Bench i thought i would be somewhat proactive.
Dynamic Bench 
3 x 5 x bar
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 145
3 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 135
leg drive was on and off and i struggled with my tightness. It all came together near the end.
Horizontal Shrug 3 x 15 x 55
OH Tricep Extensions 3 x 15 x 80, 95, 95
Rear Delt Laterals 3 x 20 x 15
TKE's 2 x 20
Glute Bridge 2 x 10
Seated Calf Raises 2 x 15 x 45
Clamshells 2 x 20

Somewhat annoying /troubling was the TKE's the screw in my leg is suddenly irritated by this exercise. I will continue to work it and do some extra massage. I would not care except that it seemed to hinder the muscle contraction. On the upside i found a tiny muscle knot in my Right Calf which i think was that "weird" sensation 2 weeks ago. If i can't work it out in the next day or so i will ask the Physio therapist for some acupuncture magic on it. Solid session not as bad as other sessions post lay off but still could have been a little better.
Session #2
I really needed to move the leg some more and i needed to Run. I had not tried any running since early last week. The focus for the next month is to smash through and get this running thing sorted out. I probably will hit it daily. When i say daily i will do what i can. If i run 100 m and have to shut it down then so be it.
 Giving it higher priority should get it going. Pool time is something else. I want to find a 3rd and 4th session during the week.
Treadmill 10 min /Max Incl /3.4-4.7
The Treadmill incline walking continually gets better, i wish i could get these results to carry over to my actual running.
Run /Walk  2 x R /W
This was it. The Bursa sack just started to feel irritated during the second run so i shut it down. That Screw issue i mentioned from the TKE's seemed to also be a semi factor.
1 x 220 m x 50
1 x 220 m x 70
Did some other stuff too. Lunges, Hip Extensions, Leg Adductions followed up by a lot of stretching.
 The shitty run kind of took the wind out of my sails. But i felt decent enough after the Prowler work and stretching.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Friday, March 8, 2013

08 March 2013-Things have changed, i am strong(er) because of it

Up Early, Very Early. I am taking things to different place in my head. The challenge is on. During recovery from surgery no doubt. I told you to keep your camera's handy before surgery. Now shit is going to get off the hook. I will manage things from day to day and continue to train within my limits of my knee but will power will force a lot farther than anything else ever could. The Pull Ups, the endless TKE's, The Glute Bridging, the ROM post surgery. NOT BEING ABLE TO EVEN MOVE MY LEG FOR SEVERAL DAYS. Some of that stuff is in the past, some of it will continue to be a part of my days probably forever. Things have changed. 29 June was day that i can't change and would not. This is my journey down the road of life. I live for every second of it. I thrive in the challenges. without them life would be boring. I will continue to find motivation externally and internally.
So in other Words...CARPE -FUCKING- DIEM

Dynamic Bench
2 x 5 x bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 165
1 x 3 x 155

Neutral Db Bench
1 x 15 x 65
1 x 15 x 70
1 x 10 x 80

Single Arm Machine Rows
3 x 15 x 70 lbs
Black Band Face Pulls 
3 x 30
Black Band Tricep Pressdowns 40, 35, 30, 40, 40, 30
Red Band Pull-a-parts 35, 30, 30
45 Deg Hyper Ext 3 x 10
Rev Hyper 3 x 15
45 Deg Side Bends 2 x 10

Things were decent and solid today. I will claim everyday as if it is my last. Things are picking up speed now. There is a lot i have to finish. ELITE FTS released a partial list today of the coached at their next Learn To Train Seminar, the List is Mind blowing. The Seminar is for the Make a Wish Foundation. it is going to be crazy. Every legend and Amazing Coach in the Strength sports that i truly look up to will be there passing on their knowledge. I am stoked to put it mildly. By the time the seminar rolls around i plan on being able to Squat /Bench /Deadlift that weekend in May. Oh and for added bonus, my Birthday will be that weekend also.
Only a short time ago.
KEEP Moving Forward, KEEP Getting Strong(er)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

07 March 2013-The Gauntlet has been accepted

That is the sound of someone's imminent destruction. My Buddy GC was all pumped after trg last night because he pulled a Chuck Vogelpohl and out benched my Monday lift of 185 by 1 rep. Good for you GC i am proud of you! But in the process you either threw down or dropped the gauntlet. i don't care which. Gym lifts don't mean Sh*t and i know you agree with me on this. I am 4 mths post surgery so where i am at now will not be where i am at in another 3-4 mths. You have helped alot in my recent journey of the Iron Bro but right now....
 I am calling you out GC.  
2 June in Toronto or 20 July in Ottawa I will OUT BENCH you. 
So get your head psyched, Pick a meet, let me know, and get yourself registered. I don't care what bodyweight you bench at, there will be no calculators used. Who ever out Benches the other guy gets bragging rights and a Free Bacon Burger from Five Guys (or some other trendy hipster burger place since our city has so many of them). I hope you step up because this journey is going to be awesome.
Prepare to be Dominated GC!
 Ok so now that has been Dealt with on with today's Mash up of Training. Running went crappy, so i shut it down. I will try again tomorrow and the day after that. I will run 6 days straight whatever i am able and then take a day off. But that being said my pool session was off the hook today.

