0230 hrs
Hip and Low back were fighting each other. Not painful but definitely discomforting. So i got up, threw a log on the fire and headed to the basement. 30 min of Active ROM work and foam rolling. I could feel my low back is out just a touch. As long as i keep my hip stretched out and my piriformis relaxed all is good. Then back to bed for a 0600 wake up, probably closer to 0630. It is my holidays after all.
0815 hrs
The real work begins. I could get into my Deadlift position pain free but it also felt like i had to have everything spot on with little room for error. But this is all sub maximal lifting so i knew it would go well enough.
20 min of Hip /Low back ROM work Again making sure everything was as loose and relaxed as i could get it. Once i was warmed up everything felt fantastic.
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 165
1 x 3 x 205
1 x 5 x 245
1 x 3 x 280
1 x 2 x 310
Joker Set
1 x 1 x 345 lbs
First /Last
5 x 5 x 225
310 went up very well, twice. So i made the jump to 345. It went up smooth enough but i figured anything beyond that might be playing with Fire. No reason to cripple myself a few days before Christmas. Dropped down to 225 instead the regularly scheduled 245. I wanted to work technique and i cut the rest down on these sets to less than a minute. Conditioning? Just lift weights faster.
TKE 2 x 21 x EFS Gray Band
Head Harness
1 x 15 /17 /15 x 20 /35 /44 lbs
1 x 15 x 44 lbs
The knee wanted some attention so i gave it some. The weather changes are causing havoc with my scar tissue. The head harness i did not want to waste a lot of time warming up this increase in poundage's worked out well. Great neck pump. Low back was starting to complain after the second set so i shut things down. As i could feel my hip starting to cramp i pulled the Lax ball and KB out for some extra work.
Hip Floss Take a Lax Ball and put it on your lower abdomen /Hip flexor area. Now put a 53 Lbs KB on top of it. Flex and relax. Move the lax ball around for 10 min. Eventually everything that was starting to cramp up relaxed wonderfully. So i could go about my day. Low back is still out of joint a little but not debilitating.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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