Stair Climber (w/45 lbs Weight Vest)
20 min-93 floors-Lvl 8 to 12
So definitely faster than last time and i nearly had this perfect for energy expenditure. I was feeling it the last 5-7 min for sure. Keeping track of my speed, i know i will get a little more next time, 100 floors in 20 min is achievable.
Off the template i did a few more things for blood flow, stability, and recovery. This is an Unload /recovery week after-all.
45 Deg back Ext 1 x 17
45 Deg Side bends 1 x 13 (L&R)
Ab Wheel 1 x 17
Head Harness
1 x 25 x 25 lbs
1 x 25 x 45 lbs
1 x 50 x 25 lbs
Rev Hyper (3-3 Count)
1 x 10 x 70 (feet together)
1 x 10 x 70 (feet apart)
As you can see nothing that will cripple me but just a little bit of work to re-enforce stability in my mid section and low back. Then the Rev Hyper to traction my low back after wearing the weight vest. Then i went with the Girl for Ribs, Corn Bread and Pulled Pork for Canada Day!
Public Service Announcement
(stepping up onto soap box)
Today just before i left the gym I saw something i have not seen in a while.
A young Kid running with his gas mask on. Not an "elevation trainer" or an "O2 trainer". A full on Gas mask. he is not doing this because he is going off to war or some other bullshit. he is doing it because he thinks it is hard core and he will get some cardio benefit from doing sprints on the treadmill and then doing squats with it. Stupidity.
I wish i had all the documentation from everything i have read on this.
Simulating elevation training is useless. It was tested in Mexico with Olympic athletes. They lived at sea level and trained at elevation, with No discernible benefit. So in other words you need to train and Live at elevation for weeks to get the benefit, and it is only for a short window.
Using a gas mask over pressurizes your internal system. It puts extra strain on your heart O2 is restricted and CO2 rises in the system creating more of a strain. Not to mention the over pressure on your lungs.
Also with him being a soldier all his moist breathe will create fungus in his canister unless swapped out.
Don't take my word for it. Research it yourself. If you don't agree i don't really care. This is my opnion based off the research i found.
The debate is still out on lactic acid training which a gas mask or snorkel will do. i just don't care enough to look back into it at this time.
If you are looking to create a mind trauma environment the gas mask will do it. But that could be achieved with wind sprints, KB swings, Prowler sprints all with short rest periods. The mind does shut down and fear settles in when Oxygen deficient. This does need to be taught /trained sometimes.
(Ok stepping off the Soap box now.)
Keep Moving forward, Keep getting Strong(er) |
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