Thursday, June 20, 2013

20 June 2013- The Contemplative Meathead

This is not me bitching. This is not me Moaning. This is not me looking for encouragement or well wishes. This is apart of my path during my recovery.

This is record of things that are going on right now with me physically. I thought I was averting what is going on right now. Unfortunately my body has other thoughts.

This is entry is more for a record for myself. I have been training. But a lot of what i have been doing is rehab, foam rolling and stretching with a bands to get some traction. Despite all this my body, my joints in particular feel tight.

My Knees i expect and accept because i am still doing the Eccentric work on the leg press.

Riding my bike to work did throw my back out slightly. this is because my hips are too tight. so the my low back stretching and my vertebrate shifted as a result.

My Rhomboid, Shoulder blade, External rotator is a bigger issue. No. Trickier than i expected. I have a lot of my strength back in my external roatator. but a lot of phantom tightness /discomfort through my Rear delt, trapezius, and Tricep. The only time i feel decent is when i am in the gym lifting and the muscles are warm and full of blood. Things are improving but very slowly.

After i reset my back on Monday i did go full Meat Head and decided to Squat. Things felt decent enough but by the last set i could feel my external rotator was fatiguing and starting to hate me.

I still haven't t done face pulls in nearly 3 weeks.

Also my Left hip flexor /groin /Adductor ( i really am just guessing) is now feeling strained.

The common theme trough all this? MY LEFT SIDE

My brother called it the other day. (he is a YOGA instructor). "yeah Your body is balancing out after months of compensating and being out of balance."

On the positive side of things. My Deadlift is improving technique wise which means heavier weights are getting lighter. I have even more rehab exercises in my tool box and i am figuring out how to rehab and keep myself healthier down the road.

I will admit i am mildly annoyed at all this. But also i found the humurous irony. At this stage i should be ramping things up to full. Instead i am sputtering and stalling. I have to find something to keep me focused and on keel. Until then i will keep plugging away at the exercises i know are important. I will keep stretching and traction my body. But most of all i will keep moving Forward, even if that means i have to turn around and head back a short distance to turn around again.

Out of all of this i am able to stay focused on the truly important things. It is allowing me to hone and focus my long term goals. As always "what can i do today to get me to one of those goals?"

This is apart of my path. I may get annoyed or discouraged, but this is always temporary. The fire burns inside me and i also have a phenomenal group of people behind me helping me, coaching me, making me laugh, and inspiring me to keep biting and scratching as long as there is breath in me. I knew this was not going to be easy last July 2012. Being in the middle of it is a lot easier.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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