Tuesday, August 16, 2016

15 Aug 2016 - KEEP On Trucking....

"We are a little older. So of course things are going to hurt. That just means you bite down a little harder on the mouth guard and make something happen" -Mike M

04 Aug
1745 hrs

Heel Touch 5 x 5
TKE' 5 x 5 x Orange avg band (orange efs)
Cobra Push Ups 5 x 10
Lunge ROM stretch 5 x 10
Cat Cow (or Camels)  3 x 10 
Bird Dogs 3 x 3 L/R (hold, squeeze until muscles cramp)
Standing Single Leg Calf Raise 5 x 15
Hip Bridge 3 x 10
Clamshells (green theraband) 5 x 21
Squats (onto bench) 10, 7, 5 (all sets stopped when something cramped or I got twinges of pain)
Plank 3 x 15 count
Banded Leg curl 3 x 13 x red efs band
Db leg curls 2 x 13 x 10 lbs

The work gym does not have a lying leg curl machine so i tried the Db leg curls. From a control /balance stand point they worked well. For developing my Hamstring strength likely not at all.
I simply worked through the exercises as I saw fit. No exact order. It did not feel strenous from a conditioning stand point, simply doing work felt great

5 Aug
1550 hrs

Pool Time
Lunge Walk, hip circles, leg swings, squats, pistol squats. All in an attempt to gently push the ROM further, find the tender spots and work through them slowly. One thing I have notice I cannot even attempt is a cossack squat. Back "clicked" again today. It is feeling better everyday. Giving it time to heal as well as getting my Pelvis moving freely again has helped.

6 Aug 
0200 hrs

Since my back had gently went out several hours earlier I kept things gently so to speak. I wanted to keep moving so things did not stiffen up too much hopefully.
Cobra Push ups 3 x 10
Lunge ROM 3 x 10
Pull ups (Neutral grip) 20 x 3 reps (completion time 55 min)
Barbell Push ups 5 x 10
Rear DB Lateral (incline bench) 5 x 13 x 20 lbs
Db Shrugs (incline bench) 5 x 13 x 20 lbs
Hammer Curl 3 x 11 x 40 lbs
Rolling Triceps 3 x 11 x 20 lbs
Barbell Curl 1 x 58 x barbell
Db Shrugs (standing) 
1 x 13 x 35
1 x 13 x 50
1 x 13 x 55
1 x 13 x 60
1 x 13 x 55
2 x 13 x 50
Plank 3 x 15 count
Side Plank  3 x 15 count L/R
As this was the first Pull up session post op I was very happy. My grip did not give out at all which was awesome. i guess crawling around and having to use my upper body strength for a month helped out.
7 Aug
Spent the day doing my ROM exercises which helped keep things moving. No training though as my Left Hamstring cramped up as well.
8 Aug
1840 hrs

Reverse Hyper  
1 x 15 x no weight
1 x 11 x 20 lbs
1 x 11 x 40
1 x
Standing Leg Curl
Lying Leg Curl
Finished up with Side Plank, McGill Sit Ups, Bird Dogs, Cat /Camels, & Cobra Push Ups. 
9 Aug

0930 hrs
Yoga - Basic Class ("Hot" version in 104 deg room)
Great, challenging class. One or two muscle spasms in the hip. Instructor gave me a few alternate stretches today as the rest of the classes were doing a few things that could cause problems for my hip (READ: DISLOCATION)

1850 hrs
Rev Hyper
1 x 15 x No weight
1 x 10 x 20lbs
1 x 10 x 40 lbs
1 x 10 x 60 lbs
1 x 10 x 80 lbs
1 x 10 x 100 lbs
Meadows Shrugs 3 x 15 x 15 lbs
Leg Curl Standing 2 x 10 x 30 lbs (slow controlled-paused eccentric first set, fast reps second set)
Lying Leg Curl 2 x 10 x 100 lbs (2 sec contraction /2 sec eccentric tempo)
Wide Bar Facepull (to chin) This cable machine has weird weight plates. 
1 x 20 x 7.5 lbs ( I said weird)
1 x 20 x 12.5 lbs
Face Pull (rope to forehead) 
2 x 20 x 32.5 lbs (yes same weird weight system)

