Sunday, August 28, 2016

25 Aug - Prowler and the Devil's Tricycle

19 Aug 
0200 hrs

TRX Alt Lunge 15 x 10 reps
Neck Crunch 5 x 11 x 25 lbs
Plate Raise 5 x 11 x 25 lbs
Barbell Curl 5 x 11 x 55 lbs
So this was quite simple. A set of Lunges, followed by an exercise. Then a set of Lunges followed by a set of Neck crunch, repeat for 5 sets and then switch the second exercise. The TRX works well for re-strengthen my leg and re-build motor patterns. I am able to take just enough weight for me to complete the reps. Hip and glutes were very fatigued by the last few sets.

TRX Squat to Bench
1" High
1 x 11 reps
3 x 21 reps
7 x 21 reps
Rev Incline Posterior Deltoid Laterals 5 x 11 x 20 lbs
TRX Rollouts 5 x 21 reps
Doing the lunges before squats was one the ideas I had last week. It worked out well. I did do some standing hip openers after the first few sets of squats. Then when the hip felt loose I used a lower bench. For now I will keep using the TRX for squats, it takes the pressure of the muscles to fire perfectly every rep, which IS what I am attempting to do, unfortunately my body does what it wants at times. If there is a slight shift or twinge holding the handles keeps me even and balanced and cognizant of what my body is doing. I also did an exercise after every set of squats like I did with the Lunges previously.

19 Aug
1950 hrs

I missed Yoga class because I arrived back from the city about a half hour later than I need to in order to attend the 5 pm class. So instead I headed into the field house for a second lower body session. I was running on about 3 hrs of sleep after shift. Food intake was high so I figured I would be OK.
1 x 100m x empty (High Handles)
1 x 100m x empty (Posts)
1 x 50m x 50 lbs (Posts)
1 x 50m x 50 lbs (High Handles)
1 x 50m x 100lbs (Posts)
1 x 50m x 100lbs (High Handles)
Legs did not turn to jello like last Prowler session and more weight. Field House was still humid as F**k so it feels like gravity has been turned up because of the rubber field house track. Switching between the high handles and posts is fun. Something I have not been able to do in a long time. Prowler is one of my keys to getting my legs ready for squatting both in volume and weight. As a side effect my bodyweight should start to drop as my endurance with the sled increases.
GHR 7, 7, 7
Reverse Hyper 3 x 15 x 50 lbs
I started jamming my feet together on the last set. This puts the emphasis on the lower back throughout the movement as opposed to the glutes.
Standing Leg Curl 2 x 20 x 20 lbs
I attempted a heavier weight, My left glute was having none of it. I rounded out the session with Cat-Camels, Cobra Push Ups, and Bird dogs.

20 Aug 
0845 hrs

Back Ext (45 deg) 2 x 15
Side Hold (45 deg) 2 x 25 count
First thing in the morning rather than doing cobra push ups i do the back extension to get things moving and warmed up. Slow-medium paced reps. Side hold to make sure my stabilizers are awake.

Football Bar OH Press 
1 x 8 x Bar ("All bars weigh 45lbs" -Harry Selkow)
1 x 8 x 55lbs
1 x 8 x 65
1 x 8 x 75
1 x 8 x 85
1 x 8 x 95
5 x 5 x 75lbs
Fat Handle /Neutral Pull Ups 10 x 3
Pull Ups completed in between sets of OH Press. I was breaking my rule of no axial loading. I made a point of contracting the combat chassis super tight and called the weight when things became at all challenging. The time for testing is later when everything from my feet to shoulders is working as a unit and stabilizing better. no wraps, no belt.

Rev Hyper 2 x 15 x 70 lbs
Weight is increasing on this slowly. I have started cramming my feet together which put more of the movement on the low back as opposed to the glutes. Getting excellent traction on the lower back.
Side Laterals 3 x 21 x 15 lbs
Meadows Shrugs 3 x 21 x 15 lbs

Battle Ropes 
30 sec on 10 sec off
20 sec on 15 sec off
15 sec on 20 sec off
20 sec on 15 sec off
20 sec on 20 sec off
20 sec on
This proved to me my conditioning is shitty.

A little bummed, both Airdyne bikes are broken. So I opted for battle ropes instead. I really did want to push the prowler, thought better of it as I will be doing a longer session with it tomorrow. Super humid and hot in the gym so I took my time this whole session, chugged water and still completed in just over an hour.

21 Aug
1520 hrs
When I woke up on a pleasant Sunday morning I decided to push this session to later in the day to let my back warm up and stretch a little more naturally. It was also just damn pleasant to sit on the front Porch with a Sunday Morning coffee watching the rain.

1 x 100 m x No Weight (Low Handle)
1 x 100 m x No Weight (High Handle)
2 x 20 m x 90 lbs
4 x 20 m x 180 (Posts)
6 x 20 m x 90
I alternated the pushing surface between the three handles throughout for any sets not specifically labelled. The Prowler brought me to my knees twice at the finish line. It felt awesome to be pushing through fatigue and desire to quit. My brain lit right up, sometimes you need to yell at yourself especially when your body says enough, there is always a lot more in the tank. To say i hit the showers with a mild quad pump and an attitude is an understatement. Rehab is about pain. Rehab is about sacrifice. To achieve at anything you first have to ask yourself how much am I willing to sacrifice? How much pain and deprivation am I willing to endure? I know where my limits are, this recovery has a long way to push me before I am even willing to consider throwing in the towel. I am coming out of this better than before, full stop.

