Friday, July 22, 2016

21 July - Striding forward...

15 May
1340 hrs
First session back and I slowly stalk around the weight room because I don't want to limp.It might just make me a little more intimidating. HA! 

I had considered going to Yoga in the early evening. Two factors came into play that made me decided against that idea; I had promised myself at least a day in between sessions so as to let me body adjust the first few weeks, and because this was my first official weight room session Post-Op and I fucking crushed it! Walked away fatigued yet energized. I did a lot of this by feel and with the mindset of pushing the reps and feeling the muscle in all exercises except the Incline Bench, it was treated as a movement.

Warm Up:
Rev Incline Bench Rear Delt Rows
1 x 21 x 20lbs
3 x 21 x 25lbs

Main Movement:
Incline Bench
1 x 11 x Bar
1 x 11 x 65
1 x 11 x 85
1 x 11 x 95
1 x 11 x 105
1 x 11 x 115
Why Eleven reps? Because it is one more than 10 and even numbers are the devil's play thing.
Felt very solid. Flexed the lats hard at the bottom, keeping the bar about 1" off my chest consistently. Grip was narrow (ring finger on the ring)

Accessory /Supplementary /Muscle building stuff:
Pull Ups 5 x 3 reps
Rope Pull Downs 5 x 21 x 115
Rev Incline Bench Rear Delt Laterals 5 x 11 x 15
Rev Incline Bench Db Curls 1 x 33 x 15
Meadows Shrugs 3 x 21 x 15 lbs
Face Pulls 3 x 17 x 70 lbs
The little bit of work i have been doing at home paid off. I did not have one those first day back after a long lay off sessions where your muscles just fatigue and drop off mid set. Finished up the evening by stopping in to watch a Jits class, get my head back into grappling so when I make a return things will be fresh in my mind. Tonight's class covered a variety of collar chokes with the Gi. Just to work on as many little things as I can, just a sprinkling at a time. A glass can fill up with water just as easily one drop at a time.

16 July
0745 hrs

Swimming (life jacket)-  approx 400 m x approx 10 min
I decided to swim out to the Anchor Buoy today. My estimation of distance is way off. I started swimming and realized hey this is way more than 100m. Thought about turning around for about 0.5 of a sec and then thought nah fuck it I said I was swimming to the Buoy so that is what i will do and kept going regardless of how ill conceived of an idea it may have suddenly seemed. I was swimming in calm water and with a life jacket on.

Yoga -Yin Yang Class
This is a slower paced class designed for people stressed out, hurt and junk. Much slower and less challenging for my hip (and mind) from a muscular stand point. A lot of the poses I did find borderline painful (in a good way) which made for an interesting session. This is what I am looking for moving into and out abnormal positions so that my hip regains full ROM and mobility.
As I am right now I cannot sit on the floor crossed legged. It is little things like that I want to change.

17 July

1440 hrs
Swimming - 400 m w/ Life Jacket and Fins (less than 10 min i guess)
The Fins add resistance for the legs and glutes. It felt decent enough. Doing a lot more combat side swim, do it properly it requires a greater range of motion. Not quit there yet but trying to challenge the ROM a little every time out. Swim felt great then stepping out of the water onto the dock I managed to tweak my glute, painful but not damaging, had to take a second to breathe and let the muscles calm down.

18 July
1040 hrs
Physio Notes:
-I moved back to my city Physio. I transition back to work next week and I wanted to get this piece of the puzzle back in place first.
-she beat the crap out of me for nearly an hour.
-from her testing she determined my ROM needs some work, so in the mean time no thera bands.
-clamshells by intervals of 50 are in order.
-cobra push ups and side planks are back on the menu as well for the time being.
-during her testing we discovered my low back (S1, L5, L4) is stiff and not moving at all forcing the work load higher up. This is the same problem pre-surgery except now we can address it properly with my hips back in alignment.
-just we 10 cobra push ups the ROM through my hip increased by 30 degrees. Hence the reason the lower back mobility is so important for now.
-Abductors are soft and weak, hence the clam shells as well the internal rotations.
-alot of bending and twisting and turning alot of which i will admit fucking hurt but is a necessary punishment to get things moving.
-She covered how to smash up my scar to keep it free floating and not allow it to bind up to the muscle tissue in my leg.
Exciting stuff overall. I walked out of there sore but feeling better.

19 July
1545 hrs
Single Arm Sled rows 3 x 70 ft x 90 lbs
Floor Press 
1 x 10 x Bar
1 x 8 x  95
1 x 8 x 115
3 x 8 x 135
Sled Face Pulls 3 x 70 ft x 90 lbs
Lying Tricep extensions 1 x 50 x Chains
Rear Delt Laterals (head resting) 1 x 50 x 15 lbs
Hammer Curls 1 x 50 x 15 lbs
Plank L 10 sec R 30 sec
Cobra Push Ups 1 x 25
Outside /Inside yard session in the afternoon sun. Just enough stress on the recovery side. I started the day with 25 cobra push ups and 100 clam shells. I will finish the day with another 100 clam shells before going to sleep. Already things are less "twingey" and "burny" through my glutes making things feel strong(er) and stable.
20 July

Due to the ferry I missed Yoga class so i did 20 min at home with a few stretches and movements that i know help my low back.
1330 hrs 
Got in the gym for a short session before meeting some friends.
Rev Hyper 25 reps total
GHR 5 reps total
Back Ext 25 reps total
Meadows Shrugs 2 x 25 x 20 lbs
So it was meant to be some light testing to see mow my low back is holding up and if I would have any reaction to the direct strength /movement work. A few hours later everything feels strong(er) and tighter so I think I can start increasing the frequency and volume of this these exercises. I will finish up the day with more cobra push up,  clam shells, and side plank.

21 July 
this is my style of cpap mask. It is NOT sexy. HA

Yoga -Basic class 
Everything felt slightly better than last week. Still problems with transitions and getting out of some positions yet overall I could feel improvement. I had originally intended on swimming until I woke up and felt my low back. It felt stiff and sore in a great way. I will repeat the series from Wednesday again Saturday morning and then make a point of swimming in the afternoon. When I left Yoga class my low back and hip felt much better allowing me to do an evening session with the sled.

1550 hrs
Sled Drags w/ Harness
1 x 70 ft x 45
1 x 70 ft x 90
11 x 70 ft x 115
 Another back yard session. I did get a sweat on, mostly due to the 35 deg weather. This allowed me to simply build some GPP through my legs and hips so when i do start Deadlifting and Squatting I will have a slightly bigger gas tank. It also felt good to simply flush my leg out. My yard has gentle contours so the weight get lighter and heavier at certain spots which helps to break things up.

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