Wednesday, July 30, 2014

30 July 2914 - 10 days have passed....

I was waiting until the full weak of conditioning was over and then my computer crapped out. Now using the spare laptop so things are slower and cumbersome but getting the log in.

21 July
0840 hrs
Sled drags 2 x 2 min x 170 lbs

This was supposed to be 210 lbs but due to the high humidity the rubber track becomes too sticky so i had to do bit of a weight drop. It was plenty "heavy" enough.

Max Effort SSB (3RM) w/Orange band to parallel box
3 x 3 x bar
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 185
1 x 3 x 225

Things felt great squatting today. I had to mess around with the set up for a little while but I got it sorted. thanks to JL Holdsworth's great band set up video it come in very handy. Especially the unracking portion.

Over Head Db Squat (12")
1 x 100 reps x 15 lbs

Standing Cable Crunch 3 x 20 x 85 lbs (1 min rest)
Rev Hyper 3 x 10 x 90 lbs (alternate feet together /apart each set)

6hrs Post training
Sprints 3 x 800 m (1 min rest)

22 July 
0640 hrs

Stair Master w/ weight vest
20 min - 102 flights - 229 Cal

23 July
0635 hrs

Rear Delt Rows 
1 x 20 x 25 lbs
1 x 20 x 30 lbs
1 x 20 x 35 lbs
Max Effort Floor Press (3RM)
1 x 10 x bar
1 x 3 x bar
1 x 3 x 95
1 x 3 x 115
1 x 3 x 135
1 x 3 x 155
1 x 3 x 175
1 x 3 x 195
I will be much happier when my bench stops sucking but it has still come along way from last summer. The 195 was rough, it seems when the weight gets around 200 lbs i am unable to keep my upper back tight as i can with lighter weights.
Bench Press
1 x 80 x 75 lbs
1 x 20 x 65 lbs
This was supposed to be one unbroken set. The bar is not supposed to be rested but today it as not to be so i racked, dropped the weight and finished the hundred reps.
Lat Pull Downs
1 x 12 x 130 lbs
1 x 12 x 155
1 x 12 x 160
1 x 12 x 175
Tricep Pushdowns (overhead w/ Rope) 1 min rest
2 x 13 x 105 lbs
1 x 11 x 105 lbs
Rear Delt Rows (wide bar to chin) 4 x 20 x 75 lbs
Ext Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs

26 July
0610 hrs

I threw on a 40 lbs weight vest for this session. I pushed the pace and still got it done in less than 18 min.
KB Swings 3 x 20 x 53 lbs (1 min rest)
Rear Delt Rows (strap pull to forehead) 3 x 20 x 70 lb (30-45 sec rest)
GHR (AMRAP) 3 x 7 x 40 lbs weight vest (minimal rest)

28 July
0634 hrs

15 min slow jog
Sled Drag 2 x 1 min x 90 lbs
Step Ups 1 x 1 min per leg x 20 lb DB ea hand
Standing Cable Crunch 1 x 20 x 85 lb
Face Pull 3 x 20 x 85 lb
Light easy day. my right delt has been a little tight so I dropped the pull up session on the weekend. I also added Facepulls to this session to try and stretch /activate things in my upper back to relieve my shoulder.

29 July
0630 hrs

Stair Climber w/ Weight Vest (40lbs)
20 min x 100 flight x 224 Cal
(Lvl 10 for 10 min, Lvl 11 for 10 min)
I had to punch the pace for the last 2 min a little so that i made sure i made the 100 flights. Doing steady at this pace is hard on my system but it is why I am doing it. Still in the discomfort zone to fix a weakness.
Standing Cable Crunch 2 x 20 x 85 lb
Pull Up's 5 x 7
DeFranco's Agile 8
Banded Shoulder Series 1 x 15 x Red EFS band
Some extra hip traction and stretching. I an feel my low back is out slightly and my hip is pinching just a little. It is manageable as long as i am dong what i need to. Got a reduced volume of Pull Ups in today. The shoulder felt A Lot better so i decided to get a little volume in.

