Tuesday, May 7, 2013

07 May 2013 -I won't let myself finish where i began...

04 May 2013
1930 hrs
A quick recovery session

Sled Drag w/60 lbs weight vest
1 x 200 m x 135 lbs
3 x 200 m x 90 lbs

This took less than 20 min. Big long strides just trying to stretch things out, sweat, and get the blood flowing. I dropped the weight on the sled because after the first lap my low back had a massive pump going on. The idea was to do some work without frying myself before squatting the next day.

5 May 2013
0920 hrs

Warm up:
Leg Swing (f & b, side to side) 1 x 10
Rollovers 1 x 10
Mtn Climbers 1 x 10
Band Pull-A-parts 1 x 50
TKE's 1 x 50

1 x 5 x bar
2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 185
1 x 5 x 225
1 x 3 x 275
1 x 2 x 295
1 x 1 x 315
1 x 2 x 315

Head Harness 3 x 50 x 25 lbs
Red Band Tricep Push /Pull Downs 1 x 120 reps
GHR 3 x 10

Today was one of those days i really wanted to simply get to 3 plates come hell or high water. I read this today :
"If my glutes don't quiver and my spine doesn't shatter, then increase the poundage 'cause it just doesn't matter." -Harry Selkow 

and it really applies to how i felt Saturday morning. Things felt decent enough to push hard. Working up to 315 felt heavy but manageable  I had no problems holding the weight in the hole and i really pushed /focused for depth. Depth was my main concern. Coming out of the hole was extremely slow. Stable but slow, the weight felt even today between my two legs and my left groin was not strained as it was previous weeks.

The rest of the day looked like this:
1300 hrs
- 2 hr walk around Lemoine Point with the girl and the dog. Both were tired and hot and happy when we finished. It was a great way to enjoy the day. Did a mock photo shoot too. Lol.

1720 hrs
-Went to the pool. 20 min hard tempo swim. It felt great to be able to swim hard and continuous for 20 min.
Approx 19 or 20 Laps i figure. I was averaging just under 1 min per lap.

6 May 2013
1200 hrs
Work was promising to be busy right out of the gate this week so i went early to work instead of trg first thing. That combined with the fact i woke up stiff as BC Pine petrified by the Pacific ocean. So i got up, stretched, hot shower, and took my first of two doses of magnesium. So Lunch time was another swim. i tried to keep this one slow.

30 Min slow pace alternating between:
Flutter kicks w/Flutter Board
Side Scissor Kick w/Flutter Board
Breast stroke
front Crawl

1720 hrs
So Monday night in any gym, anywhere on planet earth, or maybe the universe it is Bench /Chest&Bi's night. So when i got to the gym i expected to wait. So while i waited i got a full warm up completed. It is Deload week so i decided to mix it up a little too and focus more on burning the Triceps.

Warm Up:
Side Bends 3 x 10
Back ext 3 x 10
Rev Hyper 3 x 10
Rainbows 3 x 10
Red Band Pull-A-parts 3 x 20
Rear Delt Destroyer (one non-stop work set)
1 x 60 x 40 lbs
1 x 40 x 20 lbs
1 x 10 x 10 lbs

Close Grip Bench (Thumbs touching smooth) all sets fast but under control w/leg drive
1 x 50 x bar
1 x 25 x 95
1 x 25 x 115
5 x 10 x 135
Head Harness (done between all sets of Close Grip Bench)
8 x 20 x 30 lbs
Red Band Tricep Push /Pull Downs 2 x 75
Seated Calf Raises 3 x 15 x 80 lbs
GHR 3 x 10
The Seated Calf Raises are feeling stronger and getting better. I managed to loosen up enough throughout the day to get a very solid session out of this. Great Tricep Pump and Neck Pump.
That was Sunday night!

07 May 2013
0610 hrs
Today was a simple interval run day. My hip flexors felt decent enough during but the rest of the day they  are /were a little tight. Nothing major. Just an indicator from yesterday's swimming. But for a first time out the sprints went well and then i followed up with a little sled drag work to make up for the lack of Upper back work yesterday. Over all even with the increased pace of all the training my leg is holding up and doing extremely well. i seem to be finding a decent balance.

Sprints 4 x 400 m
-rest was 4 min
Lap 1 - 2 min 10 sec /Lap 2 - 1 min 50 sec /Lap 3 - 1 min 40 sec /Lap 4 - 1 min 40 sec
Sled Drags
2 x 20 m (no rest)
Row /Face Pull /Face Drag /Low Drag

Stretch -Foam Roll - Eat the rest of the day.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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