Finally, you can't help but live true to what is, whatever is. You stop trying to buoy yourself with motivation and positive thinking. You open as the lack and the darkness you sometimes feel. You are willing to feel, breathe and be everything, dark and light. Opening in every now-moment, your life is no longer lived as a hope for success and love, but as an unfolding openness."
-David Deida, 'Blue Truth'
Got the above quote off Facebook a few weeks ago.
So De-Load week is completed. I got a few cardio sessions in, did a few short lifting sessions just to cause blood flow, figured out a rep max for Incline Press and got in to see the Shaman for some much need massage therapy.
-Scar restricting movement hindering extension which led to Glute shutting down.
-used the cups (felt like a crossfitter) to move things are and loosen up my piriformis, TFL, hip flexor, and quad.
-used the Stim machine to make the glute fire properly now that the stuff in the front was not fighting things.
-I walked in there with my hip feeling like i had molasses in the muscles and that I would be semi-crippled with my low back pain and weakness in my hip.
-I walked out feeling like i could run again and i could stand in proper posture without having to fight to be in. Zero low back pain and nearly non-existent hip discomfort.
-He also gave me activation and strengthening homework.
There is a reason I call him the Shaman. He proved it yet again. I did honestly not think i could that much better in under an hour. I was in a real bad state physically and mentally going into this appointment so it was a very much welcomed relief.
The New Schedule which looks very similar to the last 3 weeks:
Squat (5/3/1 w/ FSL 5x5)
Incline Bench 1x10x40%,50% /3x10x60%
Pull Ups (Bodyweight) 10x5 (increasing volume weekly)
Abs 5 sets
KB Swings 1x30x53
Conditioning -Step Mill- 2 x 20min CHI
KB Swings 1x30
Bench (5/3/1 w/ FSL 5x5)
Cable Rows 5x10-20reps
Triceps 5x10-20
Abs 5 sets
KB Swings 1x30x53
Conditioning -Step Mill- 100 floors as fast as possible
DL (5/3/1 w/FSL 5x5)
OH Press (5/3/1 w/FSL 5x5)
Weighted Pull ups 5x5
Abs 5sets
KB Swings 1x30x53
Weekends and some evenings I will do 40-60min of "Cardio" simply to sweat and recover. It usually looks like this:
10-30min each of:Elliptical -30secON/2min Off Intervals
Treadmill -I mess with the incline while trying to increase the pace
Bike-Intensity and Pace that is quick but does not induce Muscle Acidosis (formally known as Lactic Acid build up /burn)
KB Swings
I sweat from these session and never walk away tired. This is active recovery and simply an added calorie burn during the week.
*"Stuff" refers to exercises such as:
Band Pull Aparts, Facepulls, Bicep curls-various in nature, Tricep work-various in nature, push ups-varius in nature
All Stuff exercises are completed in 1x100 or a few sets as possible to get to 100reps.
Abs: consists of Stir the pot, Bosu Sit Ups, Side Plank (alternating on a 5count), and kneeling or standing static holds
Back Ext to start every session 2-3 sets 5-20 reps.
KB Swings
Tightening it up. I just need to get through mids without hitting the shift canteen for snacks. In other words I need to eat more before shift and bring more food. Otherwise I only eat eggs, bacon, ground pork or ground beef, rice, spinach.
Still drinking the Tumeric "Tonic" i described last time. Calling it a "Tonic" makes me feel like it came from Victorian Era Great Britain.
So I also got a new Physio this week. This guy has been doing the job for 16+yrs so he has seen and treated alot of things. So having the experience is nice. I expressed my situation and displeasure having 4 Physio's since Surgery realizing it is also situational. He is not going anywhere so i should be good for the next few months. It is getting to the point where i need hone in and focus fully. My medical category at work expires around the beginning of June. I need to be 100% by then. I know I will get there, I simply need him to keep me healthy enough to keep pushing as hard as I need to.
My career is riding on this recovery and we are nearing the time for the final prepatory training stage.
No Jits last week during my deload. First my back was too messed and then after seeing the Shaman i wanted to rest it a few days to make sure everything had time to settle. The week before was a successful return to the mats. 4 trg sessions within 5 days. I will continue that this week now that things are feeling better.
I will go through and cover the new exercises next time. Thanks for reading.
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