Thursday, January 2, 2014

2 Jan 2013 - Have the Frost Giants returned?

1030 hrs

Banded Hip Series 11 x EFS Black Band for all movements
Hip Mobility Series X 11 reps
Banded Shoulder Series 13 x EFS Red band
Rollovers 11
Wipers 11
Going into today my hip was feeling better but a little tight still. So i took the time and went through the warm up series with intention but also speed to get my blood going and warm my body up. It is fucking COLD outside today so i definitely needed to warm up and I trained in a hoodie through the whole session.

2 x 5 x 135
1 x 5 x 170
1 x 3 x 205
1 x 5 x 220
1 x 5 x 255
1 x 10 x 285

Joker Sets
1 x 5 x 320

First /Last
4 x 5 x 320
This was a very good session. I figured out i had been setting up too far away from the bar. it was only the difference of an inch or slightly more but getting the inch closer to the bar made a huge difference. I could feel the slack coming out of the bar and have it lift off the floor in my lighter set ups. The other key piece of my technique was hips to the bar. lastly it was tightness. I made a point to get even tighter than normal. It all paid off.  The 10 reps with the 285 lbs went very smooth and quick. the ten reps went up and down like a metronome. The 5 reps with the 320 were still very quick but i could tell my body was starting to get tired so i called the Joker sets there and moved to the drop down weight for some extra volume.

Front Squats 
1 x 9 x Bar (heels on 2 x 6 block)
1 x 9 x Bar (heels on 2.5 lbs plates)
1 x 9 x 95 lbs
1 x 9 x 115
1 x 9 x 135

The Front Squats i am using to help my hips open back up. Yet another idea i got from J.L. Holdsworth. I did a few reps flat on the ground but i could my hip flexor straining just before rock bottom and coming out of the whole. Not pain but discomfort. The 2 x 6 Block made the discomfort disappear completely but was a little high. The 2.5 lbs plates still made the hip feel better but only when i was locked in the proper groove. So bingo, I stayed with the 2.5 plates for the remainder of the sets. I will be pushing the weight on these in sets of 7-9 reps in the next 6 weeks or so to see if my hip improves.

Head Harness 5 x 21 x 25 lbs
TKE's 2 x 21 x EFS Gray band
Lunges 3 sets (did not count the reps)

The head harness sets i did  between a few of the Front Squat sets and then between the TKE's and Lunges. The Lunges i am using to strengthen and stretch my hip as well as try to bring some balance. I am not really counting reps doing doing some walking lunges till they start get tough then i stop. I want to try and do some form of lunge, box step, deep side step daily. So the volume will be low but daily. TKE's are for Knee Health.
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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