Monday, June 24, 2013

24 June 2013-...and just like that the tide has turned!

So i took the weekend to continue to just simply do my rehab exercises, Take minimal Robaxacet to calm my back discomfort, visit with with friends, and as always drive all over the country side. Things were feeling slightly better but with odd positions causing chronic ache in my rear delt and triceps as well as my upper back. So really not much had changed.

A friend of mine who is going to school for Physio had made a few suggestions. Which paid off because they at least gave me ideas on what my pain triggers were.

I saw my Physio this morning and we discussed them. As well as my ailing, uncomfortable Psoas (this will come into play later in the day).

My physio did the usual assessment of movement and we established some additional movements to practice to re-train my shoulder blade.
She worked my upper Thoracic Spine (T-2 /T-3) finding my T-2 extremely locked up. She eased it up so i walked out of my physio appointment feeling better but still not a hundred percent.

We both agreed that it felt like something, one thing, was off causing all the issues. Once we found it then things would fall back into place.

This afternoon i also had a RMT appointment. This RMT actually works with my Physio at another clinic. So the to health professionals were able to discuss my symptoms /issues. Which saved time when i came in the door.

The RMT i will call "Shaman". He did as many assessments if not more than my Physio has done to date. This was not your average massage appointment (no i am not talking about those parlors in Thailand you sicko's!). I am used to a basic sit down of 5 - 10 min and then have the RMT smash muscle knots for an hr and you walk out of there relaxed.

The Shaman was totally different. He did multiple assessments. Checking posture, strength from various angles. Due to the fact i had no muscle atrophy there was a few signs pointing to neural issues. Basically a few things had forgotten how to fire properly. So what he found in a nutshell:

-My left humerus was sitting pretty far forward. he actually set it back in during the initial stages of his assessment because it would throw to many things off. Simply by pushing it back in a lot of my discomfort subsided. I will say this resetting my humerus was pretty painful.  THIS WAS HUGE #1!

-So after several more assessments he had me lay face down to check my T Spine. Low and behold that Rhomboid tightness was actually 2 Ribs out of joint. Almost instantly everything in my back relaxed and he tested to see and alot of minor things had improved strength wise. POP! POP! HUGE #2! 

-Then he check the rest of my Thoracic spine and cracked the rest of my back. Crrrrrraaaccck! Weeks of feeling like the tin man gone!

-At this point he finally did some soft tissue work on my trap and upper back. Then worked very briefly on my Tricep, Pec Minor /Major, as well as my rear delt. He released my Pec which had started to tighten in a compensatory fashion.

He reassessed and even the strange weakness in my left hand (he was checking the strength of my fingers) was gone. There was noticeable improvement in my my grip strength and all of my left side tests.

-downward rotation was partially off, he gave me homework for the next 3 weeks to turn this back on (less than 3 min a day) Huge Number 3!

-Rear Delt will need more Lax ball work. it is still ropy.

I mentioned offhandedly about how my hips were tight and i had thrown my back out riding my bike. I still had time so he quickly checked. Sure enough my left side lumbar was stiff and a little off. He set me into position and snap, crackle, pop! Huge #4! MY PSOAS pain was instantly gone! He explained that the vertebrate that were out of place were the ones causing the Psoa discomfort.

So in about an hour i had everything majorly causing me issues fixed. I will be back to see the Shaman in 3 weeks. i will see my Physio in the mean time to monitor.

I am giving my body the evening to relax and let these adjustments settle in. Tomorrow i start focusing in on the Bench only meet in Ottawa. If this holds i feel ready to go. i will ramp it up gradually. A lot of strength is still there i just have to get everything working the way it should and i have the time to do it. It will take some focused intelligent training but i got this.

It feels great to be back on the train and not being dragged by it. final surgeon's appointment is later this week.

I will return to actual training log sessions tomorrow. first up....DEADLIFT
Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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