9 Sept
0325 hrs
Squats 5 x 10 x BW
KB Swings 5 x 15 x 16 kg
Lunge 3 x 5 x BW
SLDL 3 x 5 x BW
Pallof Press 3 x 15 x 60 lbs
Monster Walk 3 x 20 m x Red & Green Thera band
Plank 3 x 15 sec
Side Plank 2 x 15 sec
Cobra Push Ups 2 x 10
10-11 Sept
Working 3 mid shifts. Decided to take the night off on the 10th In between sleeps during the day i did the usual rehab and stretching. The 11th I only worked a half shift due to an appointment.
12 Sept
Drove back home. Decided we were doing a Hike the following morning I simply relaxed, hydrated, and stretched. Solid night's sleep.
13 Sept
1000 hrs
Tetsmine Trail 11+ Km
3 hrs 30 min
Set a fast consistent pace. A little too fast as I was feeling it by the last Km. Later in the day the hip started to stiffen up and feeling weak from fatigue.
14 Sept
Spent the day on the couch and floor alternating between stretching, ROM exercises, Foam Rolling and Lax ball smashing. The piriformis felt really stiff and semi-painful. Overall my left hip felt weak and semi un-stable which is why I kept moving around to a minimum. I had nothing else really planned as it was a day off any how. Ate some food with Turmeric in it for the anti-inflammation properties and drink Litres upon litres of water. I think part of the problem was not simply the pace, it was the lack of rehydration post Hike.
15 Sept
Woke up still feeling stiff. I felt alot better than the previous day. Got out to do groceries and dog walking. More stretching and Rehab.
16 Sept
0900 hrs
I went to bed early in prep for Hike today. Unfortunately i slept 5 hrs and then spent the rest of the night searching for sleep. I rolled out of bed re-thinking my decision to hike. I kept moving, had breakfast then simply decide to go anyhow. Laying in bed the previous night I did have a simple thought.
3ft beside the trail, at head height, nearly invisible due to colouring, I did not stick around long to see how active it was. |
"Surgery put me on a ticking clock. Eventually one day the decision to hike would be gone. The next surgery is going to change everything and something as simple as a hike in the woods will be gone for me. Depressing thought for some, motivating in my head. Until then, I need to do everything I CAN do. No regrets when sand in the hour glass runs out."
So with all that being said I got in the car and drove out to the park.
The Yellow Sign has the Mystery Phrase on it. this is what you look for while out hiking the marked trails. (I have whited out the mystery phrase.) |
Gibson Lake Trail 15+ Km
4 hrs 20 min
The Beautiful, yet sort of creepy Fen. Possibly the home of Swamp Thing or a Mutant Snapping turtle? |
It is great getting out in the fall air and hiking. This trail completes the half way mark of the Hiking Challenge. The Fen was cool to see if not a little creepy, hearing distant sounds without being able to see the animal that made them. I can only suspect it was Swamp Thing or a mutant Snapping turtle. I started out much slower than Tuesday. As I got warmed up my pace naturally increased. My hydration during the march was still a little lax, which I have been making up for the last few days.
I spent the weekend making sure to Rehydrate and stretch. Oh and eat. Plenty of food.
19 Sept
0800 hrs
Physio Notes:
-Still doing extremely well.
-I explained the Glute tightness /pain. She checked it and replied "yeah there is a divot here". A joke saying the muscle is so small and weak it is non existent.
-Which means even more clamshells in my future.
-Moved to Blue theraband for Clamshells. I will be waving loading thorugh the multitude of Therabands.
-she also moved my leg around, jacked me in an odd position, stretching my glute.
-a quick use of the cups on my thigh
-off the table and BAM! able to squat almost fully. Exciting day indeed.
1850 hrs
Warm Up:
KB Swings 3 x 15 x 16 kg (feeling better everytime out)
Band Pull-a-parts 119 reps in 4 sets w/ EFS Pro Mini Band
Pull Ups (done throughout) 10 x 7 reps
OH Press
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 10 x 85
1 x 5 x 95
1 x 3 x 125
1 x 3 x 145
1 x 1 x 170
That was a grinder of a single. It is time to use 5/3/1 to rebuild my OH Press. Combat Chassis, Hips, and glutes all felt solid tonight. Now that things are stable I will stop simply trying to increase every time out and apply a lifting template.
OH Press
2 x 5 x 115
2 x 5 x 105
2 x 5 x 95
Side Laterals 2 x 11 x 30lbs
Rear Laterals 2 x 11 x 20lbs
Plate Raise
1 x 50 x 10 lbs (Oly Plate)
1 x 100 x 10 lbs
Banded Pull Downs 1 x 87 x EFS Monster Mini
At this point I did a set of OH Press and then one or two of the exercises in between sets and /OR a set of Pull Ups if I felt ready. The goal with Pull Ups is complete the 10 sets in under an hour. No timed rest just moved from exercise to exercise. Finished up the session with non-stop side plank, 30sec L&R then 15sec L&R then 10sec L&R.
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