Treadmill Max Incl /8 Min /Lvl 3.0 - 4.6
Run /Walk 1 x R /W ( I shut it down, my knee was NOT feeling it today)
On with the Pull Ups and SilverBack Awesomeness! 
Pull Ups (Aka Moustache Ups)
8 x 13
1 x 12 (I just could not count the 13th rep on this one in good conscience)
Red band Pull-A-Parts 1 x 50
Head Harness 6 x 15 x 35 lbs
TKE's 4 x 20
Clamshells 2 x 20
Hip Heist 3 x 20
Jump Squats 7 x 3 (no triples all singles with a perfect reset after each jump)
Glute Bridge 2 x 10
Trap Machine Shrug
1 x 20 x 45
5 x 15 x 90
Kirk Karwoski Shrug 
1 x 30 x Bar
4 x 20 x 135
Super Set
Neck Crunch 4 x 25 x 20
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 20 x 45
Super Set
Black Band Face Pull 1 x 50, 2 x 40
Horizontal Shrug 3 x 15 x 45

That was the morning Session. My neck is Pumped and jacked and it is 6 pm. Lol. This was a solid uplifting session. 1 rep short on the Pull Ups but even that set was strong until the last few reps. They just more solid and epic every week. I haven't dropped bodyweight yet. Then shit will take off again.

Pool Rehab Session #2

The only thought in my head going into this session was making up for not having a solid run this morning. Complete the day by rounding things out like i know i could and i had to. So that is exactly what i did. 
Flutter kicks w/ Flutter Board 5 min
Front Crawl 12 min
Deep End Running w/ Water Db 6 min
Shallow End Running 15 min
Jump Squats 10 min

The Shallow end running felt very solid today. I made sure to work the middle of the pool where it is a lot more high knees /elbows with a fast foot and knee action. It gets the quads burning and allows me to re-train the fast explosive foot contact with a hard surface. I ran in the shallow end until my feet started to cramp from gripping so much and then i went back to the Middle of the pool again. The Jump Squats were awesome today. I called it at 24 jumps, mostly triples and i also tried a few single jumps with a landing. As well as jumping lunges; which oddly don't irritate the knee in the pool. So solid work and pushing the limits with some experimentation today. A very solid day all-in-all.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

06 March 2013-I want your psycho

Got to the Gym this morning and discovered that the field house was closed. Which meant in 1 hr the weight room and Cardio room was going to be overflowing with people like a horde of Zombies. So my plan was simple, get only the bare minimum completed today.
As i was leaving an hr later it really did look like this coming at me. Lol!
Red band Pull-A-parts 1 x 50

Standing OH Press
2 x 10 x bar
1 x 5 x 55
1 x 5 x 70
1 x 3 x 80
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 110
1 x 9 x 125
3 x 10 x 70

Black Band Face Pulls 1 x 50

The Goal as stated last week is to work the weight up on this slowly. First so my leg can adjust to supporting the weight load and i can work my technique in solidly. Secondly so I can work the weight up and build myself back up in weight without beating the crap out of my shoulders in the short term. I still have several months before i will be back to a 50 /50 split between upper and lower training.

Clamshells 3 x 20
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 20-25 x 45

Standing Leg Curl 
1 x 20 x 20
1 x 15 x 40
1 x 12 x 50
Single Leg Glute bridge 3 x 10
Vasily was a man who knew OH pressing in the Extreme!

Bam! Done that is all she wrote. No fiddle tom foolery today. The weight felt light and very smooth. Still having to concentrate to keep my upper back tight and "organized" for the lack of a better word. Once my leg is ready i know the heavier weights will come. This is all super strict and i am working on the hip pop to get the bar moving as the weight gets heavier. 200lbs OH Press by Christmas 2013. Staying with the seated Calf raises for now as they seem to be working out a weird "weak spot" on the lateral side of my calf just at the insertion below the knee. A few more days and then i will work single leg standing calf raises back in.
SilverBack delivering Throat Punching? Death ensues!

Tomorrow is going to be interesting, combining Throat Punch Thursday with SilverBack Trg then finishing up the afternoon with Killer whale Awesomeness. Good thing i ate like it was my last meal every meal today. Lol. 
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)