Rev Hyper 2 x 11 x 100 lbs
Decompression and recovery for the lower back. The weight on this is creeping up slowly. Every time out it feels better and better.
Alt Hanging Knee Raise 3 x 5 L/R
This was a test for my body to see how these would go. I also figure I wanted to see how my hip flexor and abdominals work to together now with a big piece of scar tissue in the middle.
Finished up the evening with lots of water and food.

22 Aug
Yet another travel day. This time off to visit my parents. My dad turns 75 this week, kind of a big deal. So Rehab stuff only along with hip mobility.

23 Aug
1345 hrs
Today's session was a journey home. I started lifting in the CFB Borden Gym at the age of 13, getting kicked out for being too young when the staff caught me. The Weight room has doubled in size and there is a giant field house attached. In the field house is another training area, along with a KB Corner, a fight trainign corner and another area with Db's. So overall the gym is an awesome facility. Did i mention it also has an Oly sized swimming pool? Other than a reverse hyper machine this gym is not missing much.
Back warm up: 
Back Ext 3 x 15 reps
Lying Clamshells 3 x 30 reps x Green Theraband
Side Plank 3 x 25 count

Today's training inspiration. I walked into the field house and saw the same four post push sled. Which i will nick name the Batman Sled. After warming up with the sled I attached a 15 meter rope.

Batman Sled Push
3 x 30 meters x empty
4 x 15 m x 45lbs
4 x 15 m x 90 lbs
1. 5 inch Rope Pull 4 x 15 m x 45 lbs
This was a taxing, which means it was fun. The left side strength is becoming less of a factor and I am starting to get to a point where my conditioning sessions feel like I may pass out or vomit.
Neck Crunch 3 x 17 x 25 lbs (Oly plate which added an extra balance component READ: MORE NECK TENSION)
Hanging Ab straps 2 x 13
Extra Wide Grip Pull ups 3 x 3
Ring Pull Ups 4 x 3
Slight Incline Db Bench 
1 x 20 x 40
1 x 20 x 50
1 x 20 x 60
The big take away from these was the fact i was able to get the Db's into position and my hip was not a factor. The hip feels strong(er) and solid.

Devil's Tricycle 6 x 20 Cal x 1 min rest

Let's be honest riding the Airdyne with any kind of intention makes it suck, which makes you more awesome. The better your condition, the more punishment you can withstand and the quicker you recover. Finished up with some Plank and Side Plank, Scarecrow's and Y's. 

24 Aug 
1015 hrs
Warm up 
Back Ext 1 x 20
Cobra Push ups 1 x 30

Plank 4 x 20 sec
Hammer Strength Chest Press 
2 x 20 x No weight
1 x 13 x 25 lbs (a side)
1 x 13 x 50
1 x 13 x 60
5 x 8 x 40
This machine felt completely foreign in terms of movement. Which made this all the more fun and no ego in regards to the weight. i have never used it before so nothing to judge it against. Weights noted are per side.
Hammer Strength Pull down (Wide neutral grip)
1 x 20 x no weight
2 x 20 x 25 lbs (a side)
1 x 20 x 50
1 x 11 x 75
5 x 13 x 50
Lots of burning lats and rear delts. I wish i had access to this machine full time. I had to concentrate to keep the movement even and to make sure my right side pulled down correctly. I could definitely see an imbalance there that this machine challenges.
Wide Neutral grip Cable Rows 3 x 11 x 105
Rope Face Pull 3 x 21 x 75 lbs
Strap Row (Tbar)
1 x 25 x 45 lbs
1 x 25 x 55 lbs
This is an attempt to start strengthen my low back and glute indirectly.
Rear Delt Destroyer
1 x 30, 60, 20 x 55, 25, 10 lbs
Devil's Tricycle 200 Cal x 14:30:00
I went to bed thinking last night I would ride to 500 Cal. i shifted the plan upon awaking this morning. My hip and leg are not quite ready for a ride like that just yet. Maybe next week. I finished up with side plank, bird dogs, cobra push ups and McGill sit-ups.
Yesterday and today were two very solid sessions, this gym has a great setup as already mentioned.

25 Aug
1030 hrs

Warm up
Cobra Push Ups 2 x10
Back Ext 2 x 10
Hip Bridge  2 x 20
Step Ups 2 x 10

Batman Sled Push
3 x 90 ft x 45
2 x 45 ft x 90 lbs
2 x 45 ft x 135 lbs
Batman Sled Push then Rope Pull
4 x 45 ft x 45 lbs
This mean I pushed the sled out four times and pulled it in four times. The Humidity was high so I was drenched by the end of this and the increased friction from the floor it was a tough slog pull the sled everytime.
Battle Ropes
8 x 20 sec on /20 Sec rest
Side Laterals 
3 x 21 x 20 lbs
superset with Leg Curl
1 x 10 x 50
2 x 10 x 100 lbs
Last training session at my old gym before heading back east. Everything felt solid and strong. Progress was made and that is all I can push for everyday is another 1% better. Felt great to be slogging hard and pushing myself again where I can.

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