Not an accurate depiction of me going to see my RMT |
Notes from a Visit with the Shaman:
I neglected to talk about this yesterday when i summed up Friday's training.
-he cleaned up some nasty tightness going on in my QL and spinal erectors. This was from Deadlifting the day before.
-My Sacrum was slightly shifted so he pushed that back into place.
-We discussed my last 3 weeks since i saw him. Which is why we checked my back before getting to my hip. I did have a few ribs locked up in my T1 & T2 on my right side which explained why i had weird tightness going on in my neck.
-As for the hip we reviewed the pails and rails (90 /90 position) at my request. I definitely get in the position easier and i look more comfortable in the 90 /90 position.
-The next progression is the butterfly stretch, to be done after the 90/90 session. The hip definitely responds and we can work through the discomfort /pain and lessen it.
-The other thing i will be working is a simple Hip Rotation to get my body used the increased ROM.
-He agreed the Box Squatting will help and as the ROM improves i will lessen the height of the box to get more depth.
-it is awesome to walk out of the Shaman's office with both hips feeling open and relaxed. So i know it will come, I just have to be patient.
1710 hrs
I know ultimately i will have to squat again. But the Squatting onto a box is a temporary fix. The SSB is to change things up and also to let my shoulders rest a little and help me focus on arching harder while i squat.
Banded Hip Series 1 x 13 x Black EFS Band
Hip Mobility Series X 1 x 11
Banded Shoulder Series 1 x 9 x Red EFS Band
SSB Box Squats (1 inch above parallel)
2 x 9 x Bar
1 x 7 x Bar (Orange Mini Band around Knees)
1 x 5 x 115
1 x 5 x 145
1 x 3 x 170
1 x 5 x 185 (Red Wraps)
1 x 5 x 215 (Red Wraps)
1 x 11 x 240 (Red Wraps & Belt)
First /Last
3 x 9 x 185
Hip felt touchy but decent, low back is still jacked so very glad i was Squatting onto a box. The SSB definitely fire up the Abs and Obliques, burning on the last few drop sets after yesterdays ab work.
Sumo Deadlift
1 x 9 x 40 kg
6 x 9 x 60 kg
Face Pulls 4 x 15 x Black EFS Band
I supersetted the Sumo Deadlifts with the Face Pulls. An odd choice but worked well enough. Not sure why i decided to do 6 work sets of Sumo but it was challenging and draining for sure. I felt my hips being stretched out and challenged. I did make a point of contracting everything hard at the top especially my glutes and VMO.
Bench Step Up & Over 4 Sets
TKE's 2 x 21 x Grey EFS Band
Single Leg work. The Step ups are just as described. Step up one leg, the other leg then step down the other side. Not pushing the pace on these it is just as much about working the ROM. These simple step up and down slightly irritated the scar tissue /screw in my knee. Which tells me this is another ROM that I have to work. Just like the lunges last week were irritating they are not as much of an issue now.
I took a lot of time stretching my hip as well as doing the 90 /90 stretch /ROM work.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er) |
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