"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt"~Sun Tzu
As much as i reveal here there are still a few things I leave out that key details specific for me.
Every training session starts with:
Double KB Split Squat 2 x 5 x 8 Kg
Double KB Squat 2 x 5 x 8 Kg
Double KB Clean 2 x 10 x 12 Kg
Band Pull a parts 100 reps
Back Ext 2 x 10-20
Highlights for Week:
1 May 2130 hrs
Pull Ups 10 x 6 x Bodyweight
OH Press 1 x 5 x 115
Some assistance work as well. (Stir the Pot, Bar Rep Squats, Side Laterals, Tricep Rope Pulldowns, Rear Delt Machine, Gladiator curls) 1-3 sets of 20 to 100 reps depending on the exercise.
2 May 0455 hrs
Step Mill 100 flights - 14 min 23 Sec
Glute and Bracing exercises. I should be able to get the step mill below 14 min next time around. I am cycling my Conditioning exercises from week to week. Next week is elliptical. The Week after is KB Swings /Skipping.
3 May 1840 hrs
Squats 1 x 5 x 180, 3 x 8 x 135
Assistance work (Alternating Side Plank, Wide Bar Facepull, KB Swings, Straight leg DL, TKE.)
This felt really good both physically and mentally. I am regaining my confidence that my back is not going to blow out. My bracing is solid, my movement is getting smoother. Hitting depth regularly is also coming much easier.
Oh yeah I and go to Jits class twice a week just to cover technique for now. |
Physio Notes: My TFL is still causing some issues so he worked on it as well my Piriformis (click ink to see where it is located and handy info). He also gave me the go ahead to ramp things up this week as i am doing.
4 May 1230 hrs
Bas Rutten Muay Thai Shadow Boxing 4 x 3min rounds (in the Apt Salt water pool)
I have found this the last 3 weeks to condition my body in a different way as well as safely challenging my hips and rotation through my torso. The water also allows me to build my foot work.I have done some 2 min rounds on dry land as well with decent success. I will be back in Muay Thai classes soon.
Photo proof i can actually skip again. This is huge for me. |
Bench 1 x 10 x 155, 3 x 120 x 8
Numbers are super low because I am still working on solidifying the technique Swede & Panora taught at the Seminar. The technique is tightening up and my hip lower back are accommodating the position nicely. My right rotator in my shoulder is appreciating this position and as a result my shoulder is not sore the day after benching. All signs of slow, steady, progress.
Assistance Work (Weighted Pull ups, Chest Supported rows, Barbell Curl, Pull downs, High Cable row
Next week I finish up 5's week of the cycle by Deadlifting on Monday. Transitioning into Elliptical for conditioning and pushing the 3 min shadow boxing rounds from 4 to 5.
The last few weeks mentally have had some huge ups and downs. The upside of things though has actually pushed up some deep feelings of joy. The restrictions are starting to fall away. the simple act of being able to jump rope 30 sec On / 30 sec Off is huge. So much fell away or was simply taken away from me the last 3 yrs. I knew I was going to get a lot of physically abilities. Now that they are starting to return fully I am both humbled and proud.
There was a time that i had given up on myself and doubted i would even get half back to where I am now. It is now empowering and humbling to fully realize this about myself. The only limit i have at this point is how much is me. I am working on that part of the puzzle the true mental game. Learning how to focus on what needs to be done rather than listening to the whispering demons of self doubt or fear. I will cover the strategies i have found in the next few blogs.
Goal 1a:
The Meet is in September. My bodyweight is still creeping down slowly, right on schedule. The goal for now is to merely register, show up healthy and go 9 for 9. Finally get on the platform for the first time. This will be the last time I mention the meet until I am getting ready the final week before.
Goal 1b:
Before the meet I plan on doing the PT test for work (FORCE Test). I want to crush the numbers this year new hip and all. I have a rough plan for it in my head right now. Specific proactive will not start until mid June with an eye to complete the test late July.
Thanks for reading.
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