30 July
0610 hrs

Db Bench 1 x 100 x 25 lb
Close Grip Pull Downs 
1 x 12 x 145
1 x 12 x 155
1 x 12 x 160
1 x 12 x 165
Tricep Push Downs (Over head) Rope (1 min rest)
1 x 17 x 110
1 x 11 x 110
1 x 9 x 110
Rear Delt Rows (wide bar /pull to chin) 4 x 20 x 70 lbs
Ext Rotator work 2 x 15 x 5
Banded external rotator 2 x 15 x red EFS Band
Rev Hyper 2 x 10 x 70

The Db Bench was excellent, it sucked but i pushed through it. The Pulldowns might have been a little heavy but again i grinded the reps out. Everything else was nice and smooth. I did a few sets of Rev Hyper to stretch out the low back and push some blood into it.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Sunday, July 20, 2014

20 July 2014 - End of another week & thoughts on Jits coming back into my life full time

17 July
0605 hrs
Why to practice the fireman's carry. 
Partner Carries 30 min x 100 lbs Heavy Bag x 100 meters
Capt Kirk Shrugs 2 x 135 x 25-30 reps
Banded Shoulder series 1 x 15 x red EFS band

As written in the book this is 100 yards x 30 min. Last time I completed 30 min of Prowler pushing. I will work on getting a partner for the next time this comes around. The heavy bag was not nearly heavy enough. Maybe I should just get my hands on a log. Regardless I did not run the distance but I did waste time sauntering either. When I got to the end point I would drop the bag, take a few breathes, pick it back up and return, remembering to switch shoulders. This is supposed to be a training specific event and I will continue to get closer to mimicking what it is the aim of it is supposed to be.
The Shrugs was because simply, I miss doing these.

18 July
0555 hrs

I got to the Gym just in time to hear the fire alarm go off. I only had minimal time for a short session so no dice today.
I did go to Jits class and worked on Technique for an hr. maybe 5 min of rolling with some junior guys. As time goes on the level of guys I roll with and time spent rolling will come into play. One, because new guys can either be really easy to roll with or can be a struggle because they use max energy, senior guys can really work me over. How long I roll for I will manage for the next 6 weeks until my body adapts to rolling and so I manage energy levels.
Right now the priority is Healthy, Training, Jits, in that order. When I find a competition, probably in early 2015, my focus will shift to Jits, Trg, Healthy as preparations ramp up. This may sound insane to the uninitiated, but that is how it is when training to grapple on regular basis for an impending competition. Something is always sore or uncomfortable. For now it is about Mat time, remembering technique, and skill building.
The other portion of my plan is 1 hr a day of BJJ time. Whether it is skill work, actually rolling time or watching videos (to review shit I know but to fine tune Technical points) there will be a definite time carved out for Jits.

19 July
0800 hrs

Pull Ups 10 x 6

Total time for this was less than 30 min (28-29 min time range). I did not watch my rest periods all that closely but I think my longest rest was 3 min. The Training area in the field house was a mess. This is a usual occurrence Saturday morning. Must be all those ambulatory training sessions people have at 10 pm on a Friday night. I also had Friday’s training session to make up as well, which recommended to be completed in less than 20 min closer to 15 min if possible. I took abut 3 min and then got after it. I was already setup (something else I did between sets of Pull Ups.)

KB Swings (1 min Rest) 2 x 1 min 30 sec x 70 lbs KB
Rear Delt standing rows 3 x 20 x Red EFS Bands
GHR (AMRAP) 31, 21 reps
Heavy bag Carry 1 x 400 m x 100 lbs heavy bag

I came in just under 15 min, something around 14 min 20 sec or so. Those KB swings were ass kickers for sure (lower back hates me today as I type this). Rest if not timed was traveling from my training log book (Less than 1 min). Nothing sloppy, good solid reps. The Heavy bag I did shuffle with and switched shoulders at the 200 m point on the track. The Rear Delt rows I normally do on the pull down machine but I did not want to waste time walking across the facility to the weight room for 3 sets only to have to travel back to the Field house to use the GHR.

Barbell curl
1 x 82 reps x 60 lbs
40 sec rest
1 x 19 reps x 60 lbs

Finished up with some bicep tendon prehab /rehab work, which also has the added side effect of giving me a massive bicep pump (I cannot touch my shoulders for at least 2 hrs afterwards.) I decided today after scribbling in my log I wanted 100 reps. So I went back to the bar and crushed out 19 more reps to increase the total to 101 reps. I will stay with the one all out set trying to get to 100 reps but I will probably start doing this if it doesn't cause any irritation to my bicep tendon.

