Friday, May 10, 2013

10 May 2013-What injuries can bring and teach us...

"It seems to me that some of the talented athletes lack one thing-they haven't had an injury. That's right! Am injury that will put them out of commission for a year during which time they'll have a chance to weigh everything. I, too, would not be where I am if I had not injured my back. I suffered for a year and a half thinking everything over...After a misfortune, people pull through and become, of possible, great people - and sportsman, in particular. Those who are stronger find their way out and to the top..." Vasily Alexeyev

Back when Olympic Lifting was 3 lifts and included the Clean & Press which is a true man maker of an exercise.
Serge Redding did this:

Alexy Countered with this:

The Wonders of human performance. You should never doubt your own limits. The human body is truly limitless. This all leads into my day of Oh Pressing. Today was the last day of my De-Load week. That being said with the LTTS next weekend I will definitely train this week but with recovery and keeping things loose and strong as the focus. I will be Squatting, Benching, Deadlifting next weekend. Along with a special Pull Up session.
When i build my own gym, this will be on the wall.
0605 hrs
Before During After OH Press:
Head Harness 
3 x 50 x 25
3 x 40 x 25
Red band Pull-A-Parts 3 x 30
Black Band Face Pulls 3 x 50

OH Press 
1 set of 15 reps for the following weights:
Bar, 65, 75, 95, 105, 115

Side Delt Laterals to Rear Delt Laterals
2 x 10 x 20 lbs
Red Band Pull /Push Downs 4 x 50
Rev Hyper 2 x 10
Back Ext 2 x 10
Horizontal Shrugs 2 x 20

So this was the morning Session. Fairly quick and invigorating. I got a great Delt and upper back pump.  i will be getting to bed earlier. i have to start putting in more intense sleeping sessions. I can live on minimal sleep but just like for any human it is not optimal. The next few weeks are going to be non-stop so nutrition preparation is also going to be key. 

The only thing i did not get done today was a Continuous High Intensity (CHI) Swim. Work  interfered, and unfortunately the only time the pool was open was at lunch. It is scheduled to only be 15 minutes but i need to get it done. I will be forced to do it tomorrow sometime after SilverBack Saturday  (noon or 5 pm). Looking forward to this session of Pull Ups. Why? Because the next one after it will be with the man, the Coach, Harry Selkow himself watching on (as well as probably a room full of the strongest dudes on the planet.) Nervous, pumped and excited all at the same time. Over 2 years since i started the journey to 20 Pull Ups. 

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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