Finished up with  McGill Crunch, Bird dogs, Cobra Push ups, Side Plank, Lunge ROM, and Cat-Camels. Had a partner come out with me today, been a while since I had to sow down and wait for some else. Low back feeling a lot better, staying the course. After reading something this week I will wait at least another 2 weeks before Axially loading my spine (squats, heavy deadlifts etc). If I something gives then the clock gets reset. I am playing the long game in my recovery, I remind myself of that daily to keep from getting frustrated. The other key piece is every time i even feel like I am getting frustrated, focus on the CAN(s) not the CANNOT(s).

This is the article. If you even think you have had back issues in your life, READ IT.
Oddly enough i read this the day before i popped my back again 2 weeks ago. 

10 Aug

 This is why you write stuff down. I cannot remember what i did this day. I know I did my rehab and McGill exercises because I do them everyday

11 Aug

0930 hrs
Yoga - Basic Class 
This was an easier than normal class. I do not say that in the fact my function and ROM have come along way (which they have mind you). I say it as in the teacher conducted a class that was much easier on this day than the previous classes I have attended.

12 /13 Aug

I had a reunion dinner to attend on the Friday out of town, so lots of driving. Physio and standing Hip openers when I stopped. Up late partying (not a lot of imbibing) followed by a lot of driving back home. Although my back was stiff over all things felt really solid.

The reunion had a positive effect on me. Hanging out with Intensely competitive and no fail mindset individuals might be scary for some. For me it is an atmosphere I miss. Everyone I talked to had something going on that were not only working through, they were smashing it up and making strides else where in their lives despite what most people were consider a set back. These are people who don't blink at deprivation and do not merely rise to a challenge they thrive. It was a simple reminder of who I am. It was humbling and uplifting at the same time. People like say they are grinding our are doing hardcore. This was a collection of people who eat sleep and breath it daily yet do not ever use those words. They understand simply embracing excellence is a way of life, not "unleashing BEAST MODE" in the gym. These are also people "man the wall" daily. I could not be more proud of them and what they have built in the last decade. 

14 Aug
1425 hrs

Back Ext (45 deg) 3 x 13 x bodyweight
Side Hold  3 x 10 count x bodyweight

GHR 6, 6, 7, 10 reps
1 x 100m x No weight (Posts)
1 x 100m x No Weight (High Handle)
1 x 100m x 50 lbs (Posts)
1 x 100m x 50 lbs (Low Handle, High Handle, Posts, Mixed)

So the humidity in the field house was through the roof which does not usually bother my training. it does however make the rubber floor extra grabby, so even an empty prowler feels like it has 90-100lbs on it. This was my first session post op so I had no idea how it would go. Conditioning sucks as expected and I was surpirsed it took till over 300m completed before my legs felt like jello. This is also the first time in 3 years i have been able to push on the lower handles so I am excited about that. No strain to my back and due to the nature of the Prowler no axial loading my my spine. So lots of "winning" all around. This is what my "Lower body day" is going to look like until I can squat and DL.

Rev Hyper 3 x 13 x 50 lbs
Heel Touch (10" box /Airex pad on L side) 3 x 10
Lying Leg Curls 
1 x 10 x 50 lbs
3 x 10 x 100 lbs
Standing Leg Curls 
1 x 10, 10 x 40, 30 lbs L
1 x 15, 15 x 40, 30 lbs R
1 x 5 x 30 lbs L
Clearly a little bit of a difference in Hamstring endurance. This is minor and will come up quickly
Left the gym feeling tired and hungry.

Thanks for reading.

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