Keep Moving forward, Keep getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

16 July 2014 - Doing it little by little

14 July
0605 hrs

Sled Drags 4 x 60 m x 170 lbs
KB Swings 3 x 1 min x 53 lbs (1 Min Rest)

Sumo Deadlift 1 RM
1 x 1 x 135
1 x 1 x 185
1 x 1 x 225
1 x 1 x 245
1 x 1 x 275
1 x 1 x 295
1 x 1 x 325 (Rev Grip)

I could tell by the end of the sled drags my body was not totally rested and recovered. Which I some what expected. This is a 5 day a week template and I wanted it back to Mon to Fri starting this week. So I only took Sunday off, which I did absolutely nothing expect stretch, eat, and lay on the couch. Most of Saturday was that way as well after I trained in the AM.
I can tell my Sumo form needs a little work. My hips are much strong(er) and the flexibility is better. I need to take more slack from the bar, I am setting close enough, just not getting this crucial step every time I pull from the floor.
All sets except the last one were completed double over hand. The last set I could feel the bar rolling out of my fingers and rather than fuck around I quickly swapped grips and ripped it from the floor. This is 5 more pounds than last time.
Like all things in the program my weaknesses were stiff and sore a few hours later.

DB Straight leg Deadlifts (2 min rest)
3 x 11 x 50 lbs
Head harness (between sets of Deadlifts)
1 x 21 x 35 lbs
1 x 21 x 50 lbs
1 x 17 x 50 lbs

Standing Cable Crunch (wide stance /1 min rest)
3 x 20 x 95 lbs

Single leg squats (rest 90 sec)
3 x 6 x 20 lbs (1 set ea leg then rest)

The Db Deadlifts I did super slow and controlled. I can actually feel my left trying harder to stay in the groove. The Single leg squats get better every time. Soon I should be able to balance and do them with 20lbs Db in each hand, for now I still hold the rack slightly.

15 July
0645 hrs

Rear Delt Flies /Rows (chest supported)
4 x 20 x 35 lbs
Bench Press 1 x 100 reps x 70 lbs (10 sec rest as required 50, 20, 20, 10reps respectively)

The Delt rows felt heavy today but doable. I do love how they stretch and warm up and give me a solid pump for Benching. The bench set is 100 reps in as few sets as possible. 10lbs heavier than last time and the rep scheme was very similar.

Db Rows (Rest 2 min after both arms)
1 x 6 x 95 lbs
1 x 6 x 100 lbs
1 x 6 x 105 lbs

I am Very happy with this exercise. Not sure where this kind of strength comes from especially after I was claiming to be tired and low on energy. But I muscled and pounded through these. Later in the day one of the guys asked if I was using the 120’s I laughed and said nope only 105 and it is for small sets of 6. When had a quick chat at most guys use 25-35lbs Db and how we can’t figure out why they don’t sue more weight when it is clearly easy for them.

Ext Rotator Work w/Db 2 x 15 x 8 lbs
Banded Shoulder series 1 x 11 x Red EFS band

Tomorrow is the ME Floor Press day. I am Kind of excited. Going to try and get some extra sleep tonight. Yesterday I got an hr nap on the couch. Recovery, recovery, recovery. This program is teaching me that the little things are what build to the greater things. My next step is to build my Jits volume slowly. There is a part of me that wants to return to the stress, excitement and adrenaline of the unknown before a competition. Enough time has passed, fears and demons have been laid to rest although i am sure more will surface. But I will work through them. For now one step at a time. Just get back on the mats consistently. 

Keep Moving Forward, Keep getting Strong(er)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

12 July 2014 - End of the poking at your weaknesses week

9 July
0600 hrs

Narrow Grip Bench (2RM w/Red EFS bands)
3 x 2 x Bar
1 x 2 x 95
1 x 2 x 115
1 x 2 x 135
1 x 2 x 155 (wrist wraps)
1 x 2 x 165 (wrist wraps)
1 x 2 x 175 (wrist wraps)

Program calls for 2 x chains but my gym does not have any so I use my bands instead. Set up them for single band tension. Treated them more like ME work which is what it is supposed to be. Instead of a DE session. So slow contraction down under controls, then after touching explode back up.

DB Bench (2 min rest)
2 x 2 min x 25 lbs (70 reps, 55 reps)

This gets more interesting every time I do this high rep work for time. It is exposing and working my weaknesses.

DB Bent over Rows
1 x 10 x 85
2 x 10 x 90

I pushed this a lot harder than last time. 3 x 90 is definitely there next time.

