Friday, June 3, 2016

2 June - Two weeks Post Op

"Resourcefulness is the ultimate resource.... Most people have not gotten themselves to where they are ready to burn their boats.Most people if put in a situation where they will die or succed tend to succed. So if you want to take the fucking island, then burn your fucking boats. With absolute commitment come the insights that create real victory.”-Tony Robbins

1 June 

-More mobility in the kitchen.
-During rehab exercises this morning there was a slight pull in my left glute during squats. So I finished up my exercises and gave myself a few extra hours before going through them again. I was going slow, concentrating. What i think happened is with the swelling going down things are re-activating and positioning. All apart of the process.

2 June
Finally out of the house for the first time 11 days. 

 I finally got to leave the house to get my staples removed. Which surprisingly was totally pain free. I had considered removing them myself if it was not for the fact i was scared of bleeding complications from being on blood thinners. Which was an unfounded thought entirely. The Doctor dabbed my hip twice and that was it for bleeding.

The staple remover looks like scissors.

29 Staples removed easy peasy

So now comes the next stage as the incision does the last portion of it's healing. So while it is doing that I have to keep up with the Rehab exercises to keep any scarring as pliable and not let it stiffen up. I am also doing some light massaging of the area also. So far no itchiness.

Overall things feel pretty good. My Abductor feels a little strained, not anything to be too concerned about. The IT /Knee Pain feels better and not swollen. Things are moving forward. Having fun with the process every day.

Keep Moving Forward, Keep Getting Strong(er)

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