Monday, February 9, 2015

09 Feb 2015 -Thunder, Thunder, Thunder...

09 Feb 
0750 hrs
Woke up to another wonderful world of winter Ice and snow. Did not feel a sense of urgency at all.  I sleep on and off all night. So I was not feeling rested, so I opted to sleep in an extra hour. So I was in the gym during the busy hour. It worked out everything I wanted to use is the exact opposite of everyone else.
It puzzles me. I see young guys walking the track when they clearly could be doing anything for the hour (they are not broken) yet they decide to walk and chat. Yet all around me the young ladies are training like they are trying to fucking kill themselves. Motivation and Inspiration is a strange thing. When I was that age and younger being in a group of giant strong dudes all poking fun, pushing limits and calling each other out was where I wanted to be. I think that is why I train alone. That is a very hard combo to find. A group of guys who will not let anyone let up in intensity, fall behind and definitely there is no being fucking lazy. Anyhow it is Monday so while the rest of humanity in gyms world wide Bench Press and do "Chest" I defy the odds and Squat instead.

Banded Side Step 2 x 20+ x Black EFS Band
1 x 21 x Bar
1 x 21 x Bar (black band around knees)
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 5 x 215
1 x 3 x 255
1 x 3 x 295
1 x 3 x 325
4 x 9 x 255
It was at this point a young varsity kid came in. He was wearing BRIGHT Neon Yellow & Pink Running shoes. He also was apparently convinced at the Lululemon store that the leggings were unisex? strange. What made it worse is that a female gym administrator walked by wearing the same(?) leggings and had better quad /hamstring development than the young man. Yeah I had a quiet chuckle at that one.

Head Harness (done through out) 4 x 17 x 50 lbs KB
GHR (between sets of Good Mornings) 2 x 7 reps
Good Mornings 4 x 11 x 135 lbs
These were heavy but solid. The last set I found my groove and they seemed to suddenly get really easy. I am cognizant to not bend my knees and cheat the weight up.

Hyper Deads 2 x 13 x 100 lbs
Still suck at these. I will keep at them. Maybe drop the weight to 80 lbs next week and do an extra set for a few weeks.
Side Bends 2 x 11
Doing these right at the end in a slow and controlled manner really seem to have a certain fun suck factor to them.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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