Saturday, July 12, 2014

12 July 2014 - End of the poking at your weaknesses week

9 July
0600 hrs

Narrow Grip Bench (2RM w/Red EFS bands)
3 x 2 x Bar
1 x 2 x 95
1 x 2 x 115
1 x 2 x 135
1 x 2 x 155 (wrist wraps)
1 x 2 x 165 (wrist wraps)
1 x 2 x 175 (wrist wraps)

Program calls for 2 x chains but my gym does not have any so I use my bands instead. Set up them for single band tension. Treated them more like ME work which is what it is supposed to be. Instead of a DE session. So slow contraction down under controls, then after touching explode back up.

DB Bench (2 min rest)
2 x 2 min x 25 lbs (70 reps, 55 reps)

This gets more interesting every time I do this high rep work for time. It is exposing and working my weaknesses.

DB Bent over Rows
1 x 10 x 85
2 x 10 x 90

I pushed this a lot harder than last time. 3 x 90 is definitely there next time.

Triceps Rope Pushdowns (1 min rest)
1 x 18 x 110
1 x 12 x 110
1 x 11 x 110

Rear Delt Rows (wide bar to Chin)
4 x 20 x 70 lbs

External Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs
Stretch 10 min (hip traction, low back stretch)

In the evening I went to my second introduction to Hot Yoga class. I got my low back and sides stretched out nicely. I made sure to super hydrate all day.

10 July
0503 hrs

I lost track of the number of time I read this in the manual and then in my training manual. When I started this program a month a go I skipped this because I was coming off EX which means a month of nothing gym related, my back was tight and I was sore as fuck. This time I was stiff and sore but I knew it was very doable. So this session is the baseline for me to beat for next time. I will add my helmet next time.

2 Km Run for time w/ 20lbs Tac Vest in Magnum Boots
approx 14 min

(I used my phone. Took off when the changed and checked it when I got back.)

I was also supposed to a forced PT session with work.Which aggravated me to know end for a number of reasons. It ended up not happening  but we still had to hang out in the gym for an hour any how so I had to look busy.
Stair Master 15 min @ Lvl 6 weight vest (45 lbs)
Rev Hyper 3 x 10 x 50
GHR 2 x 10

I demonstrated /talked through a few co-workers how to use the GHR and Rev Hyper. As well one of the young guys is learning how to Deadlift. The guy who showed him did a decent job getting him started. I merely added some cues and things for him to focus on.

11 July
0610 hrs

Warm Up: Sled Drags 4 x 100 m x 90 lbs (used the Prowler) Continuous movement until it was done.

Box Jumps (24 “) 
7 x Bodyweight
2 x 8 lbs
4 x Bodyweight

Felt decent enough so I tried adding some weight. Did 2 singles, they were solid but then a group fitness class came over with their instructor at the end of the actual fitness class. She taught them how to climb a rope because i guess someone asked
 I stayed somewhat focused but when people are standing all around you, oblivious other than what they are doing it threw me off a little. The way I had things set up was Box Jump, walk 15 m to the squat cage where I was working next, write in my book and walk back. Repeat until I was done.
Near the end when I came back I had to tell some tired fat dude to get off my Foam box (actual I said “excuse me” with a polite yet aggressive under tone.) The next I saw him he was sitting on the only folding chair in the area. He was avoiding climbing the rope at all costs. He also seem to sit on anything that resembled a seat.
The group was amazed at one point when one of their guys climbed the rope ¾  of the way to the top (maybe 20 ft). He was 6ft and was maybe a buck 60! I hope he could climb. He clearly did not eat enough. Ok I am rambling. The caused me annoyance and disturbed my perfect training universe. I know i should fucking share.
 Back to the task at hand.

DE Box Squat w/ Orange EFS Bands (read: speed, fast)
1 x 2 x 115 lbs & bands
7 x 2 x 125 lbs & bands

Using 35% of Tuesday’s max squat I used 125 lbs with the bands. All reps were solid strong and very fast reps off the box. Exploding back up on every rep. Moved very well.
Then it was time for some clean up work.

Rev Hypers (3-3 Tempo) 3 x 10 x 120 (need to work harder on the 3-3 tempo)
GHR (2 min rest) 17, 13, 13 (super low back pump after the first set of these)
Leg Raise 3 x 15
Full Sit-up w/25lbs plate held to stomach (1 min rest) 3 x 1min x 25 lbs

Those sit-ups by the third set were miserable. But all i could think of was all those times i was laying on the ground with body Armour and having to get up quickly. Did some more hip & shoulder traction. I really think using a barbell instead of the SSB this week made a difference to my bicep tendon insertion up in my shoulder. Not totally aggravated but my Subscap has felt tight and my bicep tendon has been tight to the point of cause very mild shoulder discomfort. Well next week is Deadlift so no worries of squat induce issues. 

12 July 
0815 hrs

1 x 3
10 sets x 5 reps

Supersetted (for the most part) with DE Bench
9 x 3 x 60 lbs & Doubled up Red EFS Band
Barbell Curl (AMRAP)
1 x 75 reps x 60 lbs
The Pull Up /DE Bench took about 25 min. The field house was full of students doing PT so i was forced into the weight room which was nearly empty but I had to change my bench set up. So the bands ended up doubled. So i dropped the weight to try and keep things balanced out. 
I somehow screwed the first set with my shoulder and only got three, not sure what happened. But I sorted myself out and got the 10 sets x 5 reps done. 
When I start getting up into the higher digits for pull ups I will see how I will place my pull up session. It has worked out the past month that I have been doing a pull up day every other week. I am going to push this back to one session every week. What I may do is a morning Pull Up session and then the rest of the prescribe trg 6 hrs later. The Pull Up progression is not a part of Wenning’s program. I am trying not to change it too much. This pull up goal of 20 is something I wanted erased by Christmas at the latest.

Rear Delt Rows (with EFS Strap) to forehead
3 x 20 x 65 lbs
Single Arm KB Swings (1 min Rest)
3 x 1 min x 35 lbs

The KB Swings were done 1 min right/ no rest/ 1 min left/ 1 min rest. Repeat. For all 3 sets. The Barbell curl I stopped. I did not go super crazy as I wanted to be able to hold the KB for swings today. I did get a solid pump in my biceps; I could not touch my shoulders for about 3 hrs afterwards. Lol.

The rest of today and tomorrow I am taking off and relaxing. I will cut some grass and dig up some boulders but very minimal actual work. Rest up for Monday’s Sumo Deadlifting. 
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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