Thursday, September 1, 2016

1 Sept - Summer is fading, Winter is Coming.

26 Aug
1700 hrs
Yoga - Hot Yin /Yang class
After spending 3 hrs driving this is exactly what my body needed. My lower back felt a lot better. The hot room is not that bad and my ROM is still improving. It is still odd to be able to do some things with ease and then other positions I look like I am a thousand years old with centuries of arthritic build up in my joints.

27 Aug
 Day off to eat food, a lot of it and relax. 

28 Aug
1010 hrs

Leg Curl 
1 x 20 x 50
1 x 15 x 75
1 x 10 x 100
Back Ext 3 x 10
Side Hold 3 x 25 count

GHR (completed between Prowler) 5 x 10
To say I am feeling solid and smooth on the GHR is an understatement. This movement came back back very quick. I am hoping now this will hep with opening my hip and strengthening my lagging glute.
Prowler (HH:High Handle, LH: Low Handle, P: Posts)
2 x 20 m x 90 lbs (HH)
2 x 20 m x 90 lbs (LH)
2 x 20 m x 140 (HH)
1 x 20 m x 140 (LH)
2 x 20 m x 140 (P)
1 x 20 m x 140 (LH)
My goal today was simply to not let the Prowler bring me to my knees. Mission success! Still hot so I did take my time between sets but not an exorbitant amount.

Rev Hyper
1 x 15 x 50 lbs
1 x 15 x 100 lbs
1 x 15 x 120 lbs
The weight is still creeping up on these. I did have a good snap crackle pop on my first few reps. My lower back felt even more in place and settled after that.
I finished up with some Cobra Push ups, Hip bridges and McGill Situps before hitting the sauna for 15 min.

29 Aug
Traveled back to the city. Stretched but not much else. My lower back, glute and body needed bit of a rest after Sunday. The Glute especially, something I talked to my physio about. It is extremely weak and endurance in it sucks so when I push it afterwards it almost feels like a mild glute strain. This effect is fading after each passing session, still something I have to manage though.

30 Aug
0230 hrs Cobra Push Up 3 x 10
Cat-Camel 2 x 10
Bird dogs 2 x 2 (15sec Hold)
Pull Ups (completed throughout) 10 sets x 5 reps x Bodyweight
OH Press
2 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 85
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 145
Side Laterals 3 x 17 x 20
Head Harness 5 x 20 x 16 kg
Plate Raise 1 x 53 reps x 25 lbs
Neck Crunch 2 x 20 x 25
Rolling Triceps
1 x  8  x 35 lbs
1 x 10 x 30
1 x 12 x 25
1 x 14 x 20
1 x 16 x 15 lbs
OH Tricep ext 4 x 17-20 reps x 90 lbs
ITWY 1 x 5 x 5 lbs (ea movement)
Rev Incline Bench SCARECROWS 1 x lots x 5 lbs

This session was tremendous for me. Ignoring the Devil's hour timing which is always fun to train when your mind is weakest. This i counted as a precursor to putting a barbell on my back. In short I was testing my low back and hip to handle a load. Feedback I got was maybe another week or two. Everything felt strong and solid. Afterwards though i could my "Comabt Chassis"(Harry Selkow) was fatigued when I went back to work. Being away from OH Pressing for as long as I have I am ok with the weight, it moved fast and strong. I actually called it at 145 lbs not because of upper body strength but I could my support structure was fatiguing /too weak to handle more. Also decided that heavier tricep work is in order for the next month or so.
31 Aug
0800 hrs

-Extension in hip is great, still a little gummy though. ROM is almost equal
-She suction cupped my outer thigh /Hamstring, it was like majic the discomfort in so many movements disappeared instantly.
-I will have to foam my out thigh /hamstring for the next few weeks to keep things loose.
-I asked her to check my pelvic alignment because things still felt off. Sure enough my right leg needed a quick 2 sec adjustment (yank my leg) and i felt fantastic.
-Lower back is feeling a lot less stiff already and getting better.
-There is not too much for physio to do at this point. I will see her in 2 weeks approx to maintain everything.
-Glute strength is key, I have to be doing a lot more Clamshells, Monster walks and Hip bridges.         -Sitting at a desk for an 8 hour work day is shutting my glute off.
-the ball is still in my hands for this recovery which is exactly where I want and need it to be.

0310 hrs

TRX Lunge 3 x 5
TRX Squat 3 x 5
TRX Single Leg DL 3 x 5

So at this point I decided to slip in a high rep set of Rows with the TRX. It snapped at rep 11. I have had this TRX for over 8 yrs. I will be emailing it back. On a side note: I AM OK. When it broke i was at the bottom of the Row motion so I was about 24" from the floor. I crashed hard as you do when you unexpectedly fall. Hip and back hit as one, I laid there for about a minute doing a systems check in my head waiting for pain, no pain, check, nothing feels out of place, check, hip is good, check, double check, triple check.
I got up and carried on, i figured it would be the only way to truly know if i was good to go.
The take away from all this, I proved to myself I am not so F'n fragile after all.

Completed in Squat Cage (Bodyweight)
Lunge 7 x 5 reps
Squat 7 x 5
Single Leg DL 7 x 5

I prefer the TRX version because i have noticed in the past I do have a tendancey to over use the cage for support and balance. I did shorten the Single Leg deadlift ROM on the last few sets as the glute got grumpy and stiff.

Barbell Rows 3 x 15
Barbell Push Ups 3 x 15
Something quick and easy to help recover from the previous day.
TKE 1 x 40 x Medium EFS Band
1 x 25 x Medium EFS Band
Seated Clamshells 2 x 30 x Green Theraband
Called it a morning at that point. Almost no rest except to record numbers or sip BCAA's throughout.

Not starting a diet. I just found this extremely funny, like almost pee'd my pants funny

1 Sept
0625 hrs
Back Ext 3 x 10 (slow tempo, hold at top)
Side Hold 3 x 30 count
Knee Raises 1 x 20 reps L & R

Football Bar Bench
3 x 10 x Bar
1 x 5 x 65
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 155
3 x 10 x 125
I will not get into all the messing around I did with using plates under my feet. Just know that I am using standard 35lbs to put my feet onto as my hip extension /ROM is coming along. Still not any real leg drive while Benching. My stability is better and there is no weird discomfort in my hip, I attribute that to the work my Physio did on monday.
Rev Hyper
1 x 20 x 100
1 x 20 x 140
Not really a Bench assistance exercise. doing these because I have access to the RH, I need to do them for my low back healthy and my back felt like it needed these this morning.
1 x 20 x 45
1 x 10 x 100
1 x 8 x 110
1 x 8 x 120
I am doing a ton of Pull ups which is great. I have decided that I need to start making my Rows heavier without frying my low back just yet.
Face Pull 1 x 83 x 37.5 lbs
Rope Curls 1 x 50 reps x 32.5, 22.5 lbs
Scarecrows 1 x Lots & Lots x 5 lbs

Hiking in Frontenac park 
1700 hrs
2 trails x 4.5 km total 
Registered for the Frontenac Challenge. It is 11 Trail loops that when completed will total 108.5 Km. today we took on to of the smaller trails, Doe Lake (3km) and Arab Lake Gorge (1.5km) as a warm up. It is fun being out in nature and just having nothing but silence around you.We have from 1 Sept till 31 Oct to complete all the trails.  More on this as we complete more trails.

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