Sunday, November 1, 2015

30 Oct 2015 -Find your place in the world....and Dig in.

So after the post i cut my pace back a little and I seemed to find a little bit of a groove. I allowed myself more to simple exercise and move daily. I have also had a few more "Bodybuilder" sessions. No I am not planning on putting a speedo, spray tanning and stepping on stage just yet. don't rule it out though. Ha.
The focus more on muslce pumps and making things burn from higher reps seems to have given bit of a therapeutic effect. I know this shit but still having to re-learn lessons from when i was 13 yrs old.

I have played around with high Pulls from the knees, Power shrugs (knees), and a few power cleans. Teaching myself something new is a good challenge and again refreshing for my head.
When I am home I used my home gym, utilized my sled, and cut some wood.
I do not count it as anything other than relaxing but it should be noted I adopted /rescued a 8-9 yr old Bull Mastiff. He has sore achy knees so he can only go for walks 30 min or less. So we are a good pair. He is also my fire team partner when I am away from home. The extra walking seems to have helped my hip. Due to this I have dropped the treadmill /Plate Carrier sessions for now. It is more fun being outside walking anyhow.

Anyhow here are the highlights from the last 2 weeks or so.
16 Oct
High Volume Shoulder work. Front raises and laterals finsihing up with Db Shrugs and Stir the pot on a Physio Ball.
17 Oct
Oly work (Power Shrug,high Pulls, Power Cleans, Push Press)
Kb Swings
3 x 21 x 50lbs (1 min rest)
5 x 21 x 70lbs (1 min rest)
18 Oct
Cable flys 4 sets
Close Grip (Fat Gripz) sets of 8 reps starting with the bar, 20lbs jumps up to 105lbs for 2 sets and then a final set of 21 reps. Rest was long enough to add weight.
Hammer Curls 4 x 11 x 50 lbs
19 Oct
Off Day (transition from Evening to Midnight shift)

20 Oct
Plate Carrier on for Blast Strap Rows,  Push ups, Face Pulls,  Rollouts
Plate Carrier off Dips, Back Extension

I should explain when I do dips i do them from the bottom position starting with my feet on a box. I tighten everything up then contract up to the top position. I have always loved dips but have found my front delts don't always appreciate them. So i do them once in awhile with this minor tweak in starting positions and i find i get something out of them without buggering my shoulders.

21-23 Oct

Dog Walks, yard work and shooting Pop cans with the Red Rider BB Gun ( I won it as a door prize at a Charity auction).

Also set up the BB in the basement with 135lbs + Chain. Did High Pulls and Shrugs all day every time I had to go down and do something in the basement (Read: LAUNDRY). If I had to guess probably like 10 sets of 10 at a minimum, maybe more.

24 Oct
Floor Press 5 x 5 x 135 + chains
Sled Drags and Wood Chopping (actual wood cutting not that cable movement people do)

25 Oct
Stair Climber Elliptical
2 x 1/2 Mile (Less than 6min)
Push Ups, Stir the Pot, Db Rows (completed between 1/2 mile sessions)

26 Oct
Pull Ups 3 x 3 x bodyweight
High Pulls (from Knees)
5 x 1 x 185
5 x 1 x 155

27 Oct
Back Ext (w/ bar) 4 x 10 x 50lbs
Band Walks, Cable Rows, Pallof Press, Bosu Situp, Bar hang, TKE's
28 Oct
4 x 2 x 185
1 x 10 x 185
Db Floor Press, Arm work, Pallof  Press and Seated Cable rows.
29 Oct-
Farmer's Walk 10 x 20m x 85lbs w/Plate Carrier (+20lbs)
Handstands /Push Ups (w/Plate Carrier) 5 x 1
The Farmer's and Handstands was a package deal on one end of the 20m.
Ab work -bosu crunch & Standing Abs
30 Oct -Transition Day off. 3 x long dog walks.
31 Oct - Off night. I waited to long on shift to go so at about 2am I was to fucked up to go train.

1 Nov- Corrected the mistake and went early. Also going to be a longer than normal midnight shift with the 1 hr time change.
Rack Pulls (top of knee cap)
1 x 3 x 275
8 x 1 x 275 lbs (45 sec rest)
2 x 9 x 225
Neck Crunch 4 x 17 x 25 lbs
Cable Rows, Tbar Rows, Seated Rope Row,OH Tri Ext, Preacher curls, Mach Rear Delt, Stir-the-pots.
An Arm /Back Pump is awesome at 2am while working mids.

I have also had a marked increase in Abdominal work. I had a bit of a scare 4 weeks ago thinking I may have gave myself a hernia (semi-common with people with hip issues I guess as my body is out of alignment alot). Physio checked and I am clear, yay!. It was just a pinch or a mild strain. In addition to the Ab work. Daily Back Ext, low volume, keeping my back muscles strong and active.
Overall my physio is impressed with how well my body is holding up and wants me to simply keep doing all of it.

I definitely feel like I am back on track after struggling to simply have a decent training session most of  September.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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