0540 hrs
Banded Shoulder Series 2 x 13 x Red EFS Mini Band
Scarecrows 2 x 13 x Red EFS Mini Band
Head Harness 1 x 50 x 25 lbs
OH Press
1 x 20 x Bar
1 x 11 x 60
1 x 5 x 75
1 x 5 x 85
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 5 x 110
1 x 6 x 125
1 x 15 x 100
No Bicep irritation this week. The warm up with the bands seemed to loosen my rotators and shoulders blades and make muscles fire properly. The AMRAP of 15 reps with 100 lbs was solid and strict. I may have had more but it would have gotten ugly.
Pull Ups (Total time 29 min)
8 x 8
1 x 7
1 x 6
So definitely back in the swing of things with the Pull Ups. I will make another run at 10 sets of 8 reps next week. I was very close. Strong reps right until the 9th set and things fell off slightly.
Wide Bar Rear Delt Rows (to Chin) 3 x 20 x 75 lbs
Wide V-Bar Pull downs (w/Fat Gripz)
1 x 15 x 90
1 x 13 x 90
1 x 21 x 21
With the Rows and Pull downs I alternated between exercises trying to wait 1 min between sets. Usually I would get bored and start early. I dropped the weight on the pulldowns because I have been trying to keep my shoulders back and upper back tight while doing Pushdowns and Pulldowns. Fatigue was setting in and I preferred to do stricter reps over more weight. I wanted the pumped up tricep not to simply move weight today.
It is Friday. Time for a Steve-wiser! |
ITWY's 2 x 15 x 2.5 lbs
Oly Bar Curl 1 x 121 x Bar
Curls SUCKED today. The fact I hung on till 121 reps was pure embracing the suck. It started to hurt at rep 30 and the suck-i-tude only increased from there. Some weeks you just have to fight the bar mentally. The after effect of this? My Bicep tendon feels great.
Between my buddies reacting to my lack of a beard (had to shave completely for work) and their shenanigans I had a great laugh. Much needed laughter.
So I have accomplished my schedule within the normal 5 day scheduled period. Which means the weekend off! I will do some glute work and planks but nothing worthy to write about. My body is injured and does require rest. I did go back later today. I did a few short sets of back ext, side bends, and glute work. Then I stretched as best as I am able currently
Anatomy Basics (Hip Version):
So things are a little easier to understand as to exactly what I have currently going on in my hip a quick anatomy session. I am also researching other possible solutions to assist my surgery. I will present everything when I see the surgeon and I will talk about some of it in the coming weeks. I want to have an idea what my options are before I see the surgeon which is what I did with the ACL repair. The Hip is not quite as straight forward, but still straight forward in a lot of ways. This is not a hip rebuild. Just a clean up job.
The MRI did not show any tears in the Labrum. But I am missing Articular Cartilage on the femoral head and in the Acetabulum. Lack of cartilage means an increase of bone on bone contact. FUN!
The Bone spurs are around the Femoral Head. My Femoral Head is also not concave (round) anymore. There was signs of extra fluid in the hip but that should be a non-issue. unless it comes back and then I will be riding the Pain train.
This Picture directly explains my restriction, or Femoral Acetabular Impingemnet (FAI). Due to the Bone spurs on the "front" of my Femoral head and on the "front" of my Pelvis any internal rotation and bending is severely restricted. In a feet parallel stance I can only raise my left leg about 12 inches off the ground. This is why I have to wide stance squat, I need to make room in my hip. But ultimately if I squat to low and /or if there is tightness anywhere in my pelvis then my pelvic bone "shoots Under" way before it should.
There were no Labral tears on the MRI but my physio has told me it is common for the tears to not show up on an MRI. The Surgeon will find them if/ when he goes into repair my hip.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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