Triceps Rope Pushdowns (1 min rest)
1 x 18 x 110
1 x 12 x 110
1 x 11 x 110

Rear Delt Rows (wide bar to Chin)
4 x 20 x 70 lbs

External Rotator Work 2 x 15 x 5 lbs
Stretch 10 min (hip traction, low back stretch)

In the evening I went to my second introduction to Hot Yoga class. I got my low back and sides stretched out nicely. I made sure to super hydrate all day.

10 July
0503 hrs

I lost track of the number of time I read this in the manual and then in my training manual. When I started this program a month a go I skipped this because I was coming off EX which means a month of nothing gym related, my back was tight and I was sore as fuck. This time I was stiff and sore but I knew it was very doable. So this session is the baseline for me to beat for next time. I will add my helmet next time.

2 Km Run for time w/ 20lbs Tac Vest in Magnum Boots
approx 14 min

(I used my phone. Took off when the changed and checked it when I got back.)

I was also supposed to a forced PT session with work.Which aggravated me to know end for a number of reasons. It ended up not happening  but we still had to hang out in the gym for an hour any how so I had to look busy.
Stair Master 15 min @ Lvl 6 weight vest (45 lbs)
Rev Hyper 3 x 10 x 50
GHR 2 x 10

I demonstrated /talked through a few co-workers how to use the GHR and Rev Hyper. As well one of the young guys is learning how to Deadlift. The guy who showed him did a decent job getting him started. I merely added some cues and things for him to focus on.

11 July
0610 hrs

Warm Up: Sled Drags 4 x 100 m x 90 lbs (used the Prowler) Continuous movement until it was done.

Box Jumps (24 “) 
7 x Bodyweight
2 x 8 lbs
4 x Bodyweight

Felt decent enough so I tried adding some weight. Did 2 singles, they were solid but then a group fitness class came over with their instructor at the end of the actual fitness class. She taught them how to climb a rope because i guess someone asked
 I stayed somewhat focused but when people are standing all around you, oblivious other than what they are doing it threw me off a little. The way I had things set up was Box Jump, walk 15 m to the squat cage where I was working next, write in my book and walk back. Repeat until I was done.
Near the end when I came back I had to tell some tired fat dude to get off my Foam box (actual I said “excuse me” with a polite yet aggressive under tone.) The next I saw him he was sitting on the only folding chair in the area. He was avoiding climbing the rope at all costs. He also seem to sit on anything that resembled a seat.
The group was amazed at one point when one of their guys climbed the rope ¾  of the way to the top (maybe 20 ft). He was 6ft and was maybe a buck 60! I hope he could climb. He clearly did not eat enough. Ok I am rambling. The caused me annoyance and disturbed my perfect training universe. I know i should fucking share.
 Back to the task at hand.

DE Box Squat w/ Orange EFS Bands (read: speed, fast)
1 x 2 x 115 lbs & bands
7 x 2 x 125 lbs & bands

Using 35% of Tuesday’s max squat I used 125 lbs with the bands. All reps were solid strong and very fast reps off the box. Exploding back up on every rep. Moved very well.
Then it was time for some clean up work.

Rev Hypers (3-3 Tempo) 3 x 10 x 120 (need to work harder on the 3-3 tempo)
GHR (2 min rest) 17, 13, 13 (super low back pump after the first set of these)
Leg Raise 3 x 15
Full Sit-up w/25lbs plate held to stomach (1 min rest) 3 x 1min x 25 lbs

Those sit-ups by the third set were miserable. But all i could think of was all those times i was laying on the ground with body Armour and having to get up quickly. Did some more hip & shoulder traction. I really think using a barbell instead of the SSB this week made a difference to my bicep tendon insertion up in my shoulder. Not totally aggravated but my Subscap has felt tight and my bicep tendon has been tight to the point of cause very mild shoulder discomfort. Well next week is Deadlift so no worries of squat induce issues. 

12 July 
0815 hrs

1 x 3
10 sets x 5 reps

Supersetted (for the most part) with DE Bench
9 x 3 x 60 lbs & Doubled up Red EFS Band
Barbell Curl (AMRAP)
1 x 75 reps x 60 lbs
The Pull Up /DE Bench took about 25 min. The field house was full of students doing PT so i was forced into the weight room which was nearly empty but I had to change my bench set up. So the bands ended up doubled. So i dropped the weight to try and keep things balanced out. 
I somehow screwed the first set with my shoulder and only got three, not sure what happened. But I sorted myself out and got the 10 sets x 5 reps done. 
When I start getting up into the higher digits for pull ups I will see how I will place my pull up session. It has worked out the past month that I have been doing a pull up day every other week. I am going to push this back to one session every week. What I may do is a morning Pull Up session and then the rest of the prescribe trg 6 hrs later. The Pull Up progression is not a part of Wenning’s program. I am trying not to change it too much. This pull up goal of 20 is something I wanted erased by Christmas at the latest.

Rear Delt Rows (with EFS Strap) to forehead
3 x 20 x 65 lbs
Single Arm KB Swings (1 min Rest)
3 x 1 min x 35 lbs

The KB Swings were done 1 min right/ no rest/ 1 min left/ 1 min rest. Repeat. For all 3 sets. The Barbell curl I stopped. I did not go super crazy as I wanted to be able to hold the KB for swings today. I did get a solid pump in my biceps; I could not touch my shoulders for about 3 hrs afterwards. Lol.

The rest of today and tomorrow I am taking off and relaxing. I will cut some grass and dig up some boulders but very minimal actual work. Rest up for Monday’s Sumo Deadlifting. 
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

8 July 2014 - Stepping out of my usual training circle & FORCE Test results

A some what accurate depiction of me running. 

3 July
0650 hrs

I knew this was going to take 10 min and then I would be finished so I slept in a little and took my time getting to the gym. I decided to use the indoor field house. The humidity does not bother me too much and the clocks on the wall make it convenient so I am not staring at a watch. Anyhow this was exactly what I thought it was going to be: BRUTAL BUT FUN.

1 min on – 50 Sec Rest
1 min on – 40 Sec Rest
1 min on – 30 Sec Rest
1 min on – 20 Sec Rest
1 min on – 10 Sec Rest

I breathed hard for about 2 min afterwards and then I sweat for like 20 min or longer. First 3 rounds I averaged 400 m and then after the breaks dropped off so did my ability to run “fast”.

Combat like training is always enhanced by live music. 
7 July
0635 hrs

Friday was a mess, woke up late, was almost late for work and I ended up having to travel north after work. So I never got this training session completed. I had my FORCE test the following day followed by my ME 1 RM Squat in the afternoon at Mercury Strength & Conditioning . 

KB Swings 2 x 1min x 35 lbs (1 min rest)
Rear Delt Row (EFS strap /to forehead) 3 x 20 x 65 lbs
GHR 2 x 21
Rev Hyper (3-3 Tempo) 2 x 10 x 70 lbs

Light and easy to stretch things out after a lot of driving and weekend where other than an hour of Jits rolling on Sunday before I left was all the activity I had.

8 July

So I wrote about this test last year and gave my honest assessment of it.

My opinion has not changed much. But I was interested to see after of only a month on this new template how I would do. I was pleasantly surprised. My intent is to try and do this test again in Dec to see how the numbers change again. The start of the test is random but I did end up (by chance) starting at the same spot I did last October.

So today’s results (in brackets in the last year's test):

Intermittent Load Carry: 2 min 54 sec (3 min 11 Sec)
Sandbag Drag: 13 sec (15 sec)
20 Meter Rushes: 38 sec (42 sec)
Sandbag lift: 1 min 7 sec (1 min 22 sec)

Definite improvement from 10 months ago from when I last did the test. So I am on the right track. With a little more conditioning and shuttle type work I can definitely get faster with the intermittent load carry & 20 meter rushes. Sandbag drag will come down with a time no doubt, nothing needs to change there. The Sandbag lift is the only event I know I could have done better today. I did not grip the sandbag properly a few times so it slipped out of one hand several times, (not both) causing me to lose time for sure. I know I can do this sub 1 min any day of the week.

From here it was eat, re-hydrate, caffeinate and prepare for my afternoon training session.

1500 hrs
Sled drags 6 x 25 m x 135

Squat (Max Effort – 1 RM)
3 x 5 x Bar (50 lbs – yeah I know all bars are 45 lbs except this one apparently)
1 x 5 x 100
1 x 1 x 140
1 x 3 x 140 (double checking technique)
1 x 2 x 190
1 x 1 x 230
1 x 1 x 280
1 x 1 x 320
1 x 1 x 340
1 x 1 x 360 (1” high)

I am Very excited about this. The 360 did feel unwieldy at all when I un-racked, in fact it felt a little light. I could feel the control and strength starting to wane in my hip so I called it. But the weight moved very fast. I have video. I may get around to posting it but looking at the video I am very happy with my first excursion back to having a straight bar on my back with no box to catch me and NO HIP PAIN.
Awesome Gratuitous Awesome Pic of Awesome. 
Finished up with the following
DB Step Ups (rest 90 sec)
1 x 40 sec x 25 lbs ea hand
2 x 40 sec x 20 lbs ea hand

 40 sec on one side and then 40 sec on the opposite leg. When I switched from Right to Left on the first set it felt like molten lead in my hip so dropped the weight slightly. No pain but the left hip was fatigued and slow.

Db Single DL (Rest 90 sec)
3 x 10 x 40 lbs (alternate back and forth)

Having a careful eye really helped. Jeff coached me through some techniques that helped keep my hip level and making the exercise more effective.

Standing Cable Crunch (EFS Strap /1 Min Rest)
1 x 20 x 70 lbs
2 x 20 x 90 lbs

Single Leg Squats (in squat cage)
3 x 6 x 20 lbs (6 reps ea leg)

I still suck miserably at pistols but it is coming along. I am having to hold onto the rack less and less for balance.

So my first excursion in with a S&C Coach was a success. Very happy with how the session transpired. I will wait a few weeks before going back, probably for one of my conditioning sessions. I will look and going in next week to help spot and move plates for the Powerlifting team at Mercury. It will give me a chance to meet the guys, contribute before taking, and see if it is a good fit for me. I am not sure what my schedule is going to look like in the coming months but having people available to spot and lift heavy with is always a bonus.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

1 July 2014 -Stairway of sweat and I get on my soap box for 3 min

1 July 

Stair Climber (w/45 lbs Weight Vest)
20 min-93 floors-Lvl 8 to 12

So definitely faster than last time and i nearly had this perfect for energy expenditure. I was feeling it the last 5-7 min for sure. Keeping track of my speed, i know i will get a little more next time, 100 floors in 20 min is achievable.

Off the template i did a few more things for blood flow, stability, and recovery. This is an Unload /recovery week after-all. 

45 Deg back Ext 1 x 17
45 Deg Side bends 1 x 13 (L&R)
Ab Wheel 1 x 17
Head Harness 
1 x 25 x 25 lbs
1 x 25 x 45 lbs
1 x 50 x 25 lbs
Rev Hyper (3-3 Count)
1 x 10 x 70 (feet together)
1 x 10 x 70 (feet apart)

As you can see nothing that will cripple me but just a little bit of work to re-enforce stability in my mid section and low back. Then the Rev Hyper to traction my low back after wearing the weight vest. Then i went with the Girl for Ribs, Corn Bread and Pulled Pork for Canada Day!

Public Service Announcement
(stepping up onto soap box)
 Today just before i left the gym I saw something i have not seen in a while.

A young Kid running with his gas mask on. Not an "elevation trainer" or an "O2 trainer". A full on Gas mask. he is not doing this because he is going off to war or some other bullshit. he is doing it because he thinks it is hard core and he will get some cardio benefit from doing sprints on the treadmill and then doing squats with it. Stupidity.

I wish i had all the documentation from everything i have read on this.
Simulating elevation training is useless. It was tested in Mexico with Olympic athletes. They lived at sea level and trained at elevation, with No discernible benefit. So in other words you need to train and Live at elevation for weeks to get the benefit, and it is only for a short window.

Using a gas mask over pressurizes your internal system. It puts extra strain on your heart O2 is restricted and CO2 rises in the system creating more of a strain. Not to mention the over pressure on your lungs.
Also with him being a soldier all his moist breathe will create fungus in his canister unless swapped out.

Don't take my word for it. Research it yourself. If you don't agree i don't really care. This is my opnion based off the research i found.

The debate is still out on lactic acid training which a gas mask or snorkel will do. i just don't care enough to look back into it at this time.

If you are looking to create a mind trauma environment the gas mask will do it. But that could be achieved with wind sprints, KB swings, Prowler sprints all with short rest periods. The mind does shut down and fear settles in when Oxygen deficient. This does need to be taught /trained sometimes.

(Ok stepping off the Soap box now.)

Keep Moving forward, Keep getting